Source code for flytekit.core.type_engine

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import copy
import dataclasses
import datetime
import enum
import inspect
import json
import mimetypes
import sys
import textwrap
import typing
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Type, cast

from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin, dataclass_json
from flyteidl.core import literals_pb2
from google.protobuf import json_format as _json_format
from google.protobuf import struct_pb2 as _struct
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict as _MessageToDict
from google.protobuf.json_format import ParseDict as _ParseDict
from google.protobuf.message import Message
from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Struct
from marshmallow_enum import EnumField, LoadDumpOptions
from mashumaro.codecs.json import JSONDecoder, JSONEncoder
from mashumaro.mixins.json import DataClassJSONMixin
from typing_extensions import Annotated, get_args, get_origin

from flytekit.core.annotation import FlyteAnnotation
from flytekit.core.context_manager import FlyteContext
from flytekit.core.hash import HashMethod
from flytekit.core.type_helpers import load_type_from_tag
from flytekit.core.utils import timeit
from flytekit.exceptions import user as user_exceptions
from flytekit.interaction.string_literals import literal_map_string_repr
from flytekit.lazy_import.lazy_module import is_imported
from flytekit.loggers import logger
from flytekit.models import interface as _interface_models
from flytekit.models import types as _type_models
from flytekit.models.annotation import TypeAnnotation as TypeAnnotationModel
from flytekit.models.core import types as _core_types
from flytekit.models.literals import (
from flytekit.models.types import LiteralType, SimpleType, StructuredDatasetType, TypeStructure, UnionType

T = typing.TypeVar("T")
DEFINITIONS = "definitions"
TITLE = "title"

class BatchSize:
    This is used to annotate a FlyteDirectory when we want to download/upload the contents of the directory in batches. For example,

    def t1(directory: Annotated[FlyteDirectory, BatchSize(10)]) -> Annotated[FlyteDirectory, BatchSize(100)]:
        return FlyteDirectory(...)

    In the above example flytekit will download all files from the input `directory` in chunks of 10, i.e. first it
    downloads 10 files, loads them to memory, then writes those 10 to local disk, then it loads the next 10, so on
    and so forth. Similarly, for outputs, in this case flytekit is going to upload the resulting directory in chunks of

    def __init__(self, val: int):
        self._val = val

    def val(self) -> int:
        return self._val

def get_batch_size(t: Type) -> Optional[int]:
    if is_annotated(t):
        for annotation in get_args(t)[1:]:
            if isinstance(annotation, BatchSize):
                return annotation.val
    return None

def modify_literal_uris(lit: Literal):
    Modifies the literal object recursively to replace the URIs with the native paths in case they are of
    type "flyte://"
    from flytekit.remote.remote_fs import FlytePathResolver

    if lit.collection:
        for l in lit.collection.literals:
        for k, v in
    elif lit.scalar:
        if lit.scalar.blob and lit.scalar.blob.uri and lit.scalar.blob.uri.startswith(FlytePathResolver.protocol):
            lit.scalar.blob._uri = FlytePathResolver.resolve_remote_path(lit.scalar.blob.uri)
        elif lit.scalar.union:
        elif (
            and lit.scalar.structured_dataset.uri
            and lit.scalar.structured_dataset.uri.startswith(FlytePathResolver.protocol)
            lit.scalar.structured_dataset._uri = FlytePathResolver.resolve_remote_path(

class TypeTransformerFailedError(TypeError, AssertionError, ValueError):

[docs] class TypeTransformer(typing.Generic[T]): """ Base transformer type that should be implemented for every python native type that can be handled by flytekit """ def __init__(self, name: str, t: Type[T], enable_type_assertions: bool = True): self._t = t self._name = name self._type_assertions_enabled = enable_type_assertions @property def name(self): return self._name @property def python_type(self) -> Type[T]: """ This returns the python type """ return self._t @property def type_assertions_enabled(self) -> bool: """ Indicates if the transformer wants type assertions to be enabled at the core type engine layer """ return self._type_assertions_enabled
[docs] def assert_type(self, t: Type[T], v: T): if not hasattr(t, "__origin__") and not isinstance(v, t): raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Expected value of type {t} but got '{v}' of type {type(v)}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[T]) -> LiteralType: """ Converts the python type to a Flyte LiteralType """ raise NotImplementedError("Conversion to LiteralType should be implemented")
[docs] def guess_python_type(self, literal_type: LiteralType) -> Type[T]: """ Converts the Flyte LiteralType to a python object type. """ raise ValueError("By default, transformers do not translate from Flyte types back to Python types")
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_literal(self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: T, python_type: Type[T], expected: LiteralType) -> Literal: """ Converts a given python_val to a Flyte Literal, assuming the given python_val matches the declared python_type. Implementers should refrain from using type(python_val) instead rely on the passed in python_type. If these do not match (or are not allowed) the Transformer implementer should raise an AssertionError, clearly stating what was the mismatch :param ctx: A FlyteContext, useful in accessing the filesystem and other attributes :param python_val: The actual value to be transformed :param python_type: The assumed type of the value (this matches the declared type on the function) :param expected: Expected Literal Type """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Conversion to Literal for python type {python_type} not implemented")
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> Optional[T]: """ Converts the given Literal to a Python Type. If the conversion cannot be done an AssertionError should be raised :param ctx: FlyteContext :param lv: The received literal Value :param expected_python_type: Expected native python type that should be returned """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Conversion to python value expected type {expected_python_type} from literal not implemented" )
[docs] def to_html(self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: T, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> str: """ Converts any python val (dataframe, int, float) to a html string, and it will be wrapped in the HTML div """ return str(python_val)
def __repr__(self): return f"{self._name} Transforms ({self._t}) to Flyte native" def __str__(self): return str(self.__repr__())
class SimpleTransformer(TypeTransformer[T]): """ A Simple implementation of a type transformer that uses simple lambdas to transform and reduces boilerplate """ def __init__( self, name: str, t: Type[T], lt: LiteralType, to_literal_transformer: typing.Callable[[T], Literal], from_literal_transformer: typing.Callable[[Literal], T], ): super().__init__(name, t) self._type = t self._lt = lt self._to_literal_transformer = to_literal_transformer self._from_literal_transformer = from_literal_transformer def get_literal_type(self, t: Optional[Type[T]] = None) -> LiteralType: return LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(self._lt.to_flyte_idl()) def to_literal(self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: T, python_type: Type[T], expected: LiteralType) -> Literal: if type(python_val) != self._type: raise TypeTransformerFailedError( f"Expected value of type {self._type} but got '{python_val}' of type {type(python_val)}" ) return self._to_literal_transformer(python_val) def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> T: expected_python_type = get_underlying_type(expected_python_type) if expected_python_type != self._type: raise TypeTransformerFailedError( f"Cannot convert to type {expected_python_type}, only {self._type} is supported" ) try: # todo(maximsmol): this is quite ugly and each transformer should really check their Literal res = self._from_literal_transformer(lv) if type(res) != self._type: raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Cannot convert literal {lv} to {self._type}") return res except AttributeError: # Assume that this is because a property on `lv` was None raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Cannot convert literal {lv} to {self._type}") def guess_python_type(self, literal_type: LiteralType) -> Type[T]: if literal_type.simple is not None and literal_type.simple == self._lt.simple: return self.python_type raise ValueError(f"Transformer {self} cannot reverse {literal_type}") class RestrictedTypeError(Exception): pass class RestrictedTypeTransformer(TypeTransformer[T], ABC): """ Types registered with the RestrictedTypeTransformer are not allowed to be converted to and from literals. In other words, Restricted types are not allowed to be used as inputs or outputs of tasks and workflows. """ def __init__(self, name: str, t: Type[T]): super().