
Tags: Advanced, Design

Admin Structure#

FlyteAdmin serves as the main Flyte API to process all client requests to the system. Clients include the FlyteConsole, which calls:

  1. FlyteAdmin to list the workflows, get execution details, etc.

  2. Flytekit, which in turn calls FlyteAdmin to register, launch workflows, etc.

Below, we’ll dive into each component defined in admin in more detail.


FlyteAdmin uses the grpc-gateway library to serve incoming gRPC and HTTP requests with identical handlers. Refer to the admin service definition for a detailed API overview, including request and response entities. The RPC handlers are thin shims that enforce request structure validation and call out to the appropriate manager methods to process requests.

You can find a detailed explanation of the service in the admin service page.


The Admin API is broken up into entities:

  • Executions

  • Launch plans

  • Node Executions

  • Projects (and their respective domains)

  • Task Executions

  • Tasks

  • Workflows

Each API entity has an entity manager in FlyteAdmin responsible for implementing business logic for the entity. Entity managers handle full validation of creating, updating and getting requests and data persistence in the backing store (see the Repository section).

Additional Components#

The managers utilize additional components to process requests. These additional components include:

  • workflow engine: compiles workflows and launches workflow executions from launch plans.

  • data (remote cloud storage): offloads data blobs to the configured cloud provider.

  • runtime: loads values from a config file to assign task resources, initialization values, execution queues, and more.

  • async processes: provides functions to schedule and execute the workflows as well as enqueue and trigger notifications.


Serialized entities (tasks, workflows, launch plans) and executions (workflow-, node- and task-) are stored as protos defined here. We use the excellent gorm library to interface with our database, which currently supports a Postgres implementation. You can find the actual code for issuing queries with gorm in the gormimpl directory.


Database models are defined in the models directory and correspond 1:1 with the database tables 0.

The full set of database tables includes:

  • executions

  • execution_events

  • launch_plans

  • node_executions

  • node_execution_events

  • tasks

  • task_executions

  • workflows

These database models inherit primary keys and indexes as defined in the corresponding models file.

The repositories code also includes transformers. These convert entities from the database format to a response format for the external API. If you change either of these structures, you must change the corresponding transformers too.

Component Details#

This section dives into the details of each top-level directory defined in pkg/.

Asynchronous Components#

Notifications and schedules are handled by async routines that are responsible for enqueuing and subsequently processing dequeued messages.

FlyteAdmin uses the gizmo toolkit to abstract queueing implementation. Gizmo’s pubsub library offers implementations for Amazon SNS/SQS, Google Pubsub, Kafka topics, and publishing over HTTP.

For the sandbox development, no-op implementations of the notifications and schedule handlers are used to remove external cloud dependencies.


As the name implies, common houses shared components used across different FlyteAdmin components in a single, top-level directory to avoid cyclic dependencies. These components include execution naming and phase utils, query filter definitions, query sorting definitions, and named constants.


Data interfaces are primarily handled by the storage library implemented in flytestdlib. However, neither this nor the underlying stow library expose HEAD support. Hence, the data package in admin exists as the layer responsible for additional, remote data operations.


The errors directory contains centrally defined errors that are designed for compatibility with gRPC statuses.


Values specific to the FlyteAdmin application, including task, workflow registration, and execution are configured in the runtime directory. These interfaces expose values configured in the flyteadmin top-level key in the application config.

Workflow engine#

This directory contains the interfaces to build and execute workflows leveraging FlytePropeller compiler and client components.


Given the unique naming constraints, some models are redefined in migration_models to guarantee unique index values.

FlyteAdmin Service Background#


The admin service definition defines REST operations for the entities that FlyteAdmin administers.

As a refresher, the primary entities across Flyte maps to FlyteAdmin entities.

Static entities#

These include:

  • Workflows

  • Tasks

  • Launch Plans

Permitted operations include:

  • Create

  • Get

  • List

The above entities are designated by an identifier that consists of a project, domain, name, and version specification. These entities are, for the most part, immutable. To update one of these entities, the updated version must be re-registered with a unique and new version identifier attribute.

One caveat is that the launch plan can toggle between ACTIVE and INACTIVE states. At a given point in time, only one launch plan version across a shared {Project, Domain, Name} specification can be active. The state affects the scheduled launch plans only. An inactive launch plan can be used to launch individual executions. However, only an active launch plan runs on a schedule (given it has a schedule defined).

Static entities metadata (Named Entities)#

A named entity includes metadata for one of the above entities (workflow, task or launch plan) across versions. It also includes a resource type (workflow, task or launch plan) and an id which is composed of project, domain and name. The named entity also includes metadata, which are mutable attributes about the referenced entity.

This metadata includes:

  • Description: a human-readable description for the Named Entity collection.

  • State (workflows only): this determines whether the workflow is shown on the overview list of workflows scoped by project and domain.

Permitted operations include:

  • Create

  • Update

  • Get

  • List

Execution entities#

These include:

  • (Workflow) executions

  • Node executions

  • Task executions

Permitted operations include:

  • Create

  • Get

  • List

After an execution begins, FlytePropeller monitors the execution and sends the events which the admin uses to update the above executions.

These events include

  • WorkflowExecutionEvent

  • NodeExecutionEvent

  • TaskExecutionEvent

and contain information about respective phase transitions, phase transition time and optional output data if the event concerns a terminal phase change.

