Source code for flytekit.models.literals

from datetime import datetime as _datetime
from datetime import timezone as _timezone
from typing import Dict, Optional

from flyteidl.core import literals_pb2 as _literals_pb2
from google.protobuf.struct_pb2 import Struct

from flytekit.exceptions import user as _user_exceptions
from flytekit.models import common as _common
from flytekit.models.core import types as _core_types
from flytekit.models.types import Error, StructuredDatasetType
from flytekit.models.types import LiteralType as _LiteralType
from flytekit.models.types import OutputReference as _OutputReference
from flytekit.models.types import SchemaType as _SchemaType

class RetryStrategy(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
    def __init__(self, retries):
        :param int retries: Number of retries to attempt on recoverable failures.  If retries is 0, then
            only one attempt will be made.
        self._retries = retries

    def retries(self):
        Number of retries to attempt on recoverable failures.  If retries is 0, then only one attempt will be made.
        :rtype: int
        return self._retries

    def to_flyte_idl(self):
        :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.RetryStrategy
        return _literals_pb2.RetryStrategy(retries=self.retries)

    def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object):
        :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.RetryStrategy pb2_object:
        :rtype: RetryStrategy
        return cls(retries=pb2_object.retries)

class Primitive(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
    def __init__(
        This object proxies the primitives supported by the Flyte IDL system.  Only one value can be set.
        :param int integer: [Optional]
        :param float float_value: [Optional]
        :param Text string_value: [Optional]
        :param bool boolean: [Optional]
        :param datetime.timestamp datetime: [Optional]
        :param datetime.timedelta duration: [Optional]
        self._integer = integer
        self._float_value = float_value
        self._string_value = string_value
        self._boolean = boolean
        if datetime is None:
            self._datetime = None
        elif isinstance(datetime, _datetime):
            self._datetime = datetime
        else:  # TODO Check for timestamp type?
            self._datetime = _datetime.utcfromtimestamp(datetime.seconds)
        self._duration = duration

    def integer(self):
        :rtype: int
        return self._integer

    def float_value(self):
        :rtype: float
        return self._float_value

    def string_value(self):
        :rtype: Text
        return self._string_value

    def boolean(self):
        :rtype: bool
        return self._boolean

    def datetime(self):
        :rtype: datetime.datetime
        if self._datetime is None or self._datetime.tzinfo is not None:
            return self._datetime
        return self._datetime.replace(tzinfo=_timezone.utc)

    def duration(self):
        :rtype: datetime.timedelta
        return self._duration

    def value(self):
        This returns whichever field is set.
        :rtype: T
        for value in [
            if value is not None:
                return value

    def to_flyte_idl(self):
        :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Primitive
        primitive = _literals_pb2.Primitive(
        if self.datetime is not None:
            # Convert to UTC and remove timezone so protobuf behaves.
        if self.duration is not None:
        return primitive

    def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto):
        :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Primitive proto:
        :rtype: Primitive
        return cls(
            integer=proto.integer if proto.HasField("integer") else None,
            float_value=proto.float_value if proto.HasField("float_value") else None,
            string_value=proto.string_value if proto.HasField("string_value") else None,
            boolean=proto.boolean if proto.HasField("boolean") else None,
            datetime=proto.datetime.ToDatetime().replace(tzinfo=_timezone.utc) if proto.HasField("datetime") else None,
            duration=proto.duration.ToTimedelta() if proto.HasField("duration") else None,

class Binary(_common.FlyteIdlEntity):
    def __init__(self, value, tag):
        :param bytes value:
        :param Text tag:
        self._value = value
        self._tag = tag

    def value(self):
        :rtype: bytes
        return self._value

    def tag(self):
        :rtype: Text
        return self._tag

    def to_flyte_idl(self):
        :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Binary
        return _literals_pb2.Binary(value=self.value, tag=self.tag)

    def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object):
        :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Binary pb2_object:
        :rtype: Binary
        return cls(value=pb2_object.value, tag=pb2_object.tag)

