Source code for flytekit.configuration


.. currentmodule:: flytekit.configuration

Flytekit Configuration Sources

There are multiple ways to configure flytekit settings:

**Command Line Arguments**: This is the recommended way of setting configuration values for many cases.
For example, see `pyflyte package <pyflyte.html#pyflyte-package>`_ command.

**Python Config Object**: A :py:class:`~flytekit.configuration.Config` object can by used directly, e.g. when
initializing a :py:class:`~flytefit.remote.remote.FlyteRemote` object. See :doc:`here <design/control_plane>` for examples on
how to specify a ``Config`` object.

**Environment Variables**: Users can specify these at compile time, but when your task is run, Flyte Propeller will
also set configuration to ensure correct interaction with the platform. The environment variables must be specified
with the format ``FLYTE_{SECTION}_{OPTION}``, all in upper case. For example, to specify the
:py:class:`PlatformConfig.endpoint <flytekit.configuration.PlatformConfig>` setting, the environment variable would

.. note::

   Environment variables won't work for image configuration, which need to be specified with the
   `pyflyte package --image ... <pyflyte.html#cmdoption-pyflyte-package-i>`_ option or in a configuration

**YAML Format Configuration File**: A configuration file that contains settings for both
`flytectl <>`__ and ``flytekit``. This is the recommended configuration
file format. Invoke the :ref:`flytectl config init <flytectl_config_init>` command to create a boilerplate
``~/.flyte/config.yaml`` file, and  ``flytectl --help`` to learn about all of the configuration yaml options.

.. dropdown:: See example ``config.yaml`` file
   :animate: fade-in-slide-down

   .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/flytekit/unit/configuration/configs/sample.yaml
      :language: yaml
      :caption: config.yaml

**INI Format Configuration File**: A configuration file for ``flytekit``. By default, ``flytekit`` will look for a
file in two places:

1. First, a file named ``flytekit.config`` in the Python interpreter's working directory.
2. A file in ``~/.flyte/config`` in the home directory as detected by Python.

.. dropdown:: See example ``flytekit.config`` file
   :animate: fade-in-slide-down

   .. literalinclude:: ../../tests/flytekit/unit/configuration/configs/images.config
      :language: ini
      :caption: flytekit.config

.. warning::

   The INI format configuration is considered a legacy configuration format. We recommend using the yaml format
   instead if you're using a configuration file.

How is configuration used?

Configuration usage can roughly be bucketed into the following areas,

- **Compile-time settings**: these are settings like the default image and named images, where to look for Flyte code, etc.
- **Platform settings**: Where to find the Flyte backend (Admin DNS, whether to use SSL)
- **Registration Run-time settings**: these are things like the K8s service account to use, a specific S3/GCS bucket to write off-loaded data (dataframes and files) to, notifications, labels & annotations, etc.
- **Data access settings**: Is there a custom S3 endpoint in use? Backoff/retry behavior for accessing S3/GCS, key and password, etc.
- **Other settings** - Statsd configuration, which is a run-time applicable setting but is not necessarily relevant to the Flyte platform.

Configuration Objects

The following objects are encapsulated in a parent object called ``Config``.

.. autosummary::
   :template: custom.rst
   :toctree: generated/


.. _configuration-compile-time-settings:

Serialization Time Settings

These are serialization/compile-time settings that are used when using commands like
`pyflyte package <pyflyte.html#pyflyte-package>`_ or `pyflyte register <pyflyte.html#pyflyte-register>`_. These
configuration settings are typically passed in as flags to the above CLI commands.

The image configurations are typically either passed in via an `--image <pyflyte.html#cmdoption-pyflyte-package-i>`_ flag,
or can be specified in the ``yaml`` or ``ini`` configuration files (see examples above).

.. autosummary::
   :template: custom.rst
   :toctree: generated/


.. _configuration-execution-time-settings:

Execution Time Settings

Users typically shouldn't be concerned with these configurations, as they are typically set by FlytePropeller or
FlyteAdmin. The configurations below are useful for authenticating to a Flyte backend, configuring data access
credentials, secrets, and statsd metrics.

