Source code for flytekitplugins.kfmpi.task

This Plugin adds the capability of running distributed MPI training to Flyte using backend plugins, natively on
Kubernetes. It leverages `MPI Job <>`_ Plugin from kubeflow.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from flyteidl.plugins.kubeflow import common_pb2 as kubeflow_common
from flyteidl.plugins.kubeflow import mpi_pb2 as mpi_task
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict

from flytekit import PythonFunctionTask, Resources
from flytekit.configuration import SerializationSettings
from flytekit.core.resources import convert_resources_to_resource_model
from flytekit.extend import TaskPlugins

class RestartPolicy(Enum):
    RestartPolicy describes how the replicas should be restarted

    ALWAYS = kubeflow_common.RESTART_POLICY_ALWAYS
    NEVER = kubeflow_common.RESTART_POLICY_NEVER

class CleanPodPolicy(Enum):
    CleanPodPolicy describes how to deal with pods when the job is finished.

    NONE = kubeflow_common.CLEANPOD_POLICY_NONE
    ALL = kubeflow_common.CLEANPOD_POLICY_ALL

class RunPolicy:
    RunPolicy describes some policy to apply to the execution of a kubeflow job.
        clean_pod_policy: Defines the policy for cleaning up pods after the PyTorchJob completes. Default to None.
        ttl_seconds_after_finished (int): Defines the TTL for cleaning up finished PyTorchJobs.
        active_deadline_seconds (int): Specifies the duration (in seconds) since startTime during which the job.
        can remain active before it is terminated. Must be a positive integer. This setting applies only to pods.
        where restartPolicy is OnFailure or Always.
        backoff_limit (int): Number of retries before marking this job as failed.

    clean_pod_policy: CleanPodPolicy = None
    ttl_seconds_after_finished: Optional[int] = None
    active_deadline_seconds: Optional[int] = None
    backoff_limit: Optional[int] = None

class Worker:
    Worker replica configuration. Worker command can be customized. If not specified, the worker will use
    default command generated by the mpi operator.

    command: Optional[List[str]] = None
    image: Optional[str] = None
    requests: Optional[Resources] = None
    limits: Optional[Resources] = None
    replicas: Optional[int] = None
    restart_policy: Optional[RestartPolicy] = None

class Launcher:
    Launcher replica configuration. Launcher command can be customized. If not specified, the launcher will use
    the command specified in the task signature.

    command: Optional[List[str]] = None
    image: Optional[str] = None
    requests: Optional[Resources] = None
    limits: Optional[Resources] = None
    replicas: Optional[int] = None
    restart_policy: Optional[RestartPolicy] = None