__init__(name, t) def get_literal_type(self, t: Optional[Type[T]] = None) -> LiteralType: raise RestrictedTypeError(f"Transformer for type {self.python_type} is restricted currently") def to_literal(self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: T, python_type: Type[T], expected: LiteralType) -> Literal: raise RestrictedTypeError(f"Transformer for type {self.python_type} is restricted currently") def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> T: raise RestrictedTypeError(f"Transformer for type {self.python_type} is restricted currently") class DataclassTransformer(TypeTransformer[object]): """ The Dataclass Transformer provides a type transformer for dataclasses_json dataclasses. The Dataclass is converted to and from json and is transported between tasks using the proto.Structpb representation Also the type declaration will try to extract the JSON Schema for the object if possible and pass it with the definition. For Json Schema, we use library. Example .. code-block:: python @dataclass class Test(DataClassJsonMixin): a: int b: str from marshmallow_jsonschema import JSONSchema t = Test(a=10,b="e") JSONSchema().dump(t.schema()) Output will look like .. code-block:: json {'$schema': '', 'definitions': {'TestSchema': {'properties': {'a': {'title': 'a', 'type': 'number', 'format': 'integer'}, 'b': {'title': 'b', 'type': 'string'}}, 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False}}, '$ref': '#/definitions/TestSchema'} .. note:: The schema support is experimental and is useful for auto-completing in the UI/CLI """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("Object-Dataclass-Transformer", object) self._encoder: Dict[Type, JSONEncoder] = {} self._decoder: Dict[Type, JSONDecoder] = {} def assert_type(self, expected_type: Type[DataClassJsonMixin], v: T): # Skip iterating all attributes in the dataclass if the type of v already matches the expected_type if type(v) == expected_type: return # @dataclass # class Foo(DataClassJsonMixin): # a: int = 0 # # @task # def t1(a: Foo): # ... # # In above example, the type of v may not equal to the expected_type in some cases # For example, # 1. The input of t1 is another dataclass (bar), then we should raise an error # 2. when using flyte remote to execute the above task, the expected_type is guess_python_type (FooSchema) by default. # However, FooSchema is created by flytekit and it's not equal to the user-defined dataclass (Foo). # Therefore, we should iterate all attributes in the dataclass and check the type of value in dataclass matches the expected_type. expected_type = get_underlying_type(expected_type) expected_fields_dict = {} for f in dataclasses.fields(expected_type): expected_fields_dict[] = f.type if isinstance(v, dict): original_dict = v # Find the Optional keys in expected_fields_dict optional_keys = {k for k, t in expected_fields_dict.items() if UnionTransformer.is_optional_type(t)} # Remove the Optional keys from the keys of original_dict original_key = set(original_dict.keys()) - optional_keys expected_key = set(expected_fields_dict.keys()) - optional_keys # Check if original_key is missing any keys from expected_key missing_keys = expected_key - original_key if missing_keys: raise TypeTransformerFailedError( f"The original fields are missing the following keys from the dataclass fields: {list(missing_keys)}" ) # Check if original_key has any extra keys that are not in expected_key extra_keys = original_key - expected_key if extra_keys: raise TypeTransformerFailedError( f"The original fields have the following extra keys that are not in dataclass fields: {list(extra_keys)}" ) for k, v in original_dict.items(): if k in expected_fields_dict: if isinstance(v, dict): self.assert_type(expected_fields_dict[k], v) else: expected_type = expected_fields_dict[k] original_type = type(v) if UnionTransformer.is_optional_type(expected_type): expected_type = UnionTransformer.get_sub_type_in_optional(expected_type) if original_type != expected_type: raise TypeTransformerFailedError( f"Type of Val '{original_type}' is not an instance of {expected_type}" ) else: for f in dataclasses.fields(type(v)): # type: ignore original_type = f.type expected_type = expected_fields_dict[] if UnionTransformer.is_optional_type(original_type): original_type = UnionTransformer.get_sub_type_in_optional(original_type) if UnionTransformer.is_optional_type(expected_type): expected_type = UnionTransformer.get_sub_type_in_optional(expected_type) val = v.__getattribute__( if dataclasses.is_dataclass(val): self.assert_type(expected_type, val) elif original_type != expected_type: raise TypeTransformerFailedError( f"Type of Val '{original_type}' is not an instance of {expected_type}" ) def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[T]) -> LiteralType: """ Extracts the Literal type definition for a Dataclass and returns a type Struct. If possible also extracts the JSONSchema for the dataclass. """ if is_annotated(t): args = get_args(t) for x in args[1:]: if isinstance(x, FlyteAnnotation): raise ValueError( "Flytekit does not currently have support for FlyteAnnotations applied to Dataclass." f"Type {t} cannot be parsed." )"These annotations will be skipped for dataclasses = {args[1:]}") # Drop all annotations and handle only the dataclass type passed in. t = args[0] schema = None try: if issubclass(t, DataClassJsonMixin): s = cast(DataClassJsonMixin, self._get_origin_type_in_annotation(t)).schema() for _, v in s.fields.items(): # marshmallow-jsonschema only supports enums loaded by name. # if isinstance(v, EnumField): v.load_by = # check if DataClass mixin from marshmallow_jsonschema import JSONSchema schema = JSONSchema().dump(s) else: # DataClassJSONMixin from mashumaro.jsonschema import build_json_schema schema = build_json_schema(cast(DataClassJSONMixin, self._get_origin_type_in_annotation(t))).to_dict() except Exception as e: # logger.warning( f"Failed to extract schema for object {t}, (will run schemaless) error: {e}" f"If you have postponed annotations turned on (PEP 563) turn it off please. Postponed" f"evaluation doesn't work with json dataclasses" ) # Recursively construct the dataclass_type which contains the literal type of each field literal_type = {} # Get the type of each field from dataclass for field in t.__dataclass_fields__.values(): # type: ignore try: literal_type[] = TypeEngine.to_literal_type(field.type) except Exception as e: logger.warning( "Field {} of type {} cannot be converted to a literal type. Error: {}".format(, field.type, e ) ) ts = TypeStructure(tag="", dataclass_type=literal_type) return _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.STRUCT, metadata=schema, structure=ts) def to_literal(self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: T, python_type: Type[T], expected: LiteralType) -> Literal: if isinstance(python_val, dict): json_str = json.dumps(python_val) return Literal(scalar=Scalar(generic=_json_format.Parse(json_str, _struct.Struct()))) if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(python_val): raise TypeTransformerFailedError( f"{type(python_val)} is not of type @dataclass, only Dataclasses are supported for " f"user defined datatypes in Flytekit" ) self._serialize_flyte_type(python_val, python_type) # The `to_json` function is integrated through either the `dataclasses_json` decorator or by inheriting from `DataClassJsonMixin`. # It serializes a data class into a JSON string. if hasattr(python_val, "to_json"): json_str = python_val.to_json() else: # The function looks up or creates a JSONEncoder specifically designed for the object's type. # This encoder is then used to convert a data class into a JSON string. try: encoder = self._encoder[python_type] except KeyError: encoder = JSONEncoder(python_type) self._encoder[python_type] = encoder json_str = encoder.encode(python_val) return Literal(scalar=Scalar(generic=_json_format.Parse(json_str, _struct.Struct()))) # type: ignore def _get_origin_type_in_annotation(self, python_type: Type[T]) -> Type[T]: # dataclass will try to hash python type when calling dataclass.schema(), but some types in the annotation is # not hashable, such as Annotated[StructuredDataset, kwtypes(...)]. Therefore, we should just extract the origin # type from annotated. if get_origin(python_type) is list: return typing.List[self._get_origin_type_in_annotation(get_args(python_type)[0])] # type: ignore elif get_origin(python_type) is dict: return typing.Dict[ # type: ignore self._get_origin_type_in_annotation(get_args(python_type)[0]), self._get_origin_type_in_annotation(get_args(python_type)[1]), ] elif is_annotated(python_type): return get_args(python_type)[0] elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(python_type): for field in dataclasses.fields(copy.deepcopy(python_type)): field.type = self._get_origin_type_in_annotation(field.type) return python_type def _fix_structured_dataset_type(self, python_type: Type[T], python_val: typing.Any) -> T: # In python 3.7, 3.8, DataclassJson will deserialize Annotated[StructuredDataset, kwtypes(..)] to a dict, # so here we convert it back to the Structured Dataset. from flytekit.types.structured import StructuredDataset if python_type == StructuredDataset and type(python_val) == dict: return StructuredDataset(**python_val) elif get_origin(python_type) is list: return [self._fix_structured_dataset_type(get_args(python_type)[0], v) for v in python_val] # type: ignore elif get_origin(python_type) is dict: return { # type: ignore self._fix_structured_dataset_type(get_args(python_type)[0], k): self._fix_structured_dataset_type( get_args(python_type)[1], v ) for k, v in python_val.items() } elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(python_type): for field in dataclasses.fields(python_type): val = python_val.__getattribute__( python_val.