.. autosummary::
   :template: custom.rst
   :toctree: generated/


from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import datetime
import enum
import gzip
import os
import pathlib
import re
import tempfile
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

import yaml
from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin

from flytekit.configuration import internal as _internal
from flytekit.configuration.default_images import DefaultImages
from flytekit.configuration.file import ConfigEntry, ConfigFile, get_config_file, read_file_if_exists, set_if_exists
from flytekit.image_spec import ImageSpec
from flytekit.image_spec.image_spec import ImageBuildEngine
from flytekit.loggers import logger

PROJECT_PLACEHOLDER = "{{ registration.project }}"
DOMAIN_PLACEHOLDER = "{{ registration.domain }}"
VERSION_PLACEHOLDER = "{{ registration.version }}"
_IMAGE_FQN_TAG_REGEX = re.compile(r"([^:]+)(?=:.+)?")

[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class Image(DataClassJsonMixin): """ Image is a structured wrapper for task container images used in object serialization. Attributes: name (str): A user-provided name to identify this image. fqn (str): Fully qualified image name. This consists of #. a registry location #. a username #. a repository name For example: `hostname/username/reponame` tag (str): Optional tag used to specify which version of an image to pull digest (str): Optional digest used to specify which version of an image to pull """ name: str fqn: str tag: Optional[str] = None digest: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): if not ((self.tag is None) or (self.digest is None)): raise ValueError(f"Cannot specify both tag and digest. Got tag={self.tag} and digest={self.digest}") @property def full(self) -> str: """ " Return the full image name with tag or digest, whichever is available. When using a tag the separator is `:` and when using a digest the separator is `@`. """ return f"{self.fqn}@{self.digest}" if self.digest else f"{self.fqn}:{self.tag}" @property def version(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Return the version of the image. This could be the tag or digest, whichever is available. """ return self.digest or self.tag
[docs] @staticmethod def look_up_image_info(name: str, image_identifier: str, allow_no_tag_or_digest: bool = False) -> Image: """ Creates an `Image` object from an image identifier string or a path to an ImageSpec yaml file. This function is used when registering tasks/workflows with Admin. When using the canonical Python-based development cycle, the version that is used to register workflows and tasks with Admin should be the version of the image itself, which should ideally be something unique like the git revision SHA1 of the latest commit. :param name: :param image_identifier: Either the full image identifier string e.g. or a path to a file containing a `ImageSpec`. :param allow_no_tag_or_digest: :rtype: Image """ if pathlib.Path(image_identifier).is_file(): with open(image_identifier, "r") as f: image_spec_dict = yaml.safe_load(f) image_spec = ImageSpec(**image_spec_dict) image_identifier = image_spec.image_name() fqn, tag, digest = _parse_image_identifier(image_identifier) if not allow_no_tag_or_digest and tag is None and digest is None: raise AssertionError(f"Incorrectly formatted image {image_identifier}, missing tag or digest") return Image(name=name, fqn=fqn, tag=tag, digest=digest)
def _parse_image_identifier(image_identifier: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """ Largely copied from `docker.utils.parse_repository_tag`, but returns tags and digests separately. Returns: Tuple[str, str, str]: fully_qualified_name, tag, digest """ parts = image_identifier.rsplit("@", 1) if len(parts) == 2: # The image identifier used a digest e.g. `` return parts[0], None, parts[1] parts = image_identifier.rsplit(":", 1) if len(parts) == 2 and "/" not in parts[1]: # The image identifier used a tag e.g. `` return parts[0], parts[1], None # The image identifier had no tag or digest e.g. `` return image_identifier, None, None
[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class ImageConfig(DataClassJsonMixin): """ We recommend you to use to create an ImageConfig. For example,"""") will create an ImageConfig. ImageConfig holds available images which can be used at registration time. A default image can be specified along with optional additional images. Each image in the config must have a unique name. Attributes: default_image (Optional[Image]): The default image to be used as a container for task serialization. images (List[Image]): Optional, additional images which can be used in task container definitions. """ default_image: Optional[Image] = None images: Optional[List[Image]] = None
[docs] def find_image(self, name) -> Optional[Image]: """ Return an image, by name, if it exists. """ lookup_images = [self.default_image] if self.default_image else [] if self.images: lookup_images.extend(self.images) for i in lookup_images: if == name: return i return None
