
Subworkflows are similar to launch plans, since they allow users to kick off one workflow from inside another.

What’s the difference? Think of launch plans as pass by pointer and subworkflows as pass by value.


The reason why subworkflows exist is that this is how Flyte handles dynamic workflows. Instead of hiding this functionality, we expose it at the user level. There are pros and cons of using subworkflows as described below.

When Should I Use SubWorkflows?#

If you want to limit parallelism within a workflow and its launched sub-flows, subworkflows provide a clean way to achieve that because they execute within the same context of the parent workflow. Thus, all nodes of a subworkflow are constrained to the total constraint on the parent workflow.

Consider this: When you include Workflow A as a subworkflow of Workflow B, and when Workflow B is run, the entire graph of workflow A is copied into workflow B at the point where it is called.

Let’s understand subworkflow with an example.


We import the required dependencies into the environment.

import typing
from typing import Tuple
from flytekit import task, workflow

Next, we define a task that uses named outputs. We usually try and define NamedTuple as a distinct type as a best practice (although it can be defined inline).

op = typing.NamedTuple("OutputsBC", t1_int_output=int, c=str)

def t1(a: int) -> op:
    return op(a + 2, "world")

Then we define a subworkflow like a typical workflow that can run like any other workflow.

def my_subwf(a: int = 42) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    x, y = t1(a=a)
    u, v = t1(a=x)
    return y, v

We call the workflow declared above in a parent workflow below which showcases how to override the node name of a task (or subworkflow in this case).

Typically, nodes are just named sequentially: n0, n1, and so on. Since the inner my_subwf also has a n0, you may wish to change the name of the first one. Not changing the name is fine because Flyte automatically prepends an attribute to the inner n0 since node IDs must be distinct within a workflow graph.

def parent_wf(a: int) -> Tuple[int, str, str]:
    x, y = t1(a=a).with_overrides(node_name="node-t1-parent")
    u, v = my_subwf(a=x)
    return x, u, v


The with_overrides method provides a new name to the graph-node for better rendering or readability.

You can run the subworkflows locally.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Running parent_wf(a=3) {parent_wf(a=3)}")

# Interestingly, we can nest a workflow that has a subworkflow within a workflow.
# Workflows can be simply composed from other workflows, even if the other workflows are standalone entities. Each of the
# workflows in this module can exist and run independently.
def nested_parent_wf(a: int) -> Tuple[int, str, str, str]:
    x, y = my_subwf(a=a)
    m, n, o = parent_wf(a=a)
    return m, n, o, y

You can run the nested workflows locally as well.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Running nested_parent_wf(a=3) {nested_parent_wf(a=3)}")

External Workflow#

When launch plans are used within a workflow to launch the execution of a previously defined workflow, a new external execution is launched, with a separate execution ID and can be observed as a distinct entity in FlyteConsole/Flytectl.

They may have separate parallelism constraints since the context is not shared. We refer to such external invocations of a workflow using launch plans from a parent workflow as External Workflows.


If your deployment uses multicluster-setup, then external workflows may allow you to distribute the workload of a workflow to multiple clusters.

Here is an example demonstrating external workflows:

We import the required dependencies into the environment.

import typing
from typing import Tuple, Dict
from flytekit import dynamic,task, workflow
from flytekit import conditional, task, workflow, LaunchPlan

from collections import Counter

We define a task that computes the frequency of every word in a string, and returns a dictionary mapping every word to its count.

def count_freq_words(input_string1: str) -> Dict:
    # input_string = "The cat sat on the mat"
    words = input_string1.split()
    wordCount = dict(Counter(words))
    return wordCount

We define a workflow that executes the previously defined task.

def ext_workflow(my_input: str) -> Dict:
    result = count_freq_words(input_string1=my_input)
    return result

Next, we create a launch plan.

external_lp = LaunchPlan.get_or_create(ext_workflow, "parent_workflow_execution",)

We define another task that returns the repeated keys (in our case, words) from a dictionary.

def count_repetitive_words(word_counter: Dict) -> typing.List[str]:
    repeated_words = [key for key, value in word_counter.items() if value > 1]
    return repeated_words

We define a workflow that triggers the launch plan of the previously-defined workflow.

def parent_workflow(my_input1: str) -> typing.List[str]:
    my_op1 = external_lp(my_input=my_input1)
    my_op2 = count_repetitive_words(word_counter = my_op1)
    return my_op2

Here, parent_workflow is an external workflow. This can be run locally too.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Running parent workflow...")
    print(parent_workflow(my_input1= "the cat took the apple and ate the apple"))

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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