__setattr__(, self._fix_structured_dataset_type(field.type, val)) return python_val def _serialize_flyte_type(self, python_val: T, python_type: Type[T]) -> typing.Any: """ If any field inside the dataclass is flyte type, we should use flyte type transformer for that field. """ from import FlyteDirectory from flytekit.types.file import FlyteFile from flytekit.types.schema.types import FlyteSchema from flytekit.types.structured.structured_dataset import StructuredDataset # Handle Optional if UnionTransformer.is_optional_type(python_type): if python_val is None: return None return self._serialize_flyte_type(python_val, get_args(python_type)[0]) if hasattr(python_type, "__origin__") and get_origin(python_type) is list: return [self._serialize_flyte_type(v, get_args(python_type)[0]) for v in cast(list, python_val)] if hasattr(python_type, "__origin__") and get_origin(python_type) is dict: return { k: self._serialize_flyte_type(v, get_args(python_type)[1]) for k, v in cast(dict, python_val).items() } if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(python_type): return python_val if inspect.isclass(python_type) and ( issubclass(python_type, FlyteSchema) or issubclass(python_type, FlyteFile) or issubclass(python_type, FlyteDirectory) or issubclass(python_type, StructuredDataset) ): lv = TypeEngine.to_literal(FlyteContext.current_context(), python_val, python_type, None) # dataclasses_json package will extract the "path" from FlyteFile, FlyteDirectory, and write it to a # JSON which will be stored in IDL. The path here should always be a remote path, but sometimes the # path in FlyteFile and FlyteDirectory could be a local path. Therefore, reset the python value here, # so that dataclasses_json can always get a remote path. # In other words, the file transformer has special code that handles the fact that if remote_source is # set, then the real uri in the literal should be the remote source, not the path (which may be an # auto-generated random local path). To be sure we're writing the right path to the json, use the uri # as determined by the transformer. if issubclass(python_type, FlyteFile) or issubclass(python_type, FlyteDirectory): return python_type(path=lv.scalar.blob.uri) elif issubclass(python_type, StructuredDataset): sd = python_type(uri=lv.scalar.structured_dataset.uri) sd.file_format = lv.scalar.structured_dataset.metadata.structured_dataset_type.format return sd else: return python_val else: for v in dataclasses.fields(python_type): val = python_val.__getattribute__( field_type = v.type python_val.__setattr__(, self._serialize_flyte_type(val, field_type)) return python_val def _deserialize_flyte_type(self, python_val: T, expected_python_type: Type) -> Optional[T]: from import FlyteDirectory, FlyteDirToMultipartBlobTransformer from flytekit.types.file.file import FlyteFile, FlyteFilePathTransformer from flytekit.types.schema.types import FlyteSchema, FlyteSchemaTransformer from flytekit.types.structured.structured_dataset import StructuredDataset, StructuredDatasetTransformerEngine # Handle Optional if UnionTransformer.is_optional_type(expected_python_type): if python_val is None: return None return self._deserialize_flyte_type(python_val, get_args(expected_python_type)[0]) if hasattr(expected_python_type, "__origin__") and expected_python_type.__origin__ is list: return [self._deserialize_flyte_type(v, expected_python_type.__args__[0]) for v in python_val] # type: ignore if hasattr(expected_python_type, "__origin__") and expected_python_type.__origin__ is dict: return {k: self._deserialize_flyte_type(v, expected_python_type.__args__[1]) for k, v in python_val.items()} # type: ignore if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(expected_python_type): return python_val if issubclass(expected_python_type, FlyteSchema): t = FlyteSchemaTransformer() return t.to_python_value( FlyteContext.current_context(), Literal( scalar=Scalar( schema=Schema( cast(FlyteSchema, python_val).remote_path, t._get_schema_type(expected_python_type) ) ) ), expected_python_type, ) elif issubclass(expected_python_type, FlyteFile): return FlyteFilePathTransformer().to_python_value( FlyteContext.current_context(), Literal( scalar=Scalar( blob=Blob( metadata=BlobMetadata( type=_core_types.BlobType( format="", dimensionality=_core_types.BlobType.BlobDimensionality.SINGLE ) ), uri=cast(FlyteFile, python_val).path, ) ) ), expected_python_type, ) elif issubclass(expected_python_type, FlyteDirectory): return FlyteDirToMultipartBlobTransformer().to_python_value( FlyteContext.current_context(), Literal( scalar=Scalar( blob=Blob( metadata=BlobMetadata( type=_core_types.BlobType( format="", dimensionality=_core_types.BlobType.BlobDimensionality.MULTIPART ) ), uri=cast(FlyteDirectory, python_val).path, ) ) ), expected_python_type, ) elif issubclass(expected_python_type, StructuredDataset): return StructuredDatasetTransformerEngine().to_python_value( FlyteContext.current_context(), Literal( scalar=Scalar( structured_dataset=StructuredDataset( metadata=StructuredDatasetMetadata( structured_dataset_type=StructuredDatasetType( format=cast(StructuredDataset, python_val).file_format ) ), uri=cast(StructuredDataset, python_val).uri, ) ) ), expected_python_type, ) else: for f in dataclasses.fields(expected_python_type): value = python_val.__getattribute__( if hasattr(f.type, "__origin__") and f.type.__origin__ is list: value = [self._deserialize_flyte_type(v, f.type.__args__[0]) for v in value] elif hasattr(f.type, "__origin__") and f.type.__origin__ is dict: value = {k: self._deserialize_flyte_type(v, f.type.__args__[1]) for k, v in value.items()} else: value = self._deserialize_flyte_type(value, f.type) python_val.__setattr__(, value) return python_val def _fix_val_int(self, t: typing.Type, val: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: if val is None: return val if UnionTransformer.is_optional_type(t): # Handle optional type. e.g. Optional[int], Optional[dataclass] # Marshmallow doesn't support union type, so the type here is always an optional type. # # Note: Union[None, int] is also an optional type, but Marshmallow does not support it. t = get_args(t)[0] if t == int: return int(val) if isinstance(val, list): # Handle nested List. e.g. [[1, 2], [3, 4]] return list(map(lambda x: self._fix_val_int(ListTransformer.get_sub_type(t), x), val)) if isinstance(val, dict): ktype, vtype = DictTransformer.extract_types_or_metadata(t) # Handle nested Dict. e.g. {1: {2: 3}, 4: {5: 6}}) return { self._fix_val_int(cast(type, ktype), k): self._fix_val_int(cast(type, vtype), v) for k, v in val.items() } if dataclasses.is_dataclass(t): return self._fix_dataclass_int(t, val) # type: ignore return val def _fix_dataclass_int(self, dc_type: Type[dataclasses.dataclass], dc: typing.Any) -> typing.Any: # type: ignore """ This is a performance penalty to convert to the right types, but this is expected by the user and hence needs to be done """ # NOTE: Protobuf Struct does not support explicit int types, int types are upconverted to a double value # # Thus we will have to walk the given dataclass and typecast values to int, where expected. for f in dataclasses.fields(dc_type): val = getattr(dc, setattr(dc,, self._fix_val_int(f.type, val)) return dc def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> T: if not dataclasses.is_dataclass(expected_python_type): raise TypeTransformerFailedError( f"{expected_python_type} is not of type @dataclass, only Dataclasses are supported for " "user defined datatypes in Flytekit" ) json_str = _json_format.MessageToJson(lv.scalar.generic) # The `from_json` function is integrated through either the `dataclasses_json` decorator or by inheriting from `DataClassJsonMixin`. # It deserializes a JSON string into a data class. if hasattr(expected_python_type, "from_json"): dc = expected_python_type.from_json(json_str) # type: ignore else: # The function looks up or creates a JSONDecoder specifically designed for the object's type. # This decoder is then used to convert a JSON string into a data class. try: decoder = self._decoder[expected_python_type] except KeyError: decoder = JSONDecoder(expected_python_type) self._decoder[expected_python_type] = decoder dc = decoder.decode(json_str) dc = self._fix_structured_dataset_type(expected_python_type, dc) return self._fix_dataclass_int(expected_python_type, self._deserialize_flyte_type(dc, expected_python_type)) # This ensures that calls with the same literal type returns the same dataclass. For example, `pyflyte run`` # command needs to call guess_python_type to get the TypeEngine-derived dataclass. Without caching here, separate # calls to guess_python_type would result in a logically equivalent (but new) dataclass, which # TypeEngine.assert_type would not be happy about. @lru_cache(typed=True) def guess_python_type(self, literal_type: LiteralType) -> Type[T]: # type: ignore if literal_type.simple == SimpleType.STRUCT: if literal_type.metadata is not None: if DEFINITIONS in literal_type.metadata: schema_name = literal_type.metadata["$ref"].split("/")[-1] return convert_marshmallow_json_schema_to_python_class( literal_type.metadata[DEFINITIONS], schema_name ) elif TITLE in literal_type.metadata: schema_name = literal_type.metadata[TITLE] return convert_mashumaro_json_schema_to_python_class(literal_type.metadata, schema_name) raise ValueError(f"Dataclass transformer cannot reverse {literal_type}") class ProtobufTransformer(TypeTransformer[Message]): PB_FIELD_KEY = "pb_type" def __init__(self): super().