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_image(_: typing.Any, param: str, values: tuple) -> ImageConfig: """ Validates the image to match the standard format. Also validates that only one default image is provided. a default image, is one that is specified as ``default=<image_uri>`` or just ``<image_uri>``. All other images should be provided with a name, in the format ``name=<image_uri>`` This method can be used with the CLI :param _: click argument, ignored here. :param param: the click argument, here should be "image" :param values: user-supplied images :return: """ default_image = None images = [] for v in values: if "=" in v: splits = v.split("=", maxsplit=1) img = Image.look_up_image_info(name=splits[0], image_identifier=splits[1], allow_no_tag_or_digest=False) else: img = Image.look_up_image_info(DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME, v, False) if default_image and == DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME: raise ValueError( f"Only one default image can be specified. Received multiple {default_image} & {img} for {param}" ) if == DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME: default_image = img else: images.append(img) if default_image is None: default_image_str = DefaultImages.default_image() default_image = Image.look_up_image_info(DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME, default_image_str, False) return ImageConfig.create_from(default_image=default_image, other_images=images)
[docs] @classmethod def create_from( cls, default_image: Optional[Image], other_images: typing.Optional[typing.List[Image]] = None ) -> ImageConfig: if default_image and not isinstance(default_image, Image): raise ValueError(f"Default image should be of type Image or None not {type(default_image)}") all_images = [default_image] if default_image else [] if other_images: all_images.extend(other_images) return ImageConfig(default_image=default_image, images=all_images)
[docs] @classmethod def auto( cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile, None] = None, img_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> ImageConfig: """ Reads from config file or from img_name Note that this function does not take into account the flytekit default images (see the Dockerfiles at the base of this repo). To pick those up, see the auto_default_image function.. :param config_file: :param img_name: :return: """ default_img = Image.look_up_image_info("default", img_name) if img_name else None config_file = get_config_file(config_file) other_images = [ Image.look_up_image_info(k, image_identifier=v, allow_no_tag_or_digest=True) for k, v in _internal.Images.get_specified_images(config_file).items() ] return cls.create_from(default_img, other_images)
[docs] @classmethod def from_images(cls, default_image: str, m: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None): """ Allows you to programmatically create an ImageConfig. Usually only the default_image is required, unless your workflow uses multiple images .. code:: python ImageConfig.from_dict( "", { "spark": "", "other": "...", } ) :return: """ m = m or {} def_img = Image.look_up_image_info("default", default_image) if default_image else None other_images = [ Image.look_up_image_info(k, image_identifier=v, allow_no_tag_or_digest=True) for k, v in m.items() ] return cls.create_from(def_img, other_images)
[docs] @classmethod def auto_default_image(cls) -> ImageConfig: return
class AuthType(enum.Enum): STANDARD = "standard" BASIC = "basic" CLIENT_CREDENTIALS = "client_credentials" EXTERNAL_PROCESS = "external_process" # The following values are copied from flyteidl's admin client to align the two code bases on the same enum values. # The enum values above will continue to work. CLIENTSECRET = "ClientSecret" PKCE = "Pkce" EXTERNALCOMMAND = "ExternalCommand" DEVICEFLOW = "DeviceFlow"
[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class PlatformConfig(object): """ This object contains the settings to talk to a Flyte backend (the DNS location of your Admin server basically). :param endpoint: DNS for Flyte backend :param insecure: Whether or not to use SSL :param insecure_skip_verify: Whether to skip SSL certificate verification :param console_endpoint: endpoint for console if different from Flyte backend :param command: This command is executed to return a token using an external process :param proxy_command: This command is executed to return a token for proxy authorization using an external process :param client_id: This is the public identifier for the app which handles authorization for a Flyte deployment. More details here: :param client_credentials_secret: Used for service auth, which is automatically called during pyflyte. This will allow the Flyte engine to read the password directly