Agent SetupΒΆ

Tags: Agent, Integration, Data, Advanced

To set configure your Flyte deployment for agents, see the documentation below.


If you are using a managed deployment of Flyte, you will need to contact your deployment administrator to configure agents in your deployment.

Airflow Agent

Configuring your Flyte deployment for the Airflow agent

ChatGPT Agent

Configuring your Flyte deployment for the ChatGPT agent.

Databricks Agent

Configuring your Flyte deployment for the Databricks agent.

Google BigQuery Agent

Configuring your Flyte deployment for the BigQuery agent.

MMCloud Agent

Configuring your Flyte deployment for the MMCloud agent.

Sensor Agent

Configuring your Flyte deployment for the sensor agent.

SageMaker Inference

Deploy models and create, as well as trigger inference endpoints on SageMaker.