Writing a PySpark Task#

Flyte has an optional plugin that makes it possible to run Apache Spark jobs natively on your kubernetes cluster. This plugin has been used extensively at Lyft and is battle tested. It makes it extremely easy to run your pyspark (coming soon to scala/java) code as a task. The plugin creates a new virtual cluster for the spark execution dynamically and Flyte will manage the execution, auto-scaling for the spark job.

Spark in Flytekit#

For a more complete example refer to the How Flytekit Simplifies Usage of Pyspark in a Users Code

  1. Ensure you have flytekit>=0.16.0

  2. Enable Spark in backend, following the previous section.

  3. Install the flytekit spark plugin

    pip install flytekitplugins-spark
  4. Write regular pyspark code - with one change in @task decorator. Refer to the example below:

            # this configuration is applied to the spark cluster
                "spark.driver.memory": "1000M",
                "spark.executor.instances": "2",
                "spark.driver.cores": "1",
    def hello_spark(partitions: int) -> float:
        sess = flytekit.current_context().spark_session
        # Regular Pypsark code
  5. Run it locally

  6. Use it in a workflow (check cookbook)

  7. Run it on a remote cluster - To do this, you have to build the correct dockerfile, as explained here How to Build Your Dockerfile for Spark on K8s. You can also you the Standard Dockerfile recommended by Spark.


How Flytekit Simplifies Usage of Pyspark in a Users Code#

The task hello_spark runs a new spark cluster, which when run locally runs a single node client only cluster, but when run remote spins up a arbitrarily sized cluster depending on the specified spark configuration. spark_conf

This Example also shows how a user can simply create 2 tasks, that use different Docker images. For more information refer to Multiple Container Images in a Single Workflow

import datetime
import random
from operator import add

import flytekit
from flytekit import task, workflow

The following import is required to configure a Spark Server in Flyte:

from flytekitplugins.spark import Spark

Spark Task Sample#

This example shows how a Spark task can be written simply by adding a @task(task_config=Spark(...)...) decorator. Refer to Spark class to understand the various configuration options.

        # this configuration is applied to the spark cluster
            "spark.driver.memory": "1000M",
            "spark.executor.memory": "1000M",
            "spark.executor.cores": "1",
            "spark.executor.instances": "2",
            "spark.driver.cores": "1",
def hello_spark(partitions: int) -> float:
    print("Starting Spark with Partitions: {}".format(partitions))

    n = 100000 * partitions
    sess = flytekit.current_context().spark_session
    count = (
        sess.sparkContext.parallelize(range(1, n + 1), partitions).map(f).reduce(add)
    pi_val = 4.0 * count / n
    print("Pi val is :{}".format(pi_val))
    return pi_val

def f(_):
    x = random.random() * 2 - 1
    y = random.random() * 2 - 1
    return 1 if x ** 2 + y ** 2 <= 1 else 0

This is a regular python function task. This will not execute on the spark cluster

def print_every_time(value_to_print: float, date_triggered: datetime.datetime) -> int:
    print("My printed value: {} @ {}".format(value_to_print, date_triggered))
    return 1

The Workflow shows that a spark task and any python function (or any other task type) can be chained together as long as they match the parameter specifications.

def my_spark(triggered_date: datetime.datetime) -> float:
    Using the workflow is still as any other workflow. As image is a property of the task, the workflow does not care
    about how the image is configured.
    pi = hello_spark(partitions=50)
    print_every_time(value_to_print=pi, date_triggered=triggered_date)
    return pi

Workflows with spark tasks can be executed locally. Some aspects of spark, like links to plugins_hive metastores may not work, but these are limitations of using Spark and are not introduced by Flyte.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    NOTE: To run a multi-image workflow locally, all dependencies of all the tasks should be installed, ignoring which
    may result in local runtime failures.
    print(f"Running {__file__} main...")
        f"Running my_spark(triggered_date=datetime.datetime.now()){my_spark(triggered_date=datetime.datetime.now())}"

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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