__init__("Protobuf-Transformer", Message) @staticmethod def tag(expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> str: return f"{expected_python_type.__module__}.{expected_python_type.__name__}" def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[T]) -> LiteralType: return LiteralType(simple=SimpleType.STRUCT, metadata={ProtobufTransformer.PB_FIELD_KEY: self.tag(t)}) def to_literal(self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: T, python_type: Type[T], expected: LiteralType) -> Literal: struct = Struct() try: struct.update(_MessageToDict(cast(Message, python_val))) except Exception: raise TypeTransformerFailedError("Failed to convert to generic protobuf struct") return Literal(scalar=Scalar(generic=struct)) def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> T: if not (lv and lv.scalar and lv.scalar.generic is not None): raise TypeTransformerFailedError("Can only convert a generic literal to a Protobuf") pb_obj = expected_python_type() dictionary = _MessageToDict(lv.scalar.generic) pb_obj = _ParseDict(dictionary, pb_obj) # type: ignore return pb_obj def guess_python_type(self, literal_type: LiteralType) -> Type[T]: if ( literal_type.simple == SimpleType.STRUCT and literal_type.metadata and literal_type.metadata.get(self.PB_FIELD_KEY, "") ): tag = literal_type.metadata[self.PB_FIELD_KEY] return load_type_from_tag(tag) raise ValueError(f"Transformer {self} cannot reverse {literal_type}") class EnumTransformer(TypeTransformer[enum.Enum]): """ Enables converting a python type enum.Enum to LiteralType.EnumType """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="DefaultEnumTransformer", t=enum.Enum) def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[T]) -> LiteralType: if is_annotated(t): raise ValueError( f"Flytekit does not currently have support \ for FlyteAnnotations applied to enums. {t} cannot be \ parsed." ) values = [v.value for v in t] # type: ignore if not isinstance(values[0], str): raise TypeTransformerFailedError("Only EnumTypes with value of string are supported") return LiteralType(enum_type=_core_types.EnumType(values=values)) def to_literal( self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: enum.Enum, python_type: Type[T], expected: LiteralType ) -> Literal: if type(python_val).__class__ != enum.EnumMeta: raise TypeTransformerFailedError("Expected an enum") if type(python_val.value) != str: raise TypeTransformerFailedError("Only string-valued enums are supportedd") return Literal(scalar=Scalar(primitive=Primitive(string_value=python_val.value))) # type: ignore def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> T: return expected_python_type(lv.scalar.primitive.string_value) # type: ignore def guess_python_type(self, literal_type: LiteralType) -> Type[enum.Enum]: if literal_type.enum_type: return enum.Enum("DynamicEnum", {f"{i}": i for i in literal_type.enum_type.values}) # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"Enum transformer cannot reverse {literal_type}") def generate_attribute_list_from_dataclass_json_mixin(schema: dict, schema_name: typing.Any): attribute_list = [] for property_key, property_val in schema["properties"].items(): if property_val.get("anyOf"): property_type = property_val["anyOf"][0]["type"] elif property_val.get("enum"): property_type = "enum" else: property_type = property_val["type"] # Handle list if property_type == "array": attribute_list.append((property_key, typing.List[_get_element_type(property_val["items"])])) # type: ignore # Handle dataclass and dict elif property_type == "object": if property_val.get("anyOf"): sub_schemea = property_val["anyOf"][0] sub_schemea_name = sub_schemea["title"] attribute_list.append( (property_key, convert_mashumaro_json_schema_to_python_class(sub_schemea, sub_schemea_name)) ) elif property_val.get("additionalProperties"): attribute_list.append( (property_key, typing.Dict[str, _get_element_type(property_val["additionalProperties"])]) # type: ignore ) else: sub_schemea_name = property_val["title"] attribute_list.append( (property_key, convert_mashumaro_json_schema_to_python_class(property_val, sub_schemea_name)) ) elif property_type == "enum": attribute_list.append([property_key, str]) # type: ignore # Handle int, float, bool or str else: attribute_list.append([property_key, _get_element_type(property_val)]) # type: ignore return attribute_list
[docs] class TypeEngine(typing.Generic[T]): """ Core Extensible TypeEngine of Flytekit. This should be used to extend the capabilities of FlyteKits type system. Users can implement their own TypeTransformers and register them with the TypeEngine. This will allow special handling of user objects """ _REGISTRY: typing.Dict[type, TypeTransformer[T]] = {} _RESTRICTED_TYPES: typing.List[type] = [] _DATACLASS_TRANSFORMER: TypeTransformer = DataclassTransformer() # type: ignore _ENUM_TRANSFORMER: TypeTransformer = EnumTransformer() # type: ignore has_lazy_import = False
[docs] @classmethod def register( cls, transformer: TypeTransformer, additional_types: Optional[typing.List[Type]] = None, ): """ This should be used for all types that respond with the right type annotation when you use type(...) function """ types = [transformer.python_type, *(additional_types or [])] for t in types: if t in cls._REGISTRY: existing = cls._REGISTRY[t] raise ValueError( f"Transformer {} for type {t} is already registered." f" Cannot override with {}" ) cls._REGISTRY[t] = transformer
[docs] @classmethod def register_restricted_type( cls, name: str, type: Type[T], ): cls._RESTRICTED_TYPES.append(type) cls.register(RestrictedTypeTransformer(name, type)) # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def register_additional_type(cls, transformer: TypeTransformer, additional_type: Type, override=False): if additional_type not in cls._REGISTRY or override: cls._REGISTRY[additional_type] = transformer
[docs] @classmethod def get_transformer(cls, python_type: Type) -> TypeTransformer[T]: """ The TypeEngine hierarchy for flyteKit. This method looksup and selects the type transformer. The algorithm is as follows d = dictionary of registered transformers, where is a python `type` v = lookup type Step 1: If the type is annotated with a TypeTransformer instance, use that. Step 2: find a transformer that matches v exactly Step 3: find a transformer that matches the generic type of v. e.g List[int], Dict[str, int] etc Step 4: Walk the inheritance hierarchy of v and find a transformer that matches the first base class. This is potentially non-deterministic - will depend on the registration pattern. Special case: If v inherits from Enum, use the Enum transformer even if Enum is not the first base class. TODO lets make this deterministic by using an ordered dict Step 5: if v is of type data class, use the dataclass transformer Step 6: Pickle transformer is used """ cls.lazy_import_transformers() # Step 1 if is_annotated(python_type): args = get_args(python_type) for annotation in args: if isinstance(annotation, TypeTransformer): return annotation python_type = args[0] # Step 2 # this makes sure that if it's a list/dict of annotated types, we hit the unwrapping code in step 2 # see test_list_of_annotated in if ( (not hasattr(python_type, "__origin__")) or ( hasattr(python_type, "__origin__") and (python_type.__origin__ is not list and python_type.__origin__ is not dict) ) ) and python_type in cls._REGISTRY: return cls._REGISTRY[python_type] # Step 3 if hasattr(python_type, "__origin__"): # Handling of annotated generics, eg: # Annotated[typing.List[int], 'foo'] if is_annotated(python_type): return cls.get_transformer(get_args(python_type)[0]) if python_type.__origin__ in cls._REGISTRY: return cls._REGISTRY[python_type.__origin__] raise ValueError(f"Generic Type {python_type.__origin__} not supported currently in Flytekit.") # Step 4 # To facilitate cases where users may specify one transformer for multiple types that all inherit from one # parent. if inspect.isclass(python_type) and issubclass(python_type, enum.Enum): # Special case: prevent that for a type `FooEnum(str, Enum)`, the str transformer is used. return cls._ENUM_TRANSFORMER for base_type in cls._REGISTRY.keys(): if base_type is None: continue # None is actually one of the keys, but isinstance/issubclass doesn't work on it try: if isinstance(python_type, base_type) or ( inspect.isclass(python_type) and issubclass(python_type, base_type) ): return cls._REGISTRY[base_type] except TypeError: # As of python 3.9, calls to isinstance raise a TypeError if the base type is not a valid type, which # is the case for one of the restricted types, namely NamedTuple. logger.debug(f"Invalid base type {base_type} in call to isinstance", exc_info=True) # Step 5 if dataclasses.is_dataclass(python_type): return cls._DATACLASS_TRANSFORMER # Step 6 display_pickle_warning(str(python_type)) from flytekit.types.pickle.pickle import FlytePickleTransformer return FlytePickleTransformer()
[docs] @classmethod def lazy_import_transformers(cls): """ Only load the transformers if needed. """ if cls.has_lazy_import: return cls.has_lazy_import = True from flytekit.types.structured import ( register_arrow_handlers, register_bigquery_handlers, register_pandas_handlers, ) from flytekit.types.structured.structured_dataset import DuplicateHandlerError if is_imported("tensorflow"): from flytekit.extras import tensorflow # noqa: F401 if is_imported("torch"): from flytekit.extras import pytorch # noqa: F401 if is_imported("sklearn"): from flytekit.extras import sklearn # noqa: F401 if is_imported("pandas"): try: from flytekit.types.schema.types_pandas import PandasSchemaReader, PandasSchemaWriter # noqa: F401 except ValueError: logger.debug("Transformer for pandas is already registered.") try: register_pandas_handlers() except DuplicateHandlerError: logger.debug("Transformer for pandas is already registered.") if is_imported("pyarrow"): try: register_arrow_handlers() except DuplicateHandlerError: logger.debug("Transformer for arrow is already registered.") if is_imported(""): try: register_bigquery_handlers() except DuplicateHandlerError: logger.debug("Transformer for bigquery is already registered.") if is_imported("numpy"): from flytekit.types import numpy # noqa: F401 if is_imported("PIL"): from flytekit.types.file import image # noqa: F401