from the environment variable. Note that this is less secure! Please only use this if mounting the secret as a file is impossible :param scopes: List of scopes to request. This is only applicable to the client credentials flow :param auth_mode: The OAuth mode to use. Defaults to pkce flow :param ca_cert_file_path: [optional] str Root Cert to be loaded and used to verify admin :param http_proxy_url: [optional] HTTP Proxy to be used for OAuth requests """ endpoint: str = "localhost:30080" insecure: bool = False insecure_skip_verify: bool = False ca_cert_file_path: typing.Optional[str] = None console_endpoint: typing.Optional[str] = None command: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None proxy_command: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None client_id: typing.Optional[str] = None client_credentials_secret: typing.Optional[str] = None scopes: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) auth_mode: AuthType = AuthType.STANDARD audience: typing.Optional[str] = None rpc_retries: int = 3 http_proxy_url: typing.Optional[str] = None
[docs] @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, ConfigFile]] = None) -> PlatformConfig: """ Reads from Config file, and overrides from Environment variables. Refer to ConfigEntry for details :param config_file: :return: """ config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "insecure", kwargs = set_if_exists( kwargs, "insecure_skip_verify", ) kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "ca_cert_file_path", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "command", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "proxy_command", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "client_id", kwargs = set_if_exists( kwargs, "client_credentials_secret", ) is_client_secret = False client_credentials_secret = read_file_if_exists( ) if client_credentials_secret: is_client_secret = True if client_credentials_secret.endswith("\n"):"Newline stripped from client secret") client_credentials_secret = client_credentials_secret.strip() kwargs = set_if_exists( kwargs, "client_credentials_secret", client_credentials_secret, ) client_credentials_secret_env_var = if client_credentials_secret_env_var: client_credentials_secret = os.getenv(client_credentials_secret_env_var) if client_credentials_secret: is_client_secret = True kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "client_credentials_secret", client_credentials_secret) kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "scopes", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "auth_mode", if is_client_secret: kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "auth_mode", AuthType.CLIENTSECRET.value) kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "endpoint", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "console_endpoint", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "http_proxy_url", return PlatformConfig(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def for_endpoint(cls, endpoint: str, insecure: bool = False) -> PlatformConfig: return PlatformConfig(endpoint=endpoint, insecure=insecure)
[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class StatsConfig(object): """ Configuration for sending statsd. :param host: The statsd host :param port: statsd port :param disabled: Whether or not to send :param disabled_tags: Turn on to reduce cardinality. """ host: str = "localhost" port: int = 8125 disabled: bool = False disabled_tags: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None) -> StatsConfig: """ Reads from environment variable, followed by ConfigFile provided :param config_file: :return: """ config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "host", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "port", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "disabled", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "disabled_tags", return StatsConfig(**kwargs)
[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class SecretsConfig(object): """ Configuration for secrets. :param env_prefix: This is the prefix that will be used to lookup for injected secrets at runtime. :param default_dir: This is the default directory that will be used to find secrets as individual files under. :param file_prefix: This is the prefix for the file in the default dir. """ env_prefix: str = "_FSEC_" default_dir: str = os.path.join(os.sep, "etc", "secrets") file_prefix: str = ""
[docs] @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None) -> SecretsConfig: """ Reads from environment variable or from config file :param config_file: :return: """ config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "env_prefix", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "default_dir", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "file_prefix", return SecretsConfig(**kwargs)
