flytectl update launchplan

Updates launch plan metadata


Following command updates the description on the launchplan.

flytectl update launchplan -p flytectldemo -d development  core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --description "Mergesort example"

Archiving launchplan named entity is not supported and would throw an error.

flytectl update launchplan -p flytectldemo -d development  core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --archive

Activating launchplan named entity would be a noop.

flytectl update launchplan -p flytectldemo -d development  core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --activate


flytectl update launchplan [flags]


    --activate             Activates the named entity specified as argument.
    --archive              Archives the named entity specified as argument.
    --description string   description of the namedentity.
-h, --help                 help for launchplan

Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string    config file (default is $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml)
-d, --domain string    Specifies the Flyte project's domain.
-o, --output string    Specifies the output type - supported formats [TABLE JSON YAML DOT DOTURL]. NOTE: dot, doturl are only supported for Workflow (default "TABLE")
-p, --project string   Specifies the Flyte project.