[docs]class BlobMetadata(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): """ This is metadata for the Blob literal. """ def __init__(self, type): """ :param flytekit.models.core.types.BlobType type: The type of the underlying blob """ self._type = type @property def type(self): """ :rtype: flytekit.models.core.types.BlobType """ return self._type
[docs] def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.BlobMetadata """ return _literals_pb2.BlobMetadata(type=self.type.to_flyte_idl())
[docs] @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.BlobMetadata proto: :rtype: BlobMetadata """ return cls(type=_core_types.BlobType.from_flyte_idl(proto.type))
[docs]class Blob(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, metadata, uri): """ This literal model is used to represent binary data offloaded to some storage location which is identifiable with a unique string. See :py:class:`flytekit.FlyteFile` as an example. :param BlobMetadata metadata: :param Text uri: The location of this blob """ self._metadata = metadata self._uri = uri @property def uri(self): """ :rtype: Text """ return self._uri @property def metadata(self): """ :rtype: BlobMetadata """ return self._metadata
[docs] def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Blob """ return _literals_pb2.Blob(metadata=self.metadata.to_flyte_idl(), uri=self.uri)
[docs] @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Blob proto: :rtype: Blob """ return cls(metadata=BlobMetadata.from_flyte_idl(proto.metadata), uri=proto.uri)
class Void(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Void """ return _literals_pb2.Void() @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, proto): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Void proto: :rtype: Void """ return cls() class BindingDataMap(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, bindings): """ A map of BindingData items. Can be a recursive structure :param dict[string, BindingData] bindings: Map of strings to Bindings """ self._bindings = bindings @property def bindings(self): """ Map of strings to Bindings :rtype: dict[string, BindingData] """ return self._bindings def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.BindingDataMap """ return _literals_pb2.BindingDataMap(bindings={k: v.to_flyte_idl() for (k, v) in self.bindings.items()}) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.BindingDataMap pb2_object: :rtype: flytekit.models.literals.BindingDataMap """ return cls({k: BindingData.from_flyte_idl(v) for (k, v) in pb2_object.bindings.items()}) class BindingDataCollection(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, bindings): """ A list of BindingData items. :param list[BindingData] bindings: """ self._bindings = bindings @property def bindings(self): """ :rtype: list[BindingData] """ return self._bindings def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.BindingDataCollection """ return _literals_pb2.BindingDataCollection(bindings=[b.to_flyte_idl() for b in self.bindings]) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.BindingDataCollection pb2_object: :rtype: flytekit.models.literals.BindingDataCollection """ return cls([BindingData.from_flyte_idl(b) for b in pb2_object.bindings]) class BindingData(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, scalar=None, collection=None, promise=None, map=None): """ Specifies either a simple value or a reference to another output. Only one of the input arguments may be specified. :param Scalar scalar: [Optional] A simple scalar value. :param BindingDataCollection collection: [Optional] A collection of binding data. This allows nesting of binding data to any number of levels. :param flytekit.models.types.OutputReference promise: [Optional] References an output promised by another node. :param BindingDataMap map: [Optional] A map of bindings. The key is always a string. """ self._scalar = scalar self._collection = collection self._promise = promise self._map = map @property def scalar(self): """ A simple scalar value. :rtype: Scalar """ return self._scalar @property def collection(self): """ [Optional] A collection of binding data. This allows nesting of binding data to any number of levels. :rtype: BindingDataCollection """ return self._collection @property def promise(self): """ [Optional] References an output promised by another node. :rtype: flytekit.models.types.OutputReference """ return self._promise @property def map(self): """ [Optional] A map of bindings. The key is always a string. :rtype: BindingDataMap """ return self._map @property def value(self): """ Returns whichever value is set :rtype: T """ return self.scalar or self.collection or self.promise or def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.BindingData """ return _literals_pb2.BindingData( scalar=self.scalar.to_flyte_idl() if self.scalar is not None else None, collection=self.collection.to_flyte_idl() if self.collection is not None else None, promise=self.promise.to_flyte_idl() if self.promise is not None else None, if is not None else None, ) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.BindingData pb2_object: :return: BindingData """ return cls( scalar=Scalar.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.scalar) if pb2_object.HasField("scalar") else None, collection=BindingDataCollection.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.collection) if pb2_object.HasField("collection") else None, promise=_OutputReference.