Source code for flytekit.models.types

import json
import typing
from typing import Dict

from flyteidl.core import types_pb2 as _types_pb2
from google.protobuf import json_format as _json_format
from google.protobuf import struct_pb2 as _struct

from flytekit.models import common as _common
from flytekit.models.annotation import TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotationModel
from flytekit.models.core import types as _core_types

class SimpleType(object):
    NONE = _types_pb2.NONE
    INTEGER = _types_pb2.INTEGER
    FLOAT = _types_pb2.FLOAT
    STRING = _types_pb2.STRING
    BOOLEAN = _types_pb2.BOOLEAN
    DATETIME = _types_pb2.DATETIME
    DURATION = _types_pb2.DURATION
    BINARY = _types_pb2.BINARY
    ERROR = _types_pb2.ERROR
    STRUCT = _types_pb2.STRUCT

class SchemaType(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
    class SchemaColumn(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
        class SchemaColumnType(object):
            INTEGER = _types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn.INTEGER
            FLOAT = _types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn.FLOAT
            STRING = _types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn.STRING
            DATETIME = _types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn.DATETIME
            DURATION = _types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn.DURATION
            BOOLEAN = _types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn.BOOLEAN

        def __init__(self, name, type):
            :param Text name: Name for the column
            :param int type: Enum type from SchemaType.SchemaColumn.SchemaColumnType representing the type of the column
            self._name = name
            self._type = type

        def name(self):
            Name for the column
            :rtype: Text
            return self._name

        def type(self):
            Enum type from SchemaType.SchemaColumn.SchemaColumnType representing the type of the column
            :rtype: int
            return self._type

        def to_flyte_idl(self):
            :rtype: flyteidl.core.types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn
            return _types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn(, type=self.type)

        def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto):
            :param flyteidl.core.types_pb2.SchemaType.SchemaColumn proto:
            :rtype: SchemaType.SchemaColumn
            return cls(, type=proto.type)

    def __init__(self, columns):
        :param list[SchemaType.SchemaColumn] columns: A list of columns defining the underlying data frame.
        self._columns = columns

    def columns(self):
        A list of columns defining the underlying data frame.
        :rtype: list[SchemaType.SchemaColumn]
        return self._columns

    def to_flyte_idl(self):
        :rtype: flyteidl.core.types_pb2.SchemaType
        return _types_pb2.SchemaType(columns=[c.to_flyte_idl() for c in self.columns])

    def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto):
        :param flyteidl.core.types_pb2.SchemaType proto:
        :rtype: SchemaType
        return cls(columns=[SchemaType.SchemaColumn.from_flyte_idl(c) for c in proto.columns])

class UnionType(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
    Models _types_pb2.UnionType

    def __init__(self, variants: typing.List["LiteralType"]):
        self._variants = variants

    def variants(self) -> typing.List["LiteralType"]:
        return self._variants

    def to_flyte_idl(self) -> _types_pb2.UnionType:
        return _types_pb2.UnionType(
            variants=[val.to_flyte_idl() if val else None for val in self._variants],

    def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto: _types_pb2.UnionType):
        return cls(variants=[LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(v) for v in proto.variants])

class TypeStructure(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
    Models _types_pb2.TypeStructure

    def __init__(self, tag: str, dataclass_type: Dict[str, "LiteralType"] = None):
        self._tag = tag
        self._dataclass_type = dataclass_type

    def tag(self) -> str:
        return self._tag

    def dataclass_type(self) -> Dict[str, "LiteralType"]:
        return self._dataclass_type

    def to_flyte_idl(self) -> _types_pb2.TypeStructure:
        return _types_pb2.TypeStructure(
            dataclass_type={k: v.to_flyte_idl() for k, v in self._dataclass_type.items()}
            if self._dataclass_type is not None
            else None,

    def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto: _types_pb2.TypeStructure):
        return cls(
            dataclass_type={k: LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(v) for k, v in proto.dataclass_type.items()}
            if proto.dataclass_type is not None
            else None,

class StructuredDatasetType(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
    class DatasetColumn(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
        def __init__(self, name: str, literal_type: "LiteralType"):
            self._name = name
            self._literal_type = literal_type

        def name(self) -> str:
            Name for the column
            return self._name

