Intratask Checkpoints#


This feature is available from Flytekit version 0.30.0b6+ and needs a Flyte backend version of atleast 0.19.0+.

A checkpoint recovers a task from a previous failure by recording the state of a task before the failure and resuming from the latest recorded state.

Why Intra-task Checkpoints?#

Flyte, at its core, is a workflow engine. Workflows provide a way to break up an operation/program/idea logically into smaller tasks. If a task fails, the workflow does not need to run the previously completed tasks. It can simply retry the task that failed. Eventually, when the task succeeds, it will not run again. Thus, task boundaries naturally serve as checkpoints.

There are cases where it is not easy or desirable to break a task into smaller tasks, because running a task adds to the overhead. This is true when running a large computation in a tight-loop. In such cases, users can split each loop iteration into its own task using dynamic workflows, but the overhead of spawning new tasks, recording intermediate results, and reconstituting the state can be expensive.

Model-training Use Case#

An example of this case is model training. Running multiple epochs or different iterations with the same dataset can take a long time, but the bootstrap time may be high and creating task boundaries can be expensive.

To tackle this, Flyte offers a way to checkpoint progress within a task execution as a file or a set of files. These checkpoints can be written synchronously or asynchronously. In case of failure, the checkpoint file can be re-read to resume most of the state without re-running the entire task. This opens up the opportunity to use alternate compute systems with lower guarantees like AWS Spot Instances, GCP Pre-emptible Instances, etc.

These instances offer great performance at much lower price-points as compared to their on-demand or reserved alternatives. This is possible if you construct the tasks in a fault-tolerant manner. In most cases, when the task runs for a short duration, e.g., less than 10 minutes, the potential of failure is insignificant and task-boundary-based recovery offers significant fault-tolerance to ensure successful completion.

But as the time for a task increases, the cost of re-running it increases, and reduces the chances of successful completion. This is where Flyte’s intra-task checkpointing truly shines.

Let’s look at an example of how to develop tasks which utilize intra-task checkpointing. It only provides the low-level API, though. We intend to integrate higher-level checkpointing APIs available in popular training frameworks like Keras, Pytorch, Scikit-learn, and big-data frameworks like Spark and Flink to supercharge their fault-tolerance.

from flytekit import task, workflow, current_context
from flytekit.exceptions.user import FlyteRecoverableException


This task shows how checkpoints can help resume execution in case of a failure. This is an example task and shows the API for the checkpointer. The checkpoint system exposes other APIs. For a detailed understanding, refer to the checkpointer code.

The goal of this method is to return a+4. It performs this operation within 3 retries of the task, by recovering from the previous failures. For each failure, it increments the value by 1.

def use_checkpoint(n_iterations: int) -> int:
    cp = current_context().checkpoint
    prev =
    start = 0
    if prev:
        start = int(prev.decode())

    # create a failure interval so we can create failures for every 'n' iterations and then succeed within
    # configured retries
    failure_interval = n_iterations * 1.0 / RETRIES
    i = 0
    for i in range(start, n_iterations):
        # simulate a deterministic failure, for demonstration. We want to show how it eventually completes within
        # the given retries
        if i > start and i % failure_interval == 0:
            raise FlyteRecoverableException(f"Failed at iteration {start}, failure_interval {failure_interval}")
        # save progress state. It is also entirely possible save state every few intervals.
        cp.write(f"{i + 1}".encode())

    return i

The workflow here simply calls the task. The task itself will be retried for the FlyteRecoverableException.

def example(n_iterations: int) -> int:
    return use_checkpoint(n_iterations=n_iterations)

The checkpoint is stored locally, but it is not used since retries are not supported.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except RuntimeError as e:
        # no retries are performed, so an exception is expected when run locally.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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