Basic Schema Example#

In this example we’ll show you how to use pandera.SchemaModel to annotate dataframe inputs and outputs in your flyte tasks.

import typing

import flytekitplugins.pandera
import pandas as pd
import pandera as pa
from flytekit import task, workflow
from pandera.typing import DataFrame, Series

A Simple Data Processing Pipeline#

Let’s first define a simple data processing pipeline in pure python.

def total_pay(df):
    return df.assign(total_pay=df.hourly_pay * df.hours_worked)

def add_id(df, worker_id):
    return df.assign(worker_id=worker_id)

def process_data(df, worker_id):
    return add_id(df=total_pay(df=df), worker_id=worker_id)

As you can see, the process_data function is composed of two simpler functions: One that computes total_pay and another that simply adds an id column to a pandas dataframe.

Defining DataFrame Schemas#

Next we define the schemas that provide type and statistical annotations for the raw, intermediate, and final outputs of our pipeline.

class InSchema(pa.SchemaModel):
    hourly_pay: Series[float] = pa.Field(ge=7)
    hours_worked: Series[float] = pa.Field(ge=10)

    @pa.check("hourly_pay", "hours_worked")
    def check_numbers_are_positive(cls, series: Series) -> Series[bool]:
        """Defines a column-level custom check."""
        return series > 0

    class Config:
        coerce = True

class IntermediateSchema(InSchema):
    total_pay: Series[float]

    def check_total_pay(cls, df: DataFrame) -> Series[bool]:
        """Defines a dataframe-level custom check."""
        return df["total_pay"] == df["hourly_pay"] * df["hours_worked"]

class OutSchema(IntermediateSchema):
    worker_id: Series[str] = pa.Field()

Columns are specified as class attributes with a specified data type using the type-hinting syntax, and you can place additional statistical constraints on the values of each column using Field(). You can also define custom validation functions by decorating methods with check() (column-level checks) or dataframe_check() (dataframe-level checks), which automatically make them class methods.

Pandera uses inheritence to make sure that SchemaModel subclasses contain all of the same columns and custom check methods as their base class. Inheritance semantics apply to schema models so you can override column attributes or check methods in subclasses. This has the nice effect of providing an explicit graph of type dependencies as data flows through the various tasks in your workflow.

Type Annotating Tasks and Workflows#

Finally, we can turn our data processing pipeline into a Flyte workflow by decorating our functions with the task() and workflow() decorators and annotating the inputs and outputs of those functions with the pandera schemas:

def dict_to_dataframe(data: dict) -> DataFrame[InSchema]:
    """Helper task to convert a dictionary input to a dataframe."""
    return pd.DataFrame(data)

def total_pay(df: DataFrame[InSchema]) -> DataFrame[IntermediateSchema]:
    return df.assign(total_pay=df.hourly_pay * df.hours_worked)

def add_ids(df: DataFrame[IntermediateSchema], worker_ids: typing.List[str]) -> DataFrame[OutSchema]:
    return df.assign(worker_id=worker_ids)

def process_data(
    data: dict = {"hourly_pay": [12.0, 13.5, 10.1], "hours_worked": [30.5, 40.0, 41.75]},
    worker_ids: typing.List[str] = ["a", "b", "c"]
) -> DataFrame[OutSchema]:
    return add_ids(
        df=total_pay(df=dict_to_dataframe(data=data)), worker_ids=worker_ids

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Running {__file__} main...")
    result = process_data(
        data={"hourly_pay": [12.0, 13.5, 10.1], "hours_worked": [30.5, 40.0, 41.75]}, worker_ids=["a", "b", "c"]
    print(f"Running wf(), returns dataframe\n{result}\n{result.dtypes}")

Now your workflows and tasks are guarded against unexpected data at runtime!

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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