Mock Tasks for Testing#

A lot of the tasks that you write you can run locally, but some of them you will not be able to, usually because they are tasks that depend on a third-party only available on the backend. Hive tasks are a common example, as most users will not have access to the service that executes Hive queries from their development environment. However, it’s still useful to be able to locally run a workflow that calls such a task. In these instances, flytekit provides a couple of utilities to help navigate this.

import datetime

import pandas
from flytekit import SQLTask, TaskMetadata, kwtypes, task, workflow
from flytekit.testing import patch, task_mock
from flytekit.types.schema import FlyteSchema

This is a generic SQL task (and is by default not hooked up to any datastore nor handled by any plugin), and must be mocked.

sql = SQLTask(
    query_template="SELECT * FROM WHERE ds = '{{ .Inputs.ds }}' LIMIT 10",

This is a task that can run locally

def t1() -> datetime.datetime:

Declare a workflow that chains these two tasks together.

def my_wf() -> FlyteSchema:
    dt = t1()
    return sql(ds=dt)

Without a mock, calling the workflow would typically raise an exception, but with the task_mock construct, which returns a MagicMock object, we can override the return value.

def main_1():
    with task_mock(sql) as mock:
        mock.return_value = pandas.DataFrame(data={"x": [1, 2], "y": ["3", "4"]})
        assert (
                == pandas.DataFrame(data={"x": [1, 2], "y": ["3", "4"]})

There is another utility as well called patch which offers the same functionality, but in the traditional Python patching style, where the first argument is the MagicMock object.

def main_2():
    def test_user_demo_test(mock_sql):
        mock_sql.return_value = pandas.DataFrame(data={"x": [1, 2], "y": ["3", "4"]})
        assert (
                == pandas.DataFrame(data={"x": [1, 2], "y": ["3", "4"]})


if __name__ == "__main__":

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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