Working With Folders#

In addition to files, folders are another fundamental operating system primitive users often work with. Flyte supports folders in the form of multi-part blobs.

First, let’s import the libraries we need in this example.

import csv
import os
import urllib.request
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import flytekit
from flytekit import task, workflow
from import FlyteDirectory

Extending the same use case that we used in the File example, which is to normalize columns in a csv file.

The following task downloads a list of urls pointing to csv files and returns the path to the folder, in a FlyteDirectory object.

def download_files(csv_urls: List[str]) -> FlyteDirectory:
    working_dir = flytekit.current_context().working_directory
    local_dir = Path(os.path.join(working_dir, "csv_files"))

    # get the number of digits needed to preserve the order of files in the local directory
    zfill_len = len(str(len(csv_urls)))
    for idx, remote_location in enumerate(csv_urls):
        local_image = os.path.join(
            # prefix the file name with the index location of the file in the original csv_urls list
            local_dir, f"{str(idx).zfill(zfill_len)}_{os.path.basename(remote_location)}"
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(remote_location, local_image)
    return FlyteDirectory(path=str(local_dir))

Next, we define a helper function to normalize the columns in-place.


This is a plain python function that will be called in a subsequent Flyte task. This example demonstrates how Flyte tasks are simply entrypoints of execution, which can themselves call other functions and routines that are written in pure python.

def normalize_columns(
    local_csv_file: str,
    column_names: List[str],
    columns_to_normalize: List[str],
    # read the data from the raw csv file
    parsed_data = defaultdict(list)
    with open(local_csv_file, newline='\n') as input_file:
        reader = csv.DictReader(input_file, fieldnames=column_names)
        for row in (x for i, x in enumerate(reader) if i > 0):
            for column in columns_to_normalize:

    # normalize the data
    normalized_data = defaultdict(list)
    for colname, values in parsed_data.items():
        mean = sum(values) / len(values)
        std = (sum([(x - mean) ** 2 for x in values]) / len(values)) ** 0.5
        normalized_data[colname] = [(x - mean) / std for x in values]

    # overwrite the csv file with the normalized columns
    with open(local_csv_file, mode="w") as output_file:
        writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, fieldnames=columns_to_normalize)
        for row in zip(*normalized_data.values()):
            writer.writerow({k: row[i] for i, k in enumerate(columns_to_normalize)})

Now we define a task that accepts the previously downloaded folder, along with some metadata about the column names of each file in the directory and the column names that we want to normalize.

def normalize_all_files(
    csv_files_dir: FlyteDirectory,
    columns_metadata: List[List[str]],
    columns_to_normalize_metadata: List[List[str]],
) -> FlyteDirectory:
    for local_csv_file, column_names, columns_to_normalize in zip(
        # make sure we sort the files in the directory to preserve the original order of the csv urls
        [os.path.join(csv_files_dir, x) for x in sorted(os.listdir(csv_files_dir))],
        normalize_columns(local_csv_file, column_names, columns_to_normalize)
    return FlyteDirectory(path=csv_files_dir.path)

Then we compose all of the above tasks into a workflow. This workflow accepts a list of url strings pointing to a remote location containing a csv file, a list of column names associated with each csv file, and a list of columns that we want to normalize.

def download_and_normalize_csv_files(
    csv_urls: List[str],
    columns_metadata: List[List[str]],
    columns_to_normalize_metadata: List[List[str]],
) -> FlyteDirectory:
    directory = download_files(csv_urls=csv_urls)
    return normalize_all_files(

Finally, we can run the workflow locally.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    csv_urls = [
    columns_metadata = [
        ["Name", "Sex", "Age", "Heights (in)", "Weight (lbs)"],
        ["Index", "Eruption length (mins)", "Eruption wait (mins)"],
    columns_to_normalize_metadata = [
        ["Eruption length (mins)"],

    print(f"Running {__file__} main...")
    directory = download_and_normalize_csv_files(
        f"Running download_and_normalize_csv_files on {csv_urls}: "

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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