Chain Flyte Tasks#

Data passing between tasks need not always happen through parameters. Flyte provides a mechanism to chain tasks using the >> operator and the create_node function. You may want to call this function to specify dependencies between tasks that don’t consume or produce outputs.

In this example, let’s enforce an order for read() to happen after write().

First, we import the necessary dependencies.

from flytekit import task, workflow
from flytekit.core.node_creation import create_node
import pandas as pd


We define a read() task to read from the file.

def read() -> pd.DataFrame:
    data = pd.read_csv(DATABASE)
    return data

We define a write() task to write to the file. Let’s assume we are populating the CSV file.

def write():
    # dummy code
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            "sepal_length": [5.3],
            "sepal_width": [3.8],
            "petal_length": [0.1],
            "petal_width": [0.3],
            "species": ["setosa"],
    # we write the data to a database
    # pd.to_csv("...")

We want to enforce an order here: write() followed by read(). Since no data-passing happens between the tasks, we use >> operator on the nodes.

def chain_tasks_wf() -> pd.DataFrame:
    write_node = create_node(write)
    read_node = create_node(read)

    write_node >> read_node

    return read_node.o0


To send arguments while creating a node, use the following syntax:

create_node(task_name, parameter1=argument1, parameter2=argument2, ...)

Finally, we can run the workflow locally.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Running {__file__} main...")
    print(f"Running chain_tasks_wf()... {chain_tasks_wf()}")

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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