These events provide the only way to update an execution. No raw update endpoint exists.

To track the lifecycle of an execution, admin and store attributes such as duration and timestamp at which an execution transitioned to running and end time are used.

For debugging purposes, admin also stores Workflow and Node execution events in its database, but does not currently expose them through an API. Because array tasks can yield many executions, admin does not store TaskExecutionEvents.

Platform entities#

Projects: Like named entities, projects have mutable metadata such as human-readable names and descriptions, in addition to their unique string ids.

Permitted project operations include:

  • Register

  • List

Using the Admin Service#

Adding request filters#

We use gRPC Gateway to reverse proxy HTTP requests into gRPC. While this allows for a single implementation for both HTTP and gRPC, an important limitation is that fields mapped to the path pattern cannot be repeated and must have a primitive (non-message) type. Unfortunately this means that repeated string filters cannot use a proper protobuf message. Instead, they use the internal syntax shown below:

func(field,value) or func(field, value)

For example, multiple filters would be appended to an http request like:

?filters=ne(version, TheWorst)+eq(, workflow)

Timestamp fields use the RFC3339Nano spec (For example: “2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00”)

The fully supported set of filter functions are

  • contains

  • gt (greater than)

  • gte (greater than or equal to)

  • lt (less than)

  • lte (less than or equal to)

  • eq (equal)

  • ne (not equal)

  • value_in (value in repeated sets of values)

  • value_not_in (value not in repeated sets of values)

“value_in” and “value_not_in” are special cases where multiple values are passed to the filter expression. For example:



If you’re issuing your requests over http(s), be sure to URL encode the “;” semicolon using %3B like so: value_in(phase, RUNNING%3BSUCCEEDED%3BFAILED)

Filterable fields vary based on entity types:

  • Task

    • project

    • domain

    • name

    • version

    • created_at

  • Workflow

    • project

    • domain

    • name

    • version

    • created_at

  • Launch plans

    • project

    • domain

    • name

    • version

    • created_at

    • updated_at

    • workflows.{any workflow field above} (for example: workflow.domain)

    • state (you must use the integer enum, for example: 1)
  • Named Entity Metadata

    • state (you must use the integer enum, for example: 1)
  • Executions (Workflow executions)

    • project

    • domain

    • name

    • workflow.{any workflow field above} (for example: workflow.domain)

    • launch_plan.{any launch plan field above} (for example:

    • phase (you must use the upper-cased string name, for example: RUNNING)
    • execution_created_at

    • execution_updated_at

    • duration (in seconds)

    • mode (you must use the integer enum, for example: 1)
    • user (authenticated user or role from flytekit config)

  • Node Executions

    • node_id

    • execution.{any execution field above} (for example: execution.domain)

    • phase (you must use the upper-cased string name, for example: QUEUED)
    • started_at

    • node_execution_created_at

    • node_execution_updated_at

    • duration (in seconds)

  • Task Executions

    • retry_attempt

    • task.{any task field above} (for example: task.version)

    • execution.{any execution field above} (for example: execution.domain)

    • node_execution.{any node execution field above} (for example: node_execution.phase)

    • phase (you must use the upper-cased string name, for example: SUCCEEDED)
    • started_at

    • task_execution_created_at

    • task_execution_updated_at

    • duration (in seconds)

Putting It All Together#

If you wish to query specific executions that were launched using a specific launch plan for a workflow with specific attributes, use:

gte(duration, 100)+value_in(phase,RUNNING;SUCCEEDED;FAILED)+eq(lauch_plan.project, foo)
+eq(launch_plan.domain, bar)+eq(, baz)
+eq(launch_plan.version, 1234)

Adding sorting to requests#

Only a subset of fields are supported for sorting list queries. The explicit list is shown below:

  • ListTasks

    • project

    • domain

    • name

    • version

    • created_at

  • ListTaskIds

    • project

    • domain

  • ListWorkflows

    • project

    • domain

    • name

    • version

    • created_at

  • ListWorkflowIds

    • project

    • domain

  • ListLaunchPlans

    • project

    • domain

    • name

    • version

    • created_at

    • updated_at

    • state (you must use the integer enum, for example: 1)
  • ListWorkflowIds

    • project

    • domain

  • ListExecutions

    • project

    • domain

    • name

    • phase (you must use the upper-cased string name, for example: RUNNING)
    • execution_created_at

    • execution_updated_at

    • duration (in seconds)

    • mode (you must use the integer enum, for example: 1)
  • ListNodeExecutions

    • node_id

    • retry_attempt

    • phase (you must use the upper-cased string name, for example: QUEUED)
    • started_at

    • node_execution_created_at

    • node_execution_updated_at

    • duration (in seconds)

  • ListTaskExecutions

    • retry_attempt

    • phase (you must use the upper-cased string name, for example: SUCCEEDED)
    • started_at

    • task_execution_created_at

    • task_execution_updated_at

    • duration (in seconds)

Sorting syntax#

Adding sorting to a request requires specifying the key. For example: The attribute you wish to sort on. Sorting can also optionally specify the direction (one of ASCENDING or DESCENDING) where DESCENDING is the default.

Example sorting HTTP parameter:


Alternatively, since DESCENDING is the default sorting direction, the above could be written as