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.promise) if pb2_object.HasField("promise") else None, map=BindingDataMap.from_flyte_idl( if pb2_object.HasField("map") else None, ) def to_literal_model(self): """ Converts current binding data into a Literal asserting that there are no promises in the bindings. :rtype: Literal """ if self.promise: raise _user_exceptions.FlyteValueException( self.promise, "Cannot convert BindingData to a Literal because " "it has a promise.", ) elif self.scalar: return Literal(scalar=self.scalar) elif self.collection: return Literal( collection=LiteralCollection( literals=[binding.to_literal_model() for binding in self.collection.bindings] ) ) elif return Literal( map=LiteralMap(literals={k: binding.to_literal_model() for k, binding in}) ) class Binding(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, var, binding): """ An input/output binding of a variable to either static value or a node output. :param Text var: A variable name, must match an input or output variable of the node. :param BindingData binding: Data to use to bind this variable. """ self._var = var self._binding = binding @property def var(self): """ A variable name, must match an input or output variable of the node. :rtype: Text """ return self._var @property def binding(self): """ Data to use to bind this variable. :rtype: BindingData """ return self._binding def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Binding """ return _literals_pb2.Binding(var=self.var, binding=self.binding.to_flyte_idl()) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Binding pb2_object: :rtype: flytekit.core.models.literals.Binding """ return cls(pb2_object.var, BindingData.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.binding)) class Schema(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, uri, type): """ A strongly typed schema that defines the interface of data retrieved from the underlying storage medium. :param Text uri: :param flytekit.models.types.SchemaType type: """ self._uri = uri self._type = type @property def uri(self): """ :rtype: Text """ return self._uri @property def type(self): """ :rtype: flytekit.models.types.SchemaType """ return self._type def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Schema """ return _literals_pb2.Schema(uri=self.uri, type=self.type.to_flyte_idl()) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Schema pb2_object: :rtype: Schema """ return cls(uri=pb2_object.uri, type=_SchemaType.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.type)) class Union(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, value, stored_type): """ The runtime representation of a tagged union value. See `UnionType` for more details. :param flytekit.models.literals.Literal value: :param flytekit.models.types.LiteralType stored_type: """ self._value = value self._type = stored_type @property def value(self): """ :rtype: flytekit.models.literals.Literal """ return self._value @property def stored_type(self): """ :rtype: flytekit.models.types.LiteralType """ return self._type def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Union """ return _literals_pb2.Union(value=self.value.to_flyte_idl(), type=self._type.to_flyte_idl()) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Schema pb2_object: :rtype: Schema """ return cls( value=Literal.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.value), stored_type=_LiteralType.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.type) ) class StructuredDatasetMetadata(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, structured_dataset_type: Optional[StructuredDatasetType] = None): self._structured_dataset_type = structured_dataset_type @property def structured_dataset_type(self) -> StructuredDatasetType: return self._structured_dataset_type def to_flyte_idl(self) -> _literals_pb2.StructuredDatasetMetadata: return _literals_pb2.StructuredDatasetMetadata( structured_dataset_type=self.structured_dataset_type.to_flyte_idl() if self._structured_dataset_type else None, ) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object: _literals_pb2.StructuredDatasetMetadata) -> "StructuredDatasetMetadata": return cls( structured_dataset_type=StructuredDatasetType.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.structured_dataset_type), ) class StructuredDataset(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, uri: str, metadata: Optional[StructuredDatasetMetadata] = None): """ A strongly typed schema that defines the interface of data retrieved from the underlying storage medium. """ self._uri = uri self._metadata = metadata @property def uri(self) -> str: return self._uri @property def metadata(self) -> Optional[StructuredDatasetMetadata]: return self._metadata def to_flyte_idl(self) -> _literals_pb2.StructuredDataset: return _literals_pb2.StructuredDataset( uri=self.uri, metadata=self.metadata.to_flyte_idl() if self.metadata else None ) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object: _literals_pb2.StructuredDataset) -> "StructuredDataset": return cls(uri=pb2_object.uri, metadata=StructuredDatasetMetadata.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.metadata)) class LiteralCollection(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, literals): """ :param list[Literal] literals: underlying list of literals in this collection. """ self._literals = literals @property def literals(self): """ :rtype: list[Literal] """ return self._literals def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.LiteralCollection """ return _literals_pb2.LiteralCollection(literals=[l.to_flyte_idl() for l in self.literals]) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.LiteralCollection pb2_object: :rtype: LiteralCollection """ return cls([Literal.from_flyte_idl(l) for l in pb2_object.literals]) class LiteralMap(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__(self, literals): """ :param dict[Text, Literal] literals: A dictionary mapping Text key names to Literal objects. """ self._literals = literals @property def literals(self): """ A dictionary mapping Text key names to Literal objects. :rtype: dict[Text, Literal] """ return self._literals def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.LiteralMap """ return _literals_pb2.LiteralMap(literals={k: v.to_flyte_idl() for k, v in self.literals.items()}) @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.LiteralMap pb2_object: :rtype: LiteralMap """ return cls({k: Literal.from_flyte_idl(v) for k, v in pb2_object.literals.items()})
