TensorFlow Example#
In this example, we will see how to convert a tensorflow model to an ONNX model.
First import the necessary libraries.
from typing import List, NamedTuple
import numpy as np
import onnxruntime as rt
import tensorflow as tf
from flytekit import Resources, task, workflow
from flytekit.types.file import ONNXFile
from flytekitplugins.onnxtensorflow import TensorFlow2ONNX, TensorFlow2ONNXConfig
from tensorflow.keras import datasets, layers, models
from typing_extensions import Annotated
Define a NamedTuple
to define the data schema.
DataOutput = NamedTuple(
("train_images", np.ndarray),
("train_labels", np.ndarray),
("test_images", np.ndarray),
Define a load_data
task to load CIFAR10 data.
@task(cache=True, cache_version="0.0.2", requests=Resources(mem="1000Mi", cpu="2"))
def load_data() -> DataOutput:
(train_images, train_labels), (test_images, _) = datasets.cifar10.load_data()
# Normalize pixel values to be between 0 and 1
train_images, test_images = train_images[:1000] / 255.0, test_images[:100] / 255.0
train_labels = train_labels[:1000]
return DataOutput(train_images=train_images, train_labels=train_labels, test_images=test_images)
Define a train
task to train a CNN model on the CIFAR10 dataset.
Note the annotated output type.
This is a special annotation that tells Flytekit that this parameter is to be converted to an ONNX model with the given metadata.
@task(requests=Resources(mem="1000Mi", cpu="2"))
def train(
train_images: np.ndarray, train_labels: np.ndarray
) -> Annotated[
input_signature=(tf.TensorSpec((None, 32, 32, 3), tf.double, name="input"),),
model = models.Sequential()
model.add(layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation="relu", input_shape=(32, 32, 3)))
model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))
model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation="relu"))
model.add(layers.Dense(64, activation="relu"))
model.fit(train_images, train_labels, epochs=2)
return TensorFlow2ONNX(model=model)
Define an onnx_predict
task to generate predictions for the test data using the ONNX model.
@task(requests=Resources(mem="1000Mi", cpu="2"))
def onnx_predict(
model: ONNXFile,
test_images: np.ndarray,
) -> List[np.ndarray]:
m = rt.InferenceSession(model.download(), providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])
onnx_pred = m.run([n.name for n in m.get_outputs()], {"input": test_images})
return onnx_pred
Define a workflow to run the tasks.
def wf() -> List[np.ndarray]:
load_data_output = load_data()
model = train(
onnx_preds = onnx_predict(model=model, test_images=load_data_output.test_images)
return onnx_preds
Run the workflow locally.
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"Predictions: {wf()}")