[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class S3Config(object): """ S3 specific configuration """ enable_debug: bool = False endpoint: typing.Optional[str] = None retries: int = 3 backoff: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5) access_key_id: typing.Optional[str] = None secret_access_key: typing.Optional[str] = None
[docs] @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None) -> S3Config: """ Automatically configure :param config_file: :return: Config """ config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "enable_debug", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "endpoint", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "retries", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "backoff", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "access_key_id", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "secret_access_key", return S3Config(**kwargs)
[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class GCSConfig(object): """ Any GCS specific configuration. """ gsutil_parallelism: bool = False
[docs] @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None) -> GCSConfig: config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "gsutil_parallelism", return GCSConfig(**kwargs)
@dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class GenericPersistenceConfig(object): """ Data storage configuration that applies across any provider. """ attach_execution_metadata: bool = True @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None) -> GCSConfig: config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} kwargs = set_if_exists( kwargs, "attach_execution_metadata", ) return GenericPersistenceConfig(**kwargs) @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class AzureBlobStorageConfig(object): """ Any Azure Blob Storage specific configuration. """ account_name: typing.Optional[str] = None account_key: typing.Optional[str] = None tenant_id: typing.Optional[str] = None client_id: typing.Optional[str] = None client_secret: typing.Optional[str] = None @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None) -> GCSConfig: config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "account_name", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "account_key", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "tenant_id", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "client_id", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "client_secret", return AzureBlobStorageConfig(**kwargs)
[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class DataConfig(object): """ Any data storage specific configuration. Please do not use this to store secrets, in S3 case, as it is used in Flyte sandbox environment we store the access key id and secret. All DataPersistence plugins are passed all DataConfig and the plugin should correctly use the right config """ s3: S3Config = S3Config() gcs: GCSConfig = GCSConfig() azure: AzureBlobStorageConfig = AzureBlobStorageConfig() generic: GenericPersistenceConfig = GenericPersistenceConfig()
[docs] @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None) -> DataConfig: config_file = get_config_file(config_file) return DataConfig(,,,, )
@dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class LocalConfig(object): """ Any configuration specific to local runs. """ cache_enabled: bool = True cache_overwrite: bool = False @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None) -> LocalConfig: config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "cache_enabled", kwargs = set_if_exists(kwargs, "cache_overwrite", return LocalConfig(**kwargs)
[docs] @dataclass(init=True, repr=True, eq=True, frozen=True) class Config(object): """ This the parent configuration object and holds all the underlying configuration object types. An instance of this object holds all the config necessary to 1. Interactive session with Flyte backend 2. Some parts are required for Serialization, for example Platform Config is not required 3. Runtime of a task Args: entrypoint_settings: EntrypointSettings object for use with Spark tasks. If supplied, this will be used when serializing Spark tasks, which need to know the path to the flytekit file, inside the container. """ platform: PlatformConfig = PlatformConfig() secrets: SecretsConfig = SecretsConfig() stats: StatsConfig = StatsConfig() data_config: DataConfig = DataConfig() local_sandbox_path: str = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="flyte")
[docs] def with_params( self, platform: PlatformConfig = None, secrets: SecretsConfig = None, stats: StatsConfig = None, data_config: DataConfig = None, local_sandbox_path: str = None, ) -> Config: return Config( platform=platform or self.platform, secrets=secrets or self.secrets, stats=stats or self.stats, data_config=data_config or self.data_config, local_sandbox_path=local_sandbox_path or self.local_sandbox_path, )
