flytectl config

Runs various config commands, look at the help of this command to get a list of available commands..


Runs various config commands, look at the help of this command to get a list of available commands..


    --file stringArray   Passes the config file to load.
                         If empty, it'll first search for the config file path then, if found, will load config from there.
-h, --help               help for config

Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string    config file (default is $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml)
-d, --domain string    Specifies the Flyte project's domain.
-o, --output string    Specifies the output type - supported formats [TABLE JSON YAML DOT DOTURL]. NOTE: dot, doturl are only supported for Workflow (default "TABLE")
-p, --project string   Specifies the Flyte project.