[docs] @dataclass class MPIJob(object): """ Configuration for an executable `MPI Job <>`_. Use this to run distributed training on k8s with MPI Args: launcher: Configuration for the launcher replica group. worker: Configuration for the worker replica group. run_policy: Configuration for the run policy. slots: The number of slots per worker used in the hostfile. num_launcher_replicas: [DEPRECATED] The number of launcher server replicas to use. This argument is deprecated. num_workers: [DEPRECATED] The number of worker replicas to spawn in the cluster for this job """ launcher: Launcher = field(default_factory=lambda: Launcher()) worker: Worker = field(default_factory=lambda: Worker()) run_policy: Optional[RunPolicy] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) slots: int = 1 # Support v0 config for backwards compatibility num_launcher_replicas: Optional[int] = None num_workers: Optional[int] = None
class MPIFunctionTask(PythonFunctionTask[MPIJob]): """ Plugin that submits a MPIJob (see defined by the code within the _task_function to k8s cluster. """ _MPI_JOB_TASK_TYPE = "mpi" _MPI_BASE_COMMAND = [ "mpirun", "--allow-run-as-root", "-bind-to", "none", "-map-by", "slot", "-x", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "-x", "PATH", "-x", "NCCL_DEBUG=INFO", "-mca", "pml", "ob1", "-mca", "btl", "^openib", ] def __init__(self, task_config: MPIJob, task_function: Callable, **kwargs): if task_config.num_workers and task_config.worker.replicas: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify both `num_workers` and `worker.replicas`. Please use `worker.replicas` as `num_workers` is depreacated." ) if task_config.num_workers is None and task_config.worker.replicas is None: raise ValueError( "Must specify either `num_workers` or `worker.replicas`. Please use `worker.replicas` as `num_workers` is depreacated." ) if task_config.num_launcher_replicas and task_config.launcher.replicas: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify both `num_workers` and `launcher.replicas`. Please use `launcher.replicas` as `num_launcher_replicas` is depreacated." ) if task_config.num_launcher_replicas is None and task_config.launcher.replicas is None: raise ValueError( "Must specify either `num_workers` or `launcher.replicas`. Please use `launcher.replicas` as `num_launcher_replicas` is depreacated." ) super().__init__( task_config=task_config, task_function=task_function, task_type=self._MPI_JOB_TASK_TYPE, # task_type_version controls the version of the task template, do not change task_type_version=1, **kwargs, ) def _convert_replica_spec( self, replica_config: Union[Launcher, Worker] ) -> mpi_task.DistributedMPITrainingReplicaSpec: resources = convert_resources_to_resource_model(requests=replica_config.requests, limits=replica_config.limits) return mpi_task.DistributedMPITrainingReplicaSpec( command=replica_config.command, replicas=replica_config.replicas, image=replica_config.image, resources=resources.to_flyte_idl() if resources else None, restart_policy=replica_config.restart_policy.value if replica_config.restart_policy else None, ) def _convert_run_policy(self, run_policy: RunPolicy) -> kubeflow_common.RunPolicy: return kubeflow_common.RunPolicy( clean_pod_policy=run_policy.clean_pod_policy.value if run_policy.clean_pod_policy else None, ttl_seconds_after_finished=run_policy.ttl_seconds_after_finished, active_deadline_seconds=run_policy.active_deadline_seconds, backoff_limit=run_policy.backoff_limit, ) def _get_base_command(self, settings: SerializationSettings) -> List[str]: return super().get_command(settings) def get_command(self, settings: SerializationSettings) -> List[str]: cmd = self._get_base_command(settings) if self.task_config.num_workers: num_workers = self.task_config.num_workers else: num_workers = self.task_config.worker.replicas num_procs = num_workers * self.task_config.slots mpi_cmd = self._MPI_BASE_COMMAND + ["-np", f"{num_procs}"] + ["python", settings.entrypoint_settings.path] + cmd # the hostfile is set automatically by MPIOperator using env variable OMPI_MCA_orte_default_hostfile return mpi_cmd def get_custom(self, settings: SerializationSettings) -> Dict[str, Any]: worker = self._convert_replica_spec(self.task_config.worker) if self.task_config.num_workers: worker.replicas = self.task_config.num_workers launcher = self._convert_replica_spec(self.task_config.launcher) if self.task_config.num_launcher_replicas: launcher.replicas = self.task_config.num_launcher_replicas run_policy = self._convert_run_policy(self.task_config.run_policy) if self.task_config.run_policy else None mpi_job = mpi_task.DistributedMPITrainingTask( worker_replicas=worker, launcher_replicas=launcher, slots=self.task_config.slots, run_policy=run_policy, ) return MessageToDict(mpi_job) @dataclass class HorovodJob(object): """ Configuration for an executable `Horovod Job using MPI operator<>`_. Use this to run distributed training on k8s with MPI. For more info, check out Running Horovod<>`_. Args: worker: Worker configuration for the job. launcher: Launcher configuration for the job. run_policy: Configuration for the run policy. slots: Number of slots per worker used in hostfile (default: 1). verbose: Optional flag indicating whether to enable verbose logging (default: False). log_level: Optional string specifying the log level (default: "INFO"). discovery_script_path: Path to the discovery script used for host discovery (default: "/etc/mpi/"). num_launcher_replicas: [DEPRECATED] The number of launcher server replicas to use. This argument is deprecated. Please use launcher.replicas instead. num_workers: [DEPRECATED] The number of worker replicas to spawn in the cluster for this job. Please use worker.replicas instead. """ worker: Worker = field(default_factory=lambda: Worker()) launcher: Launcher = field(default_factory=lambda: Launcher()) run_policy: Optional[RunPolicy] = field(default_factory=lambda: None) slots: int = 1 verbose: Optional[bool] = False log_level: Optional[str] = "INFO" discovery_script_path: Optional[str] = "/etc/mpi/" # Support v0 config for backwards compatibility num_launcher_replicas: Optional[int] = None num_workers: Optional[int] = None class HorovodFunctionTask(MPIFunctionTask): """ For more info, check out """ # Customize your setup here. Please ensure the cmd, path, volume, etc are available in the pod. def __init__(self, task_config: HorovodJob, task_function: Callable, **kwargs): super().__init__( task_config=task_config, task_function=task_function, **kwargs, ) def get_command(self, settings: SerializationSettings) -> List[str]: cmd = self._get_base_command(settings) mpi_cmd = self._get_horovod_prefix() + cmd return mpi_cmd def _get_horovod_prefix(self) -> List[str]: np = self.task_config.worker.replicas * self.task_config.slots log_level = self.task_config.log_level base_cmd = [ "horovodrun", "-np", f"{np}", "--log-level", f"{log_level}", "--network-interface", "eth0", "--min-np", f"{np}", "--max-np", f"{np}", "--slots-per-host", f"{self.task_config.slots}", "--host-discovery-script", self.task_config.discovery_script_path, ] if self.task_config.verbose: base_cmd.append("--verbose") return base_cmd # Register the MPI Plugin into the flytekit core plugin system TaskPlugins.register_pythontask_plugin(MPIJob, MPIFunctionTask) TaskPlugins.register_pythontask_plugin(HorovodJob, HorovodFunctionTask)