Type Example#

GreatExpectationsType when accompanied with data can be used for data validation. It essentially is the type we attach to the data we want to validate. In this example, we’ll implement a simple task, followed by Great Expectations data validation on FlyteFile, FlyteSchema, and finally, the RuntimeBatchRequest. The following video is a demo of the Great Expectations type example.

First, let’s import the required libraries.

from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
from flytekit import Resources, task, workflow
from flytekit.types.file import CSVFile
from flytekit.types.schema import FlyteSchema
from flytekitplugins.great_expectations import BatchRequestConfig, GreatExpectationsFlyteConfig, GreatExpectationsType


BatchRequestConfig is useful in giving additional batch request parameters to construct both Great Expectations’ RuntimeBatchRequest and BatchRequest. Moreover, there’s GreatExpectationsFlyteConfig that encapsulates the essential initialization parameters of the plugin.

Next, we define variables that we use throughout the code.

DATASET_LOCAL = "yellow_tripdata_sample_2019-01.csv"
CONTEXT_ROOT_DIR = "greatexpectations/great_expectations"

Simple Type#

We define a GreatExpectationsType that checks if the requested batch_filter_parameters can be used to fetch files from a directory. The directory that’s being used is defined in my_assets. You can find my_assets in the Great Expectations config file.

The parameters within the data_connector_query convey that we’re fetching all those files that have “2019” and “01” in the file names.

def simple_task(
    directory: GreatExpectationsType[
            datasource_name="data",  # noqa: F821
            expectation_suite_name="test.demo",  # noqa: F821
            data_connector_name="my_data_connector",  # noqa: F821
                    "batch_filter_parameters": {  # noqa: F821
                        "year": "2019",  # noqa: F821
                        "month": "01",  # noqa: F821, F722
                    "limit": 10,  # noqa: F821
) -> str:
    return f"Validation works for {directory}!"

Finally, we define a workflow to call our task.

def simple_wf(directory: str = "my_assets") -> str:
    return simple_task(directory=directory)


First, we define GreatExpectationsFlyteConfig to initialize all our parameters. Here, we’re validating a FlyteFile.

great_expectations_config = GreatExpectationsFlyteConfig(

Next, we map dataset parameter to GreatExpectationsType. Under the hood, GreatExpectationsType validates data in accordance with the GreatExpectationsFlyteConfig defined previously. This GreatExpectationsFlyteConfig is being fetched under the name great_expectations_config.

The first value that’s being sent within GreatExpectationsType is CSVFile (this is a pre-formatted FlyteFile type). This means that we want to validate the FlyteFile data.

def file_task(dataset: GreatExpectationsType[CSVFile, great_expectations_config]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return pd.read_csv(dataset)

Next, we define a workflow to call our task.

def file_wf() -> pd.DataFrame:
    return file_task(dataset=DATASET_REMOTE)


We define a GreatExpectationsType to validate FlyteSchema. The local_file_path is where we would have our parquet file.


local_file_path’s directory and base_directory in Great Expectations config ought to be the same.

def schema_task(
    dataframe: GreatExpectationsType[
        FlyteSchema,  # noqa: F821
        GreatExpectationsFlyteConfig(  # noqa: F821
            datasource_name="data",  # noqa: F821
            expectation_suite_name="test.demo",  # noqa: F821
            data_connector_name="data_flytetype_data_connector",  # noqa: F821
            batch_request_config=BatchRequestConfig(data_connector_query={"limit": 10}),  # noqa : F841  # noqa: F821
            local_file_path="/tmp/test.parquet",  # noqa: F722
) -> int:
    return dataframe.shape[0]

Finally, we define a workflow to call our task. We’re using DataFrame returned by the file_task that we defined in the FlyteFile section.

def schema_wf() -> int:
    return schema_task(dataframe=file_wf())


The RuntimeBatchRequest can wrap either an in-memory DataFrame, filepath, or SQL query, and must include batch identifiers that uniquely identify the data.

Let’s instantiate a RuntimeBatchRequest that accepts a DataFrame and thereby validates it.


The plugin determines the type of request as RuntimeBatchRequest by analyzing the user-given data connector.

We instantiate data_asset_name to associate it with the RuntimeBatchRequest. The typical Great Expectations’ batch_data (or) query is automatically populated with the dataset.


If you want to load a database table as a batch, your dataset has to be a SQL query.

runtime_ge_config = GreatExpectationsFlyteConfig(
            "pipeline_stage": "validation",

We define a task to generate DataFrame from the CSV file.

def runtime_to_df_task(csv_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    df = pd.read_csv(Path("greatexpectations") / "data" / csv_file)
    return df

We define a task to validate the DataFrame.

def runtime_validation(dataframe: GreatExpectationsType[FlyteSchema, runtime_ge_config]) -> int:
    return len(dataframe)

Finally, we define a workflow to run our tasks.

def runtime_wf(dataset: str = DATASET_LOCAL) -> int:
    dataframe = runtime_to_df_task(csv_file=dataset)
    return runtime_validation(dataframe=dataframe)

Lastly, this particular block of code helps us in running the code locally.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Running {__file__} main...")
    print("Simple Great Expectations Type...")
    print("Great Expectations Type with FlyteFile...")
    print("Great Expectations Type with FlyteSchema...")
    print("Great Expectations Type with RuntimeBatchRequest...")