        def literal_type(self) -> "LiteralType":
            A LiteralType that defines the type of this column
            return self._literal_type

        def to_flyte_idl(self) -> _types_pb2.StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn:
            return _types_pb2.StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn(
      , literal_type=self.literal_type.to_flyte_idl()

        def from_flyte_idl(
            cls, proto: _types_pb2.StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn
        ) -> _types_pb2.StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn:
            return cls(, literal_type=LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(proto.literal_type))

    def __init__(
        columns: typing.List[DatasetColumn] = None,
        format: str = "",
        external_schema_type: str = None,
        external_schema_bytes: bytes = None,
        self._columns = columns
        self._format = format
        self._external_schema_type = external_schema_type
        self._external_schema_bytes = external_schema_bytes

    def columns(self) -> typing.List[DatasetColumn]:
        return self._columns

    def columns(self, value):
        self._columns = value

    def format(self) -> str:
        return self._format

    def format(self, format: str):
        self._format = format

    def external_schema_type(self) -> str:
        return self._external_schema_type

    def external_schema_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return self._external_schema_bytes

    def to_flyte_idl(self) -> _types_pb2.StructuredDatasetType:
        return _types_pb2.StructuredDatasetType(
            columns=[c.to_flyte_idl() for c in self.columns] if self.columns else None,
            external_schema_type=self.external_schema_type if self.external_schema_type else None,
            external_schema_bytes=self.external_schema_bytes if self.external_schema_bytes else None,

    def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto: _types_pb2.StructuredDatasetType) -> _types_pb2.StructuredDatasetType:
        return cls(
            columns=[StructuredDatasetType.DatasetColumn.from_flyte_idl(c) for c in proto.columns],