[docs] @classmethod def auto(cls, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile, None] = None) -> Config: """ Automatically constructs the Config Object. The order of precedence is as follows 1. first try to find any env vars that match the config vars specified in the FLYTE_CONFIG format. 2. If not found in environment then values ar read from the config file 3. If not found in the file, then the default values are used. :param config_file: file path to read the config from, if not specified default locations are searched :return: Config """ config_file = get_config_file(config_file) kwargs = {} set_if_exists(kwargs, "local_sandbox_path", return Config(,,,, **kwargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def for_sandbox(cls) -> Config: """ Constructs a new Config object specifically to connect to :std:ref:`deployment-deployment-sandbox`. If you are using a hosted Sandbox like environment, then you may need to use port-forward or ingress urls :return: Config """ return Config( platform=PlatformConfig(endpoint="localhost:30080", auth_mode="Pkce", insecure=True), data_config=DataConfig( s3=S3Config(endpoint="http://localhost:30002", access_key_id="minio", secret_access_key="miniostorage") ), )
[docs] @classmethod def for_endpoint( cls, endpoint: str, insecure: bool = False, data_config: typing.Optional[DataConfig] = None, config_file: typing.Union[str, ConfigFile] = None, ) -> Config: """ Creates an automatic config for the given endpoint and uses the config_file or environment variable for default. Refer to `` to understand the default bootstrap behavior. data_config can be used to configure how data is downloaded or uploaded to a specific Blob storage like S3 / GCS etc. But, for permissions to a specific backend just use Cloud providers reqcommendation. If using fsspec, then refer to fsspec documentation :param endpoint: -> Endpoint where Flyte admin is available :param insecure: -> if the connection should be insecure, default is secure (SSL ON) :param data_config: -> Data config, if using specialized connection params like minio etc :param config_file: -> Optional config file in the flytekit config format. :return: Config """ c = return c.with_params(platform=PlatformConfig.for_endpoint(endpoint, insecure), data_config=data_config)
@dataclass class EntrypointSettings(DataClassJsonMixin): """ This object carries information about the path of the entrypoint command that will be invoked at runtime. This is where `pyflyte-execute` code can be found. This is useful for cases like pyspark execution. """ path: Optional[str] = None
[docs] @dataclass class FastSerializationSettings(DataClassJsonMixin): """ This object hold information about settings necessary to serialize an object so that it can be fast-registered. """ enabled: bool = False # This is the location that the code should be copied into. destination_dir: Optional[str] = None # This is the zip file where the new code was uploaded to. distribution_location: Optional[str] = None
# TODO: ImageConfig, python_interpreter, venv_root, fast_serialization_settings.destination_dir should be combined.
[docs] @dataclass class SerializationSettings(DataClassJsonMixin): """ These settings are provided while serializing a workflow and task, before registration. This is required to get runtime information at serialization time, as well as some defaults. Attributes: project (str): The project (if any) with which to register entities under. domain (str): The domain (if any) with which to register entities under. version (str): The version (if any) with which to register entities under. image_config (ImageConfig): The image config used to define task container images. env (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): Environment variables injected into task container definitions. flytekit_virtualenv_root (Optional[str]): During out of container serialize the absolute path of the flytekit virtualenv at serialization time won't match the in-container value at execution time. This optional value is used to provide the in-container virtualenv path python_interpreter (Optional[str]): The python executable to use. This is used for spark tasks in out of container execution. entrypoint_settings (Optional[EntrypointSettings]): Information about the command, path and version of the entrypoint program. fast_serialization_settings (Optional[FastSerializationSettings]): If the code is being serialized so that it can be fast registered (and thus omit building a Docker image) this object contains additional parameters for serialization. source_root (Optional[str]): The root directory of the source code. """ image_config: ImageConfig project: typing.Optional[str] = None domain: typing.Optional[str] = None version: typing.Optional[str] = None env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None git_repo: Optional[str] = None python_interpreter: str = DEFAULT_RUNTIME_PYTHON_INTERPRETER flytekit_virtualenv_root: Optional[str] = None