flytectl delete execution

Terminate/Delete execution resources.


Terminate executions.(execution,executions can be used interchangeably in these commands)

Task executions can be aborted only if they are in non-terminal state i.e if they are FAILED,ABORTED or SUCCEEDED then calling terminate on them has no effect.

Terminate a single execution with its name

bin/flytectl delete execution c6a51x2l9e  -d development  -p flytesnacks

You can get executions to check its state.

bin/flytectl get execution  -d development  -p flytesnacks
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------
| NAME (7)   | WORKFLOW NAME                                                           | TYPE     | PHASE     | STARTED                        | ELAPSED TIME  |
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------
| c6a51x2l9e | recipes.core.basic.lp.go_greet                                          | WORKFLOW | ABORTED   | 2021-02-17T08:13:04.680476300Z | 15.540361300s |
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------

Terminate multiple executions with there names

bin/flytectl delete execution eeam9s8sny p4wv4hwgc4  -d development  -p flytesnacks

Similarly you can get executions to find the state of previously terminated executions.

bin/flytectl get execution  -d development  -p flytesnacks
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------
| NAME (7)   | WORKFLOW NAME                                                           | TYPE     | PHASE     | STARTED                        | ELAPSED TIME  |
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------
| c6a51x2l9e | recipes.core.basic.lp.go_greet                                          | WORKFLOW | ABORTED   | 2021-02-17T08:13:04.680476300Z | 15.540361300s |
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------
| eeam9s8sny | recipes.core.basic.lp.go_greet                                          | WORKFLOW | ABORTED   | 2021-02-17T08:14:04.803084100Z | 42.306385500s |
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------
| p4wv4hwgc4 | recipes.core.basic.lp.go_greet                                          | WORKFLOW | ABORTED   | 2021-02-17T08:14:27.476307400Z | 19.727504400s |
 ------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------- ---------------


flytectl delete execution [flags]


-h, --help   help for execution

Options inherited from parent commands

-c, --config string    config file (default is $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml)
-d, --domain string    Specifies the Flyte project's domain.
-o, --output string    Specifies the output type - supported formats [TABLE JSON YAML DOT DOTURL]. NOTE: dot, doturl are only supported for Workflow (default "TABLE")
-p, --project string   Specifies the Flyte project.


  • flytectl delete - Used for terminating/deleting various flyte resources including tasks/workflows/launchplans/executions/project.