Container Interface#

Flyte typically interacts with containers in the course of its task execution (since most tasks are container tasks). This is what that process looks like:

  1. At compilation time for a container task, the arguments to that container (and the container image itself) are set.

    1. This is done by flytekit for instance for your run of the mill @task. This step is crucial - the task needs to specify an image available in the registry configured in the flyte installation.

  2. At runtime, Flyte will execute your task via a plugin. The default container plugin will do the following:

    1. Set a series of environment variables.

    2. Before running the container, search/replace values in the container arguments. The command templating section below details how this happens.


    This templating process should be done by all plugins, even plugins that don’t run a container but need some information from the execution side. For example, a query task that submits a query to an engine that writes the output to the raw output location. Or a query that uses the unique retry key as a temp table name, etc.

Command Templating#

The templating of container arguments at run-time is one of the more advanced constructs of Flyte, but one that authors of new task types should be aware of. For example, when looking at the hello world task in the UI, if you click the Task tab, you’d see JSON that contains something like the following:

"container": {
  "command": [],
  "args": [

The following table explains what each of the {{}} items mean, along with some others.






Pb file containing a LiteralMap containing the inputs



Just the bucket where the inputs.pb file can be found


"hello world"

For primitive inputs, the task can request that Flyte unpack the actual literal value, saving the task from having to download the file. Note that for Blob, Schema and StructuredDataset types, the uri where the data is stored will be filled in as the value.



Location where the task should write a LiteralMap of output values in a file called outputs.pb



Bucket where off-loaded data types (schemas, files, structureddatasets, etc.) are written.


(random characters)

This is a random string that allows the task to differentiate between different executions of a task. Values will be unique per retry as well.



For tasks that need the full task definition, use this template to access the full TaskTemplate IDL message. To ensure performance, propeller will not upload this file if this template was not requested by the task.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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