fast_serialization_settings: Optional[FastSerializationSettings] = None source_root: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): if self.flytekit_virtualenv_root is None: self.flytekit_virtualenv_root = self.venv_root_from_interpreter(self.python_interpreter) @property def entrypoint_settings(self) -> EntrypointSettings: return EntrypointSettings( path=os.path.join( SerializationSettings.venv_root_from_interpreter(self.python_interpreter), DEFAULT_FLYTEKIT_ENTRYPOINT_FILELOC, ) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_transport(cls, s: str) -> SerializationSettings: compressed_val = base64.b64decode(s.encode("utf-8")) json_str = gzip.decompress(compressed_val).decode("utf-8") return cls.from_json(json_str)
[docs] @classmethod def for_image( cls, image: str, version: str, project: str = "", domain: str = "", python_interpreter_path: str = DEFAULT_RUNTIME_PYTHON_INTERPRETER, ) -> SerializationSettings: img = ImageConfig(default_image=Image.look_up_image_info(DEFAULT_IMAGE_NAME, image_identifier=image)) return SerializationSettings( image_config=img, project=project, domain=domain, version=version, python_interpreter=python_interpreter_path, flytekit_virtualenv_root=cls.venv_root_from_interpreter(python_interpreter_path), )
[docs] @staticmethod def venv_root_from_interpreter(interpreter_path: str) -> str: """ Computes the path of the virtual environment root, based on the passed in python interpreter path for example /opt/venv/bin/python3 -> /opt/venv """ return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(interpreter_path))
[docs] @staticmethod def default_entrypoint_settings(interpreter_path: str) -> EntrypointSettings: """ Assumes the entrypoint is installed in a virtual-environment where the interpreter is """ return EntrypointSettings( path=os.path.join( SerializationSettings.venv_root_from_interpreter(interpreter_path), DEFAULT_FLYTEKIT_ENTRYPOINT_FILELOC ) )
[docs] def new_builder(self) -> Builder: """ Creates a ``SerializationSettings.Builder`` that copies the existing serialization settings parameters and allows for customization. """ return SerializationSettings.Builder( project=self.project, domain=self.domain, version=self.version, image_config=self.image_config, env=self.env.copy() if self.env else None, git_repo=self.git_repo, flytekit_virtualenv_root=self.flytekit_virtualenv_root, python_interpreter=self.python_interpreter, fast_serialization_settings=self.fast_serialization_settings, source_root=self.source_root, )
[docs] def should_fast_serialize(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the serialization settings specify that entities should be serialized for fast registration. """ return self.fast_serialization_settings is not None and self.fast_serialization_settings.enabled
def _has_serialized_context(self) -> bool: return self.env and SERIALIZED_CONTEXT_ENV_VAR in self.env @property def serialized_context(self) -> str: """ :return: returns the serialization context as a base64encoded, gzip compressed, json strinnn """ if self._has_serialized_context(): return self.env[SERIALIZED_CONTEXT_ENV_VAR] json_str = self.to_json() buf = BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(mode="wb", fileobj=buf, mtime=0) as f: f.write(json_str.encode("utf-8")) return base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")
[docs] def with_serialized_context(self) -> SerializationSettings: """ Use this method to create a new SerializationSettings that has an environment variable set with the SerializedContext This is useful in transporting SerializedContext to serialized and registered tasks. The setting will be available in the `env` field with the key `SERIALIZED_CONTEXT_ENV_VAR` :return: A newly constructed SerializationSettings, or self, if it already has the serializationSettings """ if self._has_serialized_context(): return self b = self.new_builder() if not b.env: b.env = {} b.env[SERIALIZED_CONTEXT_ENV_VAR] = self.serialized_context return
@dataclass class Builder(object): project: str domain: str version: str image_config: ImageConfig env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None git_repo: Optional[str] = None flytekit_virtualenv_root: Optional[str] = None python_interpreter: Optional[str] = None fast_serialization_settings: Optional[FastSerializationSettings] = None source_root: Optional[str] = None def with_fast_serialization_settings(self, fss: fast_serialization_settings) -> SerializationSettings.Builder: self.fast_serialization_settings = fss return self def build(self) -> SerializationSettings: return SerializationSettings( project=self.project, domain=self.domain, version=self.version, image_config=self.image_config, env=self.env, git_repo=self.git_repo, flytekit_virtualenv_root=self.flytekit_virtualenv_root, python_interpreter=self.python_interpreter, fast_serialization_settings=self.fast_serialization_settings, source_root=self.source_root, )