- class flytekit.FlyteContextManager[source]#
FlyteContextManager manages the execution context within Flytekit. It holds global state of either compilation or Execution. It is not thread-safe and can only be run as a single threaded application currently. Context’s within Flytekit is useful to manage compilation state and execution state. Refer to
for more information. FlyteContextManager provides a singleton stack to manage these contexts.Typical usage is
FlyteContextManager.initialize() with FlyteContextManager.with_context(o) as ctx: pass # If required - not recommended you can use FlyteContextManager.push_context() # but correspondingly a pop_context should be called FlyteContextManager.pop_context()
- static push_context(ctx, f=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
ctx (FlyteContext)
f (FrameSummary | None)
- Return type:
- static with_context(b)[source]#
- Parameters:
b (Builder)
- Return type:
Generator[FlyteContext, None, None]