Understanding Authentication

Tags: Authentication, Design, Advanced

OpenID Connect

Flyte supports OpenID Connect. A defacto standard for user authentication. After configuring OpenID Connect, users accessing flyte console or flytectl (or other 3rd party apps) will be prompted to authenticate using the configured provider.

sequenceDiagram %%{config: { 'fontFamily': 'Menlo', 'fontSize': 10, 'fontWeight': 100} }%% autonumber User->>+Browser: /home Browser->>+Console: /home Console->>-Browser: 302 /login Browser->>+Admin: /login Admin->>-Browser: Idp.com/oidc Browser->>+Idp: Idp.com/oidc Idp->>-Browser: 302 /login Browser->>-User: Enter user/pass User->>+Browser: login Browser->>+Idp: Submit username/pass Idp->>-Browser: admin/?authCode=<abc> Browser->>+Admin: admin/authCode=<abc> Admin->>+Idp: Exchange Tokens Idp->>-Admin: idt, at, rt Admin->>+Browser: Write Cookies & Redirect to /console Browser->>+Console: /home Browser->>-User: Render /home


Flyte supports OAuth2 to control access to 3rd party and native apps. FlyteAdmin comes with a built in Authorization Server that can perform 3-legged and 2-legged OAuth2 flows. It also supports delegating these responsibilities to an external Authorization Server.

Service Authentication using OAuth2

Propeller (and potentially other non-user facing services) can also authenticate using client_credentials to the IdP and be granted an access_token to be used with admin and other backend services.

FlyteAdmin’s builtin Authorization Server

sequenceDiagram %%{config: { 'fontFamily': 'Menlo', 'fontSize': 10, 'fontWeight': 100} }%% autonumber Propeller->>+Admin: /token?client_creds&scope=https://admin/ Admin->>-Propeller: access_token Propeller->>+Admin: /list_projects?token=access_token

External Authorization Server

sequenceDiagram %%{config: { 'fontFamily': 'Menlo', 'fontSize': 10, 'fontWeight': 100} }%% autonumber Propeller->>+External Authorization Server: /token?client_creds&scope=https://admin/ External Authorization Server->>-Propeller: access_token Propeller->>+Admin: /list_projects?token=access_token

User Authentication in other clients (e.g. Cli) using OAuth2-Pkce

Users accessing backend services through Cli should be able to use OAuth2-Pkce flow to authenticate (in a browser) to the Idp and be issued an access_token valid to communicate with the intended backend service on behalf of the user.

FlyteAdmin’s builtin Authorization Server

sequenceDiagram %%{config: { 'fontFamily': 'Menlo', 'fontSize': 10, 'fontWeight': 100} }%% autonumber User->>+Cli: flytectl list-projects Cli->>+Admin: admin/client-config Admin->>-Cli: Client_id=<abc>, ... Cli->>+Browser: /oauth2/authorize?pkce&code_challenge,client_id,scope Browser->>+Admin: /oauth2/authorize?pkce... Admin->>-Browser: 302 idp.com/login Note over Browser,Admin: The prior OpenID Connect flow Browser->>+Admin: admin/logged_in Note over Browser,Admin: Potentially show custom consent screen Admin->>-Browser: localhost/?authCode=<abc> Browser->>+Cli: localhost/authCode=<abc> Cli->>+Admin: /token?code,code_verifier Admin->>-Cli: access_token Cli->>+Admin: /projects/ + access_token Admin->>-Cli: project1, project2

External Authorization Server

sequenceDiagram %%{config: { 'fontFamily': 'Menlo', 'fontSize': 10, 'fontWeight': 100} }%% autonumber User->>+Cli: flytectl list-projects Cli->>+Admin: admin/client-config Admin->>-Cli: Client_id=<abc>, ... Cli->>+Browser: /oauth2/authorize?pkce&code_challenge,client_id,scope Browser->>+ExternalIdp: /oauth2/authorize?pkce... ExternalIdp->>-Browser: 302 idp.com/login Note over Browser,ExternalIdp: The prior OpenID Connect flow Browser->>+ExternalIdp: /logged_in Note over Browser,ExternalIdp: Potentially show custom consent screen ExternalIdp->>-Browser: localhost/?authCode=<abc> Browser->>+Cli: localhost/authCode=<abc> Cli->>+ExternalIdp: /token?code,code_verifier ExternalIdp->>-Cli: access_token Cli->>+Admin: /projects/ + access_token Admin->>-Cli: project1, project2