[docs] class LiteralType(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__( self, simple=None, schema=None, collection_type=None, map_value_type=None, blob=None, enum_type=None, union_type=None, structured_dataset_type=None, metadata=None, structure=None, annotation=None, ): """ This is a oneof message, only one of the kwargs may be set, representing one of the Flyte types. :param SimpleType simple: Enum type from SimpleType :param SchemaType schema: Type definition for a dataframe-like object. :param LiteralType collection_type: For list-like objects, this is the type of each entry in the list. :param LiteralType map_value_type: For map objects, this is the type of the value. The key must always be a string. :param flytekit.models.core.types.BlobType blob: For blob objects, this describes the type. :param flytekit.models.core.types.EnumType enum_type: For enum objects, describes an enum :param flytekit.models.core.types.UnionType union_type: For union objects, describes an python union type. :param flytekit.models.core.types.TypeStructure structure: Type matching hints :param flytekit.models.core.types.StructuredDatasetType structured_dataset_type: structured dataset :param dict[Text, T] metadata: Additional data describing the type :param flytekit.models.annotation.TypeAnnotation annotation: Additional data describing the type intended to be saturated by the client """ self._simple = simple self._schema = schema self._collection_type = collection_type self._map_value_type = map_value_type self._blob = blob self._enum_type = enum_type self._union_type = union_type self._structured_dataset_type = structured_dataset_type self._metadata = metadata self._structure = structure self._structured_dataset_type = structured_dataset_type self._metadata = metadata self._annotation = annotation @property def simple(self) -> SimpleType: return self._simple @property def schema(self) -> SchemaType: return self._schema @property def collection_type(self) -> "LiteralType": """ The collection value type """ return self._collection_type @property def map_value_type(self) -> "LiteralType": """ The Value for a dictionary. Key is always string """ return self._map_value_type @property def blob(self) -> _core_types.BlobType: return self._blob @property def enum_type(self) -> _core_types.EnumType: return self._enum_type @property def union_type(self) -> UnionType: return self._union_type @property def structure(self) -> TypeStructure: return self._structure @property def structured_dataset_type(self) -> StructuredDatasetType: return self._structured_dataset_type @property def metadata(self): """ :rtype: dict[Text, T] """ return self._metadata @property def annotation(self) -> TypeAnnotationModel: """ :rtype: flytekit.models.annotation.TypeAnnotation """ return self._annotation @metadata.setter def metadata(self, value): self._metadata = value @annotation.setter def annotation(self, value): self.annotation = value
[docs] def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.types_pb2.LiteralType """ if self.metadata is not None: metadata = _json_format.Parse(json.dumps(self.metadata), _struct.Struct()) else: metadata = None t = _types_pb2.LiteralType( simple=self.simple if self.simple is not None else None, schema=self.schema.to_flyte_idl() if self.schema is not None else None, collection_type=self.collection_type.to_flyte_idl() if self.collection_type is not None else None, map_value_type=self.map_value_type.to_flyte_idl() if self.map_value_type is not None else None, blob=self.blob.to_flyte_idl() if self.blob is not None else None, enum_type=self.enum_type.to_flyte_idl() if self.enum_type else None, union_type=self.union_type.to_flyte_idl() if self.union_type else None, structured_dataset_type=self.structured_dataset_type.to_flyte_idl() if self.structured_dataset_type else None, metadata=metadata, annotation=self.annotation.to_flyte_idl() if self.annotation else None, structure=self.structure.to_flyte_idl() if self.structure else None, ) return t
[docs] @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto): """ :param flyteidl.core.types_pb2.LiteralType proto: :rtype: LiteralType """ collection_type = None map_value_type = None if proto.HasField("collection_type"): collection_type = LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(proto.collection_type) if proto.HasField("map_value_type"): map_value_type = LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(proto.map_value_type) return cls( simple=proto.simple if proto.HasField("simple") else None, schema=SchemaType.from_flyte_idl(proto.schema) if proto.HasField("schema") else None, collection_type=collection_type, map_value_type=map_value_type, blob=_core_types.BlobType.from_flyte_idl(proto.blob) if proto.HasField("blob") else None, enum_type=_core_types.EnumType.from_flyte_idl(proto.enum_type) if proto.HasField("enum_type") else None, union_type=UnionType.from_flyte_idl(proto.union_type) if proto.HasField("union_type") else None, structured_dataset_type=StructuredDatasetType.from_flyte_idl(proto.structured_dataset_type) if proto.HasField("structured_dataset_type") else None, metadata=_json_format.MessageToDict(proto.metadata) or None, structure=TypeStructure.from_flyte_idl(proto.structure) if proto.HasField("structure") else None, annotation=TypeAnnotationModel.from_flyte_idl(proto.annotation) if proto.HasField("annotation") else None, )
class OutputReference(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, node_id, var, attr_path: typing.List[typing.Union[str, int]] = None): """ A reference to an output produced by a node. The type can be retrieved -and validated- from the underlying interface of the node. :param Text node_id: Node id must exist at the graph layer. :param Text var: Variable name must refer to an output variable for the node. :param List[Union[str, int]] attr_path: The attribute path the promise will be resolved with. """ self._node_id = node_id self._var = var self._attr_path = attr_path if attr_path is not None else [] @property def node_id(self): """ Node id must exist at the graph layer. :rtype: Text """ return self._node_id @property def var(self): """ Variable name must refer to an output variable for the node. :rtype: Text """ return self._var @property def attr_path(self) -> typing.List[typing.Union[str, int]]: """ The attribute path the promise will be resolved with. :rtype: list[union[str, int]] """ return self._attr_path @var.setter def var(self, var_name): self._var = var_name def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.types.OutputReference """ return _types_pb2.OutputReference( node_id=self.node_id, var=self.var, attr_path=[ _types_pb2.PromiseAttribute( string_value=p if type(p) == str else None, int_value=p if type(p) == int else None, ) for p in self._attr_path ], ) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.types.OutputReference pb2_object: :rtype: OutputReference """ return cls( node_id=pb2_object.node_id, var=pb2_object.var, attr_path=[p.string_value or p.int_value for p in pb2_object.attr_path], ) class Error(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, failed_node_id: str, message: str): self._message = message self._failed_node_id = failed_node_id @property def message(self) -> str: return self._message @property def failed_node_id(self) -> str: return self._failed_node_id def to_flyte_idl(self) -> _types_pb2.Error: return _types_pb2.Error( message=self._message, failed_node_id=self._failed_node_id, ) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object: _types_pb2.Error) -> "Error": """ :param flyteidl.core.types.Error pb2_object: :rtype: Error """ return cls(failed_node_id=pb2_object.failed_node_id, message=pb2_object.message)