[docs] @classmethod def to_literal_type(cls, python_type: Type) -> LiteralType: """ Converts a python type into a flyte specific ``LiteralType`` """ transformer = cls.get_transformer(python_type) res = transformer.get_literal_type(python_type) data = None if is_annotated(python_type): for x in get_args(python_type)[1:]: if not isinstance(x, FlyteAnnotation): continue if data is not None: raise ValueError( f"More than one FlyteAnnotation used within {python_type} typehint. Flytekit requires a max of one." ) data = if data is not None: idl_type_annotation = TypeAnnotationModel(annotations=data) res = LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(res.to_flyte_idl()) res._annotation = idl_type_annotation return res
[docs] @classmethod def to_literal(cls, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: typing.Any, python_type: Type, expected: LiteralType) -> Literal: """ Converts a python value of a given type and expected ``LiteralType`` into a resolved ``Literal`` value. """ from flytekit.core.promise import Promise, VoidPromise if isinstance(python_val, Promise): # In the example above, this handles the "in2=a" type of argument return python_val.val if isinstance(python_val, VoidPromise): raise AssertionError( f"Outputs of a non-output producing task {python_val.task_name} cannot be passed to another task." ) if isinstance(python_val, tuple): raise AssertionError( "Tuples are not a supported type for individual values in Flyte - got a tuple -" f" {python_val}. If using named tuple in an inner task, please, de-reference the" "actual attribute that you want to use. For example, in NamedTuple('OP', x=int) then" "return v.x, instead of v, even if this has a single element" ) if python_val is None and expected and expected.union_type is None: raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Python value cannot be None, expected {python_type}/{expected}") transformer = cls.get_transformer(python_type) if transformer.type_assertions_enabled: transformer.assert_type(python_type, python_val) # In case the value is an annotated type we inspect the annotations and look for hash-related annotations. hash = None if is_annotated(python_type): # We are now dealing with one of two cases: # 1. The annotated type is a `HashMethod`, which indicates that we should produce the hash using # the method indicated in the annotation. # 2. The annotated type is being used for a different purpose other than calculating hash values, in which case # we should just continue. for annotation in get_args(python_type)[1:]: if not isinstance(annotation, HashMethod): continue hash = annotation.calculate(python_val) break lv = transformer.to_literal(ctx, python_val, python_type, expected) modify_literal_uris(lv) if hash is not None: lv.hash = hash return lv
[docs] @classmethod def to_python_value(cls, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type) -> typing.Any: """ Converts a Literal value with an expected python type into a python value. """ transformer = cls.get_transformer(expected_python_type) return transformer.to_python_value(ctx, lv, expected_python_type)
[docs] @classmethod def to_html(cls, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: typing.Any, expected_python_type: Type[typing.Any]) -> str: transformer = cls.get_transformer(expected_python_type) if is_annotated(expected_python_type): expected_python_type, *annotate_args = get_args(expected_python_type) from flytekit.deck.renderer import Renderable for arg in annotate_args: if isinstance(arg, Renderable): return arg.to_html(python_val) return transformer.to_html(ctx, python_val, expected_python_type)
[docs] @classmethod def named_tuple_to_variable_map(cls, t: typing.NamedTuple) -> _interface_models.VariableMap: """ Converts a python-native ``NamedTuple`` to a flyte-specific VariableMap of named literals. """ variables = {} for idx, (var_name, var_type) in enumerate(t.__annotations__.items()): literal_type = cls.to_literal_type(var_type) variables[var_name] = _interface_models.Variable(type=literal_type, description=f"{idx}") return _interface_models.VariableMap(variables=variables)
[docs] @classmethod @timeit("Translate literal to python value") def literal_map_to_kwargs( cls, ctx: FlyteContext, lm: LiteralMap, python_types: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, type]] = None, literal_types: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, _interface_models.Variable]] = None, ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Given a ``LiteralMap`` (usually an input into a task - intermediate), convert to kwargs for the task """ if python_types is None and literal_types is None: raise ValueError("At least one of python_types or literal_types must be provided") if literal_types: python_interface_inputs = { name: TypeEngine.guess_python_type(lt.type) for name, lt in literal_types.items() } else: python_interface_inputs = python_types # type: ignore if len(lm.literals) > len(python_interface_inputs): raise ValueError( f"Received more input values {len(lm.literals)}" f" than allowed by the input spec {len(python_interface_inputs)}" ) kwargs = {} for i, k in enumerate(lm.literals): try: kwargs[k] = TypeEngine.to_python_value(ctx, lm.literals[k], python_interface_inputs[k]) except TypeTransformerFailedError as exc: raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Error converting input '{k}' at position {i}:\n {exc}") from exc return kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def dict_to_literal_map( cls, ctx: FlyteContext, d: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], type_hints: Optional[typing.Dict[str, type]] = None, ) -> LiteralMap: """ Given a dictionary mapping string keys to python values and a dictionary containing guessed types for such string keys, convert to a LiteralMap. """ type_hints = type_hints or {} literal_map = {} for k, v in d.items(): # The guessed type takes precedence over the type returned by the python runtime. This is needed # to account for the type erasure that happens in the case of built-in collection containers, such as # `list` and `dict`. python_type = type_hints.get(k, type(v)) try: literal_map[k] = TypeEngine.to_literal( ctx=ctx, python_val=v, python_type=python_type, expected=TypeEngine.to_literal_type(python_type), ) except TypeError: raise user_exceptions.FlyteTypeException(type(v), python_type, received_value=v) return LiteralMap(literal_map)
[docs] @classmethod def dict_to_literal_map_pb( cls, ctx: FlyteContext, d: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], type_hints: Optional[typing.Dict[str, type]] = None, ) -> Optional[literals_pb2.LiteralMap]: literal_map = cls.dict_to_literal_map(ctx, d, type_hints) return literal_map.to_flyte_idl()
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_transformers(cls) -> typing.KeysView[Type]: """ Returns all python types for which transformers are available """ return cls._REGISTRY.keys()
[docs] @classmethod def guess_python_types( cls, flyte_variable_dict: typing.Dict[str, _interface_models.Variable] ) -> typing.Dict[str, type]: """ Transforms a dictionary of flyte-specific ``Variable`` objects to a dictionary of regular python values. """ python_types = {} for k, v in flyte_variable_dict.items(): python_types[k] = cls.guess_python_type(v.type) return python_types
[docs] @classmethod def guess_python_type(cls, flyte_type: LiteralType) -> type: """ Transforms a flyte-specific ``LiteralType`` to a regular python value. """ for _, transformer in cls._REGISTRY.items(): try: return transformer.guess_python_type(flyte_type) except ValueError: logger.debug(f"Skipping transformer {} for {flyte_type}") # Because the dataclass transformer is handled explicitly in the get_transformer code, we have to handle it # separately here too. try: return cls._DATACLASS_TRANSFORMER.guess_python_type(literal_type=flyte_type) except ValueError: logger.debug(f"Skipping transformer {} for {flyte_type}") raise ValueError(f"No transformers could reverse Flyte literal type {flyte_type}")
