Multiple images in a workflow#

Tags: Containerization, Intermediate

For every flytekit.PythonFunctionTask task or a task decorated with the @task decorator, you can specify rules for binding container images. By default, flytekit binds a single container image, i.e., the default Docker image, to all tasks. To modify this behavior, use the container_image parameter available in the flytekit.task() decorator.


If the Docker image is not available publicly, refer to Pulling Private Images.

import numpy as np
from flytekit import task, workflow

def get_data() -> np.ndarray:
    # here we're importing scikit learn within the Flyte task
    from sklearn import datasets

    iris = datasets.load_iris()
    X =[:, :2]
    return X

def normalize(X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    return (X - X.mean(axis=0)) / X.std(axis=0)

def multi_images_wf() -> np.ndarray:
    X = get_data()
    X = normalize(X=X)
    return X

Observe how the sklearn library is imported in the context of a Flyte task. This approach is beneficial when creating tasks in a single module, where some tasks have dependencies that others do not require.

Configuring image parameters#

The following parameters can be used to configure images in the @task decorator:

  1. image refers to the name of the image in the image configuration. The name default is a reserved keyword and will automatically apply to the default image name for this repository.

  2. fqn refers to the fully qualified name of the image. For example, it includes the repository and domain URL of the image. Example:

  3. version refers to the tag of the image. For example: latest, or python-3.9 etc. If container_image is not specified, then the default configured image for the project is used.

Sending images to pyflyte command#

You can pass Docker images to the pyflyte run or pyflyte register command. For instance:

pyflyte run --remote --image mindmeld="" --image borebuster="" multi_images_wf

Configuring images in $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml#

To specify images in your $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml file (or whichever configuration file you are using), include an “images” section in the configuration. For example:

  # For GRPC endpoints you might want to use dns:///
  endpoint: localhost:30080
  authType: Pkce
  insecure: true
  endpoint: http://localhost:30080
  show-source: true
  level: 0

Send the name of the configuration file to your pyflyte run command as follows:

pyflyte --config $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml run --remote multi_images_wf