Migrating Your Authentication Config#
Flyte previously shipped with only a barebones OIDC setup, and relied on an external authorization server. This migration guide helps you move to Admin’s own authorization server.
Okta Config changes#
Using Okta as an example, you would have previously seen something like the following:
An Application (OpenID Connect Web) for FlyteAdmin itself (e.g. 0oal5rch46pVhCGF45d6).
An Application (OpenID Native app) for Flyte-cli/FlyteCTL (e.g. 0oal62nxuD6OSFSRq5d6). These two applications would be assigned to the relevant users.
An Application (Web) for FlytePropeller (e.g. 0abc5rch46pVhCGF9876). This application would either use the default Authorization server, or you would create a new one.
Admin Config Changes#
After Flyte version 0.13.0, you can still use the IdP as the Authorization Server if you wish.
# ... other settings
secure: false
useAuth: true
allowCors: true
- "*"
- "Content-Type"
baseUrl: https://dev-62129345.okta.com/oauth2/default/
- profile
- openid
- email
iss: https://dev-62129345.okta.com/oauth2/default
aud: 0oal5rch46pVhCGF45d6
clientId: 0oal5rch46pVhCGF45d6
clientSecretFile: "/Users/ytong/etc/secrets/oauth/secret"
authorizeUrl: "https://dev-62129345.okta.com/oauth2/default/v1/authorize"
tokenUrl: "https://dev-62129345.okta.com/oauth2/default/v1/token"
callbackUrl: "http://localhost:8088/callback"
cookieHashKeyFile: "/Users/ytong/etc/secrets/hashkey/hashkey"
cookieBlockKeyFile: "/Users/ytong/etc/secrets/blockkey/blockkey"
redirectUrl: "/api/v1/projects"
clientId: 0oal62nxuD6OSFSRq5d6
redirectUri: http://localhost:12345/callback
# ... other settings
secure: false
useAuth: true
allowCors: true
- "*"
- "Content-Type"
# This should point at your public http Uri.
- https://flyte.mycompany.com
# This will be used by internal services in the same namespace as flyteadmin
- http://flyteadmin:80
# This will be used by internal services in the same cluster but different namespaces
- http://flyteadmin.flyte.svc.cluster.local:80
# Put the URL of the OpenID Connect provider.
baseUrl: https://dev-62129345.okta.com/oauth2/default # Okta with a custom Authorization Server
- profile
- openid
- offline_access # Uncomment if OIdC supports issuing refresh tokens.
# Replace with the client id created for Flyte.
clientId: 0oal5rch46pVhCGF45d6
# External delegates app auth responsibilities to an external authorization server, Internal means FlyteAdmin does it itself
authServerType: External
clientId: 0oal62nxuD6OSFSRq5d6
redirectUri: http://localhost:12345/callback
- all
- offline
To summarize the changes between pre-v0.13.0
and post-v0.13.0
The original oauth section has been moved two levels higher into its own section and renamed auth but enabling/disabling of authentication remains in the old location.
Secrets by default will now be looked up in /etc/secrets. Use the following command to generate them:
flyteadmin secrets init -p /etc/secrets
This will generate the new cookie hash/block keys, as well as other secrets Admin needs to run the Authorization server.
The clientSecretFile has been moved to /etc/secrets/oidc_client_secret so move that there.
claims has been removed, just delete that.
authorizeUrl and tokenUrl are no longer necessary.
The baseUrl for the external Authorization Server is now in the appAuth section.
The thirdPartyConfig has been moved to appAuth as well.
redirectUrl has been defaulted to /console. If that’s the value you want, then you no longer need this setting.
Propeller Config Changes#
Similarly, there are FlytePropeller config changes to be aware of.
endpoint: dns:///mycompany.domain.com
useAuth: true
clientId: flytepropeller
clientSecretLocation: /etc/secrets/client_secret
tokenUrl: https://demo.nuclyde.io/oauth2/token
- all
endpoint: dns:///mycompany.domain.com
# If you are using the built-in authorization server, you can delete the following two lines:
clientId: flytepropeller
clientSecretLocation: /etc/secrets/client_secret
To summarize the changes between pre-v0.13.0
and post-v0.13.0
useAuth is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Auth requirement will be discovered through an anonymous admin discovery call.
tokenUrl and scopes will also be discovered through a metadata call.
clientId and clientSecretLocation have defaults that work out of the box with the built-in authorization server (e.g. if you setup Google OpenID Connect).