class ListTransformer(TypeTransformer[T]): """ Transformer that handles a univariate typing.List[T] """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("Typed List", list) @staticmethod def get_sub_type(t: Type[T]) -> Type[T]: """ Return the generic Type T of the List """ if (sub_type := ListTransformer.get_sub_type_or_none(t)) is not None: return sub_type raise ValueError("Only generic univariate typing.List[T] type is supported.") @staticmethod def get_sub_type_or_none(t: Type[T]) -> Optional[Type[T]]: """ Return the generic Type T of the List, or None if the generic type cannot be inferred """ if hasattr(t, "__origin__"): # Handle annotation on list generic, eg: # Annotated[typing.List[int], 'foo'] if is_annotated(t): return ListTransformer.get_sub_type(get_args(t)[0]) if getattr(t, "__origin__") is list and hasattr(t, "__args__"): return getattr(t, "__args__")[0] return None def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[T]) -> Optional[LiteralType]: """ Only univariate Lists are supported in Flyte """ try: sub_type = TypeEngine.to_literal_type(self.get_sub_type(t)) return _type_models.LiteralType(collection_type=sub_type) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Type of Generic List type is not supported, {e}") @staticmethod def is_batchable(t: Type): """ This function evaluates whether the provided type is batchable or not. It returns True only if the type is either List or Annotated(List) and the List subtype is FlytePickle. """ from flytekit.types.pickle import FlytePickle if is_annotated(t): return ListTransformer.is_batchable(get_args(t)[0]) if get_origin(t) is list: subtype = get_args(t)[0] if subtype == FlytePickle or (hasattr(subtype, "__origin__") and subtype.__origin__ == FlytePickle): return True return False def to_literal(self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: T, python_type: Type[T], expected: LiteralType) -> Literal: if type(python_val) != list: raise TypeTransformerFailedError("Expected a list") if ListTransformer.is_batchable(python_type): from flytekit.types.pickle.pickle import BatchSize, FlytePickle batch_size = len(python_val) # default batch size # parse annotated to get the number of items saved in a pickle file. if is_annotated(python_type): for annotation in get_args(python_type)[1:]: if isinstance(annotation, BatchSize): batch_size = annotation.val break if batch_size > 0: lit_list = [ TypeEngine.to_literal(ctx, python_val[i : i + batch_size], FlytePickle, expected.collection_type) for i in range(0, len(python_val), batch_size) ] # type: ignore else: lit_list = [] else: t = self.get_sub_type(python_type) lit_list = [TypeEngine.to_literal(ctx, x, t, expected.collection_type) for x in python_val] # type: ignore return Literal(collection=LiteralCollection(literals=lit_list)) def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> typing.List[typing.Any]: # type: ignore try: lits = lv.collection.literals except AttributeError: raise TypeTransformerFailedError( ( f"The expected python type is '{expected_python_type}' but the received Flyte literal value " f"is not a collection (Flyte's representation of Python lists)." ) ) if self.is_batchable(expected_python_type): from flytekit.types.pickle import FlytePickle batch_list = [TypeEngine.to_python_value(ctx, batch, FlytePickle) for batch in lits] if len(batch_list) > 0 and type(batch_list[0]) is list: # Make it have backward compatibility. The upstream task may use old version of Flytekit that # won't merge the elements in the list. Therefore, we should check if the batch_list[0] is the list first. return [item for batch in batch_list for item in batch] return batch_list else: st = self.get_sub_type(expected_python_type) return [TypeEngine.to_python_value(ctx, x, st) for x in lits] def guess_python_type(self, literal_type: LiteralType) -> list: # type: ignore if literal_type.collection_type: ct: Type = TypeEngine.guess_python_type(literal_type.collection_type) return typing.List[ct] # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"List transformer cannot reverse {literal_type}") @lru_cache def display_pickle_warning(python_type: str): # This is a warning that is only displayed once per python type logger.warning( f"Unsupported Type {python_type} found, Flyte will default to use PickleFile as the transport. " f"Pickle can only be used to send objects between the exact same version of Python, " f"and we strongly recommend to use python type that flyte support." ) def _add_tag_to_type(x: LiteralType, tag: str) -> LiteralType: x._structure = TypeStructure(tag=tag) return x def _type_essence(x: LiteralType) -> LiteralType: if x.metadata is not None or x.structure is not None or x.annotation is not None: x = LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(x.to_flyte_idl()) x._metadata = None x._structure = None x._annotation = None return x def _are_types_castable(upstream: LiteralType, downstream: LiteralType) -> bool: if upstream.collection_type is not None: if downstream.collection_type is None: return False return _are_types_castable(upstream.collection_type, downstream.collection_type) if upstream.map_value_type is not None: if downstream.map_value_type is None: return False return _are_types_castable(upstream.map_value_type, downstream.map_value_type) # TODO: Structured dataset type matching requires that downstream structured datasets # are a strict sub-set of the upstream structured dataset. if upstream.structured_dataset_type is not None: if downstream.structured_dataset_type is None: return False usdt = upstream.structured_dataset_type dsdt = downstream.structured_dataset_type if usdt.format != dsdt.format: return False if usdt.external_schema_type != dsdt.external_schema_type: return False if usdt.external_schema_bytes != dsdt.external_schema_bytes: return False ucols = usdt.columns dcols = dsdt.columns if len(ucols) != len(dcols): return False for u, d in zip(ucols, dcols): if != return False if not _are_types_castable(u.literal_type, d.literal_type): return False return True if upstream.union_type is not None: # for each upstream variant, there must be a compatible type downstream for v in upstream.union_type.variants: if not _are_types_castable(v, downstream): return False return True if downstream.union_type is not None: # there must be a compatible downstream type for v in downstream.union_type.variants: if _are_types_castable(upstream, v): return True if upstream.enum_type is not None: # enums are castable to string if downstream.simple == SimpleType.STRING: return True if _type_essence(upstream) == _type_essence(downstream): return True return False def _is_union_type(t): """Returns True if t is a Union type.""" if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): import types UnionType = types.UnionType else: UnionType = None return t is typing.Union or get_origin(t) is Union or UnionType and isinstance(t, UnionType) class UnionTransformer(TypeTransformer[T]): """ Transformer that handles a typing.Union[T1, T2, ...] """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("Typed Union", typing.Union) @staticmethod def is_optional_type(t: Type[T]) -> bool: """Return True if `t` is a Union or Optional type.""" return _is_union_type(t) or type(None) in get_args(t) @staticmethod def get_sub_type_in_optional(t: Type[T]) -> Type[T]: """ Return the generic Type T of the Optional type """ return get_args(t)[0] def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[T]) -> Optional[LiteralType]: t = get_underlying_type(t) try: trans: typing.List[typing.Tuple[TypeTransformer, typing.Any]] = [ (TypeEngine.get_transformer(x), x) for x in get_args(t) ] # must go through TypeEngine.to_literal_type instead of trans.get_literal_type # to handle Annotated variants = [_add_tag_to_type(TypeEngine.to_literal_type(x), for (t, x) in trans] return _type_models.LiteralType(union_type=UnionType(variants)) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Type of Generic Union type is not supported, {e}") def to_literal(self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: T, python_type: Type[T], expected: LiteralType) -> Literal: python_type = get_underlying_type(python_type) found_res = False is_ambiguous = False res = None res_type = None for i in range(len(get_args(python_type))): try: t = get_args(python_type)[i] trans: TypeTransformer[T] = TypeEngine.get_transformer(t) res = trans.to_literal(ctx, python_val, t, expected.union_type.variants[i]) res_type = _add_tag_to_type(trans.get_literal_type(t), if found_res: is_ambiguous = True found_res = True except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Failed to convert from {python_val} to {t}", e) continue if is_ambiguous: raise TypeError("Ambiguous choice of variant for union type") if found_res: return Literal(scalar=Scalar(union=Union(value=res, stored_type=res_type))) raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Cannot convert from {python_val} to {python_type}") def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[T]) -> Optional[typing.Any]: expected_python_type = get_underlying_type(expected_python_type) union_tag = None union_type = None if lv.scalar is not None and lv.scalar.union is not None: union_type = lv.scalar.union.stored_type if union_type.structure is not None: union_tag = union_type.structure.tag found_res = False is_ambiguous = False cur_transformer = "" res = None res_tag = None for v in get_args(expected_python_type): try: trans: TypeTransformer[T] = TypeEngine.get_transformer(v) if union_tag is not None: if != union_tag: continue expected_literal_type = TypeEngine.to_literal_type(v) if not _are_types_castable(union_type, expected_literal_type): continue assert lv.scalar is not None # type checker assert lv.scalar.union is not None # type checker res = trans.to_python_value(ctx, lv.scalar.union.value, v) if found_res: is_ambiguous = True cur_transformer = break else: res = trans.to_python_value(ctx, lv, v) if found_res: is_ambiguous = True cur_transformer = break res_tag = found_res = True except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Failed to convert from {lv} to {v}", e) if is_ambiguous: raise TypeError( "Ambiguous choice of variant for union type. " + f"Both {res_tag} and {cur_transformer} transformers match" ) if found_res: return res raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert from {lv} to {expected_python_type} (using tag {union_tag})") def guess_python_type(self, literal_type: LiteralType) -> type: if literal_type.union_type is not None: return typing.Union[tuple(TypeEngine.guess_python_type(v) for v in literal_type.union_type.variants)] # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"Union transformer cannot reverse {literal_type}")
