Snowflake agent

Tags: AWS, GCP, AliCloud, Integration, Advanced

Flyte can be seamlessly integrated with the Snowflake service, providing you with a straightforward means to query data in Snowflake.


To use the Snowflake agent, run the following command:

pip install flytekitplugins-snowflake

Example usage

For a usage example, see Snowflake agent example usage.

Local testing

To test the Snowflake agent locally, create a class for the agent task that inherits from AsyncAgentExecutorMixin. This mixin can handle asynchronous tasks and allows flytekit to mimic FlytePropeller’s behavior in calling the agent. For more information, see “Testing agents locally”.


In some cases, you will need to store credentials in your local environment when testing locally.

Flyte deployment configuration


If you are using a managed deployment of Flyte, you will need to contact your deployment administrator to configure agents in your deployment.

To enable the Snowflake agent in your Flyte deployment, see the Snowflake agent setup guide.