[docs]class Scalar(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__( self, primitive: Primitive = None, blob: Blob = None, binary: Binary = None, schema: Schema = None, union: Union = None, none_type: Void = None, error: Error = None, generic: Struct = None, structured_dataset: StructuredDataset = None, ): """ Scalar wrapper around Flyte types. Only one can be specified. :param Primitive primitive: :param Blob blob: :param Binary binary: :param Schema schema: :param Void none_type: :param Error error: :param google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct generic: :param StructuredDataset structured_dataset: """ self._primitive = primitive self._blob = blob self._binary = binary self._schema = schema self._union = union self._none_type = none_type self._error = error self._generic = generic self._structured_dataset = structured_dataset @property def primitive(self): """ :rtype: Primitive """ return self._primitive @property def blob(self): """ :rtype: Blob """ return self._blob @property def binary(self): """ :rtype: Binary """ return self._binary @property def schema(self): """ :rtype: Schema """ return self._schema @property def union(self): """ :rtype: Union """ return self._union @property def none_type(self): """ :rtype: Void """ return self._none_type @property def error(self): """ :rtype: Error """ return self._error @property def generic(self): """ :rtype: google.protobuf.struct_pb2.Struct """ return self._generic @property def structured_dataset(self) -> StructuredDataset: return self._structured_dataset @property def value(self): """ Returns whichever value is set :rtype: T """ return ( self.primitive or self.blob or self.binary or self.schema or self.union or self.none_type or self.error or self.generic or self.structured_dataset )
[docs] def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Scalar """ return _literals_pb2.Scalar( primitive=self.primitive.to_flyte_idl() if self.primitive is not None else None, blob=self.blob.to_flyte_idl() if self.blob is not None else None, binary=self.binary.to_flyte_idl() if self.binary is not None else None, schema=self.schema.to_flyte_idl() if self.schema is not None else None, union=self.union.to_flyte_idl() if self.union is not None else None, none_type=self.none_type.to_flyte_idl() if self.none_type is not None else None, error=self.error.to_flyte_idl() if self.error is not None else None, generic=self.generic, structured_dataset=self.structured_dataset.to_flyte_idl() if self.structured_dataset is not None else None, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Scalar pb2_object: :rtype: flytekit.models.literals.Scalar """ # todo finish return cls( primitive=Primitive.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.primitive) if pb2_object.HasField("primitive") else None, blob=Blob.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.blob) if pb2_object.HasField("blob") else None, binary=Binary.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.binary) if pb2_object.HasField("binary") else None, schema=Schema.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.schema) if pb2_object.HasField("schema") else None, union=Union.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.union) if pb2_object.HasField("union") else None, none_type=Void.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.none_type) if pb2_object.HasField("none_type") else None, error=pb2_object.error if pb2_object.HasField("error") else None, generic=pb2_object.generic if pb2_object.HasField("generic") else None, structured_dataset=StructuredDataset.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.structured_dataset) if pb2_object.HasField("structured_dataset") else None, )
[docs]class Literal(_common.FlyteIdlEntity): def __init__( self, scalar: Optional[Scalar] = None, collection: Optional[LiteralCollection] = None, map: Optional[LiteralMap] = None, hash: Optional[str] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ): """ This IDL message represents a literal value in the Flyte ecosystem. :param Scalar scalar: :param LiteralCollection collection: :param LiteralMap map: """ self._scalar = scalar self._collection = collection self._map = map self._hash = hash self._metadata = metadata @property def scalar(self): """ If not None, this value holds a scalar value which can be further unpacked. :rtype: Scalar """ return self._scalar @property def collection(self): """ If not None, this value holds a collection of Literal values which can be further unpacked. :rtype: LiteralCollection """ return self._collection @property def map(self): """ If not None, this value holds a map of Literal values which can be further unpacked. :rtype: LiteralMap """ return self._map @property def value(self): """ Returns one of the scalar, collection, or map properties based on which one is set. :rtype: T """ return self.scalar or self.collection or @property def hash(self): """ If not None, this value holds a hash that represents the literal for caching purposes. :rtype: str """ return self._hash @hash.setter def hash(self, value): self._hash = value @property def metadata(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: """ This value holds metadata about the literal. """ return self._metadata
[docs] def to_flyte_idl(self): """ :rtype: flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Literal """ return _literals_pb2.Literal( scalar=self.scalar.to_flyte_idl() if self.scalar is not None else None, collection=self.collection.to_flyte_idl() if self.collection is not None else None, if is not None else None, hash=self.hash, metadata=self.metadata, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_flyte_idl(cls, pb2_object): """ :param flyteidl.core.literals_pb2.Literal pb2_object: :rtype: Literal """ collection = None if pb2_object.HasField("collection"): collection = LiteralCollection.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.collection) return cls( scalar=Scalar.from_flyte_idl(pb2_object.scalar) if pb2_object.HasField("scalar") else None, collection=collection, map=LiteralMap.from_flyte_idl( if pb2_object.HasField("map") else None, hash=pb2_object.hash if pb2_object.hash else None, metadata={k: v for k, v in pb2_object.metadata.items()} if pb2_object.metadata else None, )
[docs] def set_metadata(self, metadata: Dict[str, str]): """ Note: This is a mutation on the literal :param Dict[str, str] metadata: Metadata to be added """ self._metadata = metadata