[docs] class DictTransformer(TypeTransformer[dict]): """ Transformer that transforms a univariate dictionary Dict[str, T] to a Literal Map or transforms a untyped dictionary to a JSON (struct/Generic) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__("Python Dictionary", dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_types_or_metadata(t: Optional[Type[dict]]) -> typing.Tuple: _origin = get_origin(t) _args = get_args(t) if _origin is not None: if _origin is Annotated and _args: # _args holds the type arguments to the dictionary, in other words: # >>> get_args(Annotated[dict[int, str], FlyteAnnotation("abc")]) # (dict[int, str], <flytekit.core.annotation.FlyteAnnotation object at 0x107f6ff80>) for x in _args[1:]: if isinstance(x, FlyteAnnotation): raise ValueError( f"Flytekit does not currently have support for FlyteAnnotations applied to dicts. {t} cannot be parsed." ) if _origin in [dict, Annotated] and _args is not None: return _args # type: ignore return None, None
[docs] @staticmethod def dict_to_generic_literal(v: dict, allow_pickle: bool) -> Literal: """ Creates a flyte-specific ``Literal`` value from a native python dictionary. """ from flytekit.types.pickle import FlytePickle try: return Literal( scalar=Scalar(generic=_json_format.Parse(json.dumps(v), _struct.Struct())), metadata={"format": "json"}, ) except TypeError as e: if allow_pickle: remote_path = FlytePickle.to_pickle(v) return Literal( scalar=Scalar( generic=_json_format.Parse(json.dumps({"pickle_file": remote_path}), _struct.Struct()) ), metadata={"format": "pickle"}, ) raise e
[docs] @staticmethod def is_pickle(python_type: Type[dict]) -> typing.Tuple[bool, Type]: base_type, *metadata = DictTransformer.extract_types_or_metadata(python_type) for each_metadata in metadata: if isinstance(each_metadata, OrderedDict): allow_pickle = each_metadata.get("allow_pickle", False) return allow_pickle, base_type return False, base_type
[docs] @staticmethod def dict_types(python_type: Type) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]: if get_origin(python_type) is Annotated: base_type, *_ = DictTransformer.extract_types_or_metadata(python_type) tp = get_args(base_type) else: tp = DictTransformer.extract_types_or_metadata(python_type) return tp
[docs] def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[dict]) -> LiteralType: """ Transforms a native python dictionary to a flyte-specific ``LiteralType`` """ tp = self.dict_types(t) if tp: if tp[0] == str: try: sub_type = TypeEngine.to_literal_type(cast(type, tp[1])) return _type_models.LiteralType(map_value_type=sub_type) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Type of Generic List type is not supported, {e}") return _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.STRUCT)
[docs] def to_literal( self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: typing.Any, python_type: Type[dict], expected: LiteralType ) -> Literal: if type(python_val) != dict: raise TypeTransformerFailedError("Expected a dict") allow_pickle = False base_type = None if get_origin(python_type) is Annotated: allow_pickle, base_type = DictTransformer.is_pickle(python_type) if expected and expected.simple and expected.simple == SimpleType.STRUCT: return self.dict_to_generic_literal(python_val, allow_pickle) lit_map = {} for k, v in python_val.items(): if type(k) != str: raise ValueError("Flyte MapType expects all keys to be strings") # TODO: log a warning for Annotated objects that contain HashMethod if base_type: _, v_type = get_args(base_type) else: _, v_type = self.extract_types_or_metadata(python_type) lit_map[k] = TypeEngine.to_literal(ctx, v, cast(type, v_type), expected.map_value_type) return Literal(map=LiteralMap(literals=lit_map))
[docs] def to_python_value(self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[dict]) -> dict: if lv and and is not None: tp = self.dict_types(expected_python_type) if tp is None or tp[0] is None: raise TypeError( "TypeMismatch: Cannot convert to python dictionary from Flyte Literal Dictionary as the given " "dictionary does not have sub-type hints or they do not match with the originating dictionary " "source. Flytekit does not currently support implicit conversions" ) if tp[0] != str: raise TypeError("TypeMismatch. Destination dictionary does not accept 'str' key") py_map = {} for k, v in py_map[k] = TypeEngine.to_python_value(ctx, v, cast(Type, tp[1])) return py_map # for empty generic we have to explicitly test for lv.scalar.generic is not None as empty dict # evaluates to false if lv and lv.scalar and lv.scalar.generic is not None: if lv.metadata["format"] == "json": try: return json.loads(_json_format.MessageToJson(lv.scalar.generic)) except TypeError: raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Cannot convert from {lv} to {expected_python_type}") elif lv.metadata["format"] == "pickle": from flytekit.types.pickle import FlytePickle uri = json.loads(_json_format.MessageToJson(lv.scalar.generic)).get("pickle_file") return FlytePickle.from_pickle(uri) raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Cannot convert from {lv} to {expected_python_type}")
[docs] def guess_python_type(self, literal_type: LiteralType) -> Union[Type[dict], typing.Dict[Type, Type]]: if literal_type.map_value_type: mt = TypeEngine.guess_python_type(literal_type.map_value_type) return typing.Dict[str, mt] # type: ignore if literal_type.simple == SimpleType.STRUCT: if literal_type.metadata is None: return dict # type: ignore raise ValueError(f"Dictionary transformer cannot reverse {literal_type}")
class TextIOTransformer(TypeTransformer[typing.TextIO]): """ Handler for TextIO """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="TextIO", t=typing.TextIO) def _blob_type(self) -> _core_types.BlobType: return _core_types.BlobType( format=mimetypes.types_map[".txt"], dimensionality=_core_types.BlobType.BlobDimensionality.SINGLE, ) def get_literal_type(self, t: typing.TextIO) -> LiteralType: # type: ignore return _type_models.LiteralType(blob=self._blob_type()) def to_literal( self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: typing.TextIO, python_type: Type[typing.TextIO], expected: LiteralType ) -> Literal: raise NotImplementedError("Implement handle for TextIO") def to_python_value( self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[typing.TextIO] ) -> typing.TextIO: # TODO rename to get_auto_local_path() local_path = ctx.file_access.get_random_local_path() ctx.file_access.get_data(lv.scalar.blob.uri, local_path, is_multipart=False) # TODO it is probably the responsibility of the framework to close() this return open(local_path, "r") class BinaryIOTransformer(TypeTransformer[typing.BinaryIO]): """ Handler for BinaryIO """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name="BinaryIO", t=typing.BinaryIO) def _blob_type(self) -> _core_types.BlobType: return _core_types.BlobType( format=mimetypes.types_map[".bin"], dimensionality=_core_types.BlobType.BlobDimensionality.SINGLE, ) def get_literal_type(self, t: Type[typing.BinaryIO]) -> LiteralType: return _type_models.LiteralType( blob=self._blob_type(), ) def to_literal( self, ctx: FlyteContext, python_val: typing.BinaryIO, python_type: Type[typing.BinaryIO], expected: LiteralType ) -> Literal: raise NotImplementedError("Implement handle for TextIO") def to_python_value( self, ctx: FlyteContext, lv: Literal, expected_python_type: Type[typing.BinaryIO] ) -> typing.BinaryIO: local_path = ctx.file_access.get_random_local_path() ctx.file_access.get_data(lv.scalar.blob.uri, local_path, is_multipart=False) # TODO it is probability the responsibility of the framework to close this return open(local_path, "rb") def generate_attribute_list_from_dataclass_json(schema: dict, schema_name: typing.Any): attribute_list = [] for property_key, property_val in schema[schema_name]["properties"].items(): property_type = property_val["type"] # Handle list if property_val["type"] == "array": attribute_list.append((property_key, List[_get_element_type(property_val["items"])])) # type: ignore[misc,index] # Handle dataclass and dict elif property_type == "object": if property_val.get("$ref"): name = property_val["$ref"].split("/")[-1] attribute_list.append((property_key, convert_marshmallow_json_schema_to_python_class(schema, name))) elif property_val.get("additionalProperties"): attribute_list.append( (property_key, Dict[str, _get_element_type(property_val["additionalProperties"])]) # type: ignore[misc,index] ) else: attribute_list.append((property_key, Dict[str, _get_element_type(property_val)])) # type: ignore[misc,index] # Handle int, float, bool or str else: attribute_list.append([property_key, _get_element_type(property_val)]) # type: ignore return attribute_list def convert_marshmallow_json_schema_to_python_class( schema: dict, schema_name: typing.Any ) -> Type[dataclasses.dataclass()]: # type: ignore """ Generate a model class based on the provided JSON Schema :param schema: dict representing valid JSON schema :param schema_name: dataclass name of return type """ attribute_list = generate_attribute_list_from_dataclass_json(schema, schema_name) return dataclass_json(dataclasses.make_dataclass(schema_name, attribute_list)) def convert_mashumaro_json_schema_to_python_class( schema: dict, schema_name: typing.Any ) -> Type[dataclasses.dataclass()]: # type: ignore """ Generate a model class based on the provided JSON Schema :param schema: dict representing valid JSON schema :param schema_name: dataclass name of return type """ attribute_list = generate_attribute_list_from_dataclass_json_mixin(schema, schema_name) return dataclass_json(dataclasses.make_dataclass(schema_name, attribute_list)) def _get_element_type(element_property: typing.Dict[str, str]) -> Type: element_type = ( [e_property["type"] for e_property in element_property["anyOf"]] # type: ignore if element_property.get("anyOf") else element_property["type"] ) element_format = element_property["format"] if "format" in element_property else None if type(element_type) == list: # Element type of Optional[int] is [integer, None] return typing.Optional[_get_element_type({"type": element_type[0]})] # type: ignore if element_type == "string": return str elif element_type == "integer": return int elif element_type == "boolean": return bool elif element_type == "number": if element_format == "integer": return int else: return float return str def dataclass_from_dict(cls: type, src: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> typing.Any: """ Utility function to construct a dataclass object from dict """ field_types_lookup = { field.type for field in dataclasses.fields(cls)} constructor_inputs = {} for field_name, value in src.items(): if dataclasses.is_dataclass(field_types_lookup[field_name]): constructor_inputs[field_name] = dataclass_from_dict(field_types_lookup[field_name], value) else: constructor_inputs[field_name] = value return cls(**constructor_inputs) def _check_and_covert_float(lv: Literal) -> float: if lv.scalar.primitive.float_value is not None: return lv.scalar.primitive.float_value elif lv.scalar.primitive.integer is not None: return float(lv.scalar.primitive.integer) raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Cannot convert literal {lv} to float") def _check_and_convert_void(lv: Literal) -> None: if lv.scalar.none_type is None: raise TypeTransformerFailedError(f"Cannot convert literal {lv} to None") return None def _register_default_type_transformers(): TypeEngine.register( SimpleTransformer( "int", int, _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.INTEGER), lambda x: Literal(scalar=Scalar(primitive=Primitive(integer=x))), lambda x: x.scalar.primitive.integer, ) ) TypeEngine.register( SimpleTransformer( "float", float, _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.FLOAT), lambda x: Literal(scalar=Scalar(primitive=Primitive(float_value=x))), _check_and_covert_float, ) ) TypeEngine.register( SimpleTransformer( "bool", bool, _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.BOOLEAN), lambda x: Literal(scalar=Scalar(primitive=Primitive(boolean=x))), lambda x: x.scalar.primitive.boolean, ) ) TypeEngine.register( SimpleTransformer( "str", str, _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.STRING), lambda x: Literal(scalar=Scalar(primitive=Primitive(string_value=x))), lambda x: x.scalar.primitive.string_value, ) ) TypeEngine.register( SimpleTransformer( "datetime", datetime.datetime, _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.DATETIME), lambda x: Literal(scalar=Scalar(primitive=Primitive(datetime=x))), lambda x: x.scalar.primitive.datetime, ) ) TypeEngine.register( SimpleTransformer( "timedelta", datetime.timedelta, _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.DURATION), lambda x: Literal(scalar=Scalar(primitive=Primitive(duration=x))), lambda x: x.scalar.primitive.duration, ) ) TypeEngine.register( SimpleTransformer( "date",, _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.DATETIME), lambda x: Literal( scalar=Scalar(primitive=Primitive(datetime=datetime.datetime.combine(x, datetime.time.min))) ), # convert datetime to date lambda x:, # get date from datetime ) ) TypeEngine.register( SimpleTransformer( "none", type(None), _type_models.LiteralType(simple=_type_models.SimpleType.NONE), lambda x: Literal(scalar=Scalar(none_type=Void())), lambda x: _check_and_convert_void(x), ), [None], ) TypeEngine.register(ListTransformer()) if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): from types import UnionType TypeEngine.register(UnionTransformer(), [UnionType]) else: TypeEngine.register(UnionTransformer()) TypeEngine.register(DictTransformer()) TypeEngine.register(TextIOTransformer()) TypeEngine.register(BinaryIOTransformer()) TypeEngine.register(EnumTransformer()) TypeEngine.register(ProtobufTransformer()) # inner type is. Also unsupported are typing's Tuples. Even though you can look inside them, Flyte's type system # doesn't support these currently. # Confusing note: typing.NamedTuple is in here even though task functions themselves can return them. We just mean # that the return signature of a task can be a NamedTuple that contains another NamedTuple inside it. # Also, it's not entirely true that Flyte IDL doesn't support tuples. We can always fake them as structs, but we'll # hold off on doing that for now, as we may amend the IDL formally to support tuples. TypeEngine.register_restricted_type("non typed tuple", tuple) TypeEngine.register_restricted_type("non typed tuple", typing.Tuple) TypeEngine.register_restricted_type("named tuple", NamedTuple) class LiteralsResolver(collections.UserDict): """ LiteralsResolver is a helper class meant primarily for use with the FlyteRemote experience or any other situation where you might be working with LiteralMaps. This object allows the caller to specify the Python type that should correspond to an element of the map. TODO: Consider inheriting from collections.UserDict instead of manually having the _native_values cache """ def __init__( self, literals: typing.Dict[str, Literal], variable_map: Optional[Dict[str, _interface_models.Variable]] = None, ctx: Optional[FlyteContext] = None, ): """ :param literals: A Python map of strings to Flyte Literal models. :param variable_map: This map should be basically one side (either input or output) of the Flyte TypedInterface model and is used to guess the Python type through the TypeEngine if a Python type is not specified by the user. TypeEngine guessing is flaky though, so calls to get() should specify the as_type parameter when possible. """ super().__init__(literals) if literals is None: raise ValueError("Cannot instantiate LiteralsResolver without a map of Literals.") self._literals = literals self._variable_map = variable_map self._native_values: Dict[str, type] = {} self._type_hints: Dict[str, type] = {} self._ctx = ctx def __str__(self) -> str: if self.literals: if len(self.literals) == len(self.native_values): return str(self.native_values) if self.native_values: header = "Partially converted to native values, call get(key, <type_hint>) to convert rest...\n" strs = [] for key, literal in self._literals.items(): if key in self._native_values: strs.append(f"{key}: " + str(self._native_values[key]) + "\n") else: lit_txt = str(self._literals[key]) lit_txt = textwrap.indent(lit_txt, " " * (len(key) + 2)) strs.append(f"{key}: \n" + lit_txt) return header + "{\n" + textwrap.indent("".join(strs), " " * 2) + "\n}" else: return str(literal_map_string_repr(self.literals)) return "{}" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def native_values(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: return self._native_values @property def variable_map(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, _interface_models.Variable]]: return self._variable_map @property def literals(self): return self._literals def update_type_hints(self, type_hints: typing.Dict[str, typing.Type]): self._type_hints.update(type_hints) def get_literal(self, key: str) -> Literal: if key not in self._literals: raise ValueError(f"Key {key} is not in the literal map") return self._literals[key] def __getitem__(self, key: str): # First check to see if it's even in the literal map. if key not in self._literals: raise ValueError(f"Key {key} is not in the literal map") # Return the cached value if it's cached if key in self._native_values: return self._native_values[key] return self.get(key) def get(self, attr: str, as_type: Optional[typing.Type] = None) -> typing.Any: # type: ignore """ This will get the ``attr`` value from the Literal map, and invoke the TypeEngine to convert it into a Python native value. A Python type can optionally be supplied. If successful, the native value will be cached and future calls will return the cached value instead. :param attr: :param as_type: :return: Python native value from the LiteralMap """ if attr not in self._literals: raise AttributeError(f"Attribute {attr} not found") if attr in self.native_values: return self.native_values[attr] if as_type is None: if attr in self._type_hints: as_type = self._type_hints[attr] else: if self.variable_map and attr in self.variable_map: try: as_type = TypeEngine.guess_python_type(self.variable_map[attr].type) except ValueError as e: logger.error(f"Could not guess a type for Variable {self.variable_map[attr]}") raise e else: raise ValueError("as_type argument not supplied and Variable map not specified in LiteralsResolver") val = TypeEngine.to_python_value( self._ctx or FlyteContext.current_context(), self._literals[attr], cast(Type, as_type) ) self._native_values[attr] = val return val _register_default_type_transformers() def is_annotated(t: Type) -> bool: return get_origin(t) is Annotated def get_underlying_type(t: Type) -> Type: """Return the underlying type for annotated types or the type itself""" if is_annotated(t): return get_args(t)[0] return t