Add Docstrings to Workflows#

Documented code helps enhance the readability of the code. Flyte supports docstrings to document your code. Docstrings are stored in FlyteAdmin and shown on the UI in the launch form.

This example demonstrates the various ways in which you can document your Flyte workflow. The example workflow accepts a DataFrame and data class. We send a record that needs to be appended to the DataFrame through a data class.

Let’s import the libraries.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import pandas as pd
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from flytekit import task, workflow

We define a dataclass.

class PandasData(object):
    id: int = 3
    name: str = "Bonnie"

Next, we define a task that appends data to the DataFrame.

def add_data(df: pd.DataFrame, data: PandasData) -> pd.DataFrame:
    df = df.append({"id":, "name":}, ignore_index=True)
    return df

Sphinx-style Docstring#

An example to demonstrate Sphinx-style docstring.

The first block of the docstring is a one-liner about the workflow. The second block of the docstring consists of a detailed description. The third block of the docstring describes the parameters and return type.

def sphinx_docstring(df: pd.DataFrame, data: PandasData = PandasData()) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Showcase Sphinx-style docstring.

    This workflow accepts a DataFrame and data class.
    It calls a task that appends the user-sent record to the DataFrame.

    :param df: Pandas DataFrame
    :param data: A data class pertaining to the new record to be stored in the DataFrame
    :return: Pandas DataFrame
    return add_data(df=df, data=data)

NumPy-style Docstring#

An example to demonstrate NumPy-style docstring.

The first block of the docstring is a one-liner about the workflow. The second block of the docstring consists of a detailed description. The third block of the docstring describes all the parameters along with their data types. The fourth block of the docstring descibes the return type along with its data type.

def numpy_docstring(df: pd.DataFrame, data: PandasData = PandasData()) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Showcase NumPy-style docstring.

    This workflow accepts a DataFrame and data class.
    It calls a task that appends the user-sent record to the DataFrame.

    df: pd.DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame
    data: Dataclass
        A data class pertaining to the new record to be stored in the DataFrame

    out : pd.DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame
    return add_data(df=df, data=data)

Google-style Docstring#

An example to demonstrate Google-style docstring.

The first block of the docstring is a one-liner about the workflow. The second block of the docstring consists of a detailed description. The third block of the docstring describes the parameters and return type along with their data types.

def google_docstring(df: pd.DataFrame, data: PandasData = PandasData()) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Showcase Google-style docstring.

    This workflow accepts a DataFrame and data class.
    It calls a task that appends the user-sent record to the DataFrame.

        df(pd.DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame
        data(Dataclass): A data class pertaining to the new record to be stored in the DataFrame
        pd.DataFrame: Pandas DataFrame
    return add_data(df=df, data=data)

Lastly, we can run the workflow locally.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Running {__file__} main...")
        f"Running sphinx_docstring(), modified DataFrame is {sphinx_docstring(df=pd.DataFrame(data={'id': [1, 2], 'name': ['John', 'Meghan']}),data=PandasData(id=3, name='Bonnie'))}"
        f"Running numpy_docstring(), modified DataFrame is {numpy_docstring(df=pd.DataFrame(data={'id': [1, 2], 'name': ['John', 'Meghan']}),data=PandasData(id=3, name='Bonnie'))}"
        f"Running google_docstring(), modified DataFrame is {google_docstring(df=pd.DataFrame(data={'id': [1, 2], 'name': ['John', 'Meghan']}),data=PandasData(id=3, name='Bonnie'))}"

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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