Cloud Events#

Tags: Infrastructure, AWS, GCP, Advanced

Progress of Flyte workflow and task execution is delimited by a series of events that are passed from the FlytePropeller to FlyteAdmin. Administrators can configure FlyteAdmin to send these cloud events onwards to a pub/sub system like SNS/SQS as well. Note that this configuration is distinct from the configuration for notifications Notifications, and Platform Events. They should use separate topics/queues. These events are meant for external consumption, outside the Flyte platform.

Use cases#

CloudEvents is a specification for describing event data in common formats to provide interoperability across services, platforms and systems.

The external events flow can be useful for tracking data lineage and integrating with existing systems within your organization.

Supported Implementations#

Event egress can be configured to work with AWS using SQS and SNS, GCP Cloud Pub/Sub, or Apache Kafka


To turn on, add the following to your FlyteAdmin:

cloud_events.yaml: |
    enable: true
      region: us-east-2
      - all # or node, task, workflow
      topicName: arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:123456:123-my-topic
    type: aws


There should already be a section for this in the values.yaml file. Update the settings under the cloud_events key and turn enable to true. The same flag is used for Helm as for Admin itself.


The events are emitted in cloud Event format, and the data in the cloud event will be base64 encoded binary representation of the following IDL messages:

  • admin_event_pb2.TaskExecutionEventRequest

  • admin_event_pb2.NodeExecutionEventRequest

  • admin_event_pb2.WorkflowExecutionEventRequest

Which of these three events is being sent can be distinguished by the subject line of the message, which will be one of the three strings above.

Note that these message wrap the underlying event messages found here.

CloudEvent Spec#

    "specversion" : "1.0",
    "type" : "com.flyte.resource.workflow",
    "source" : "",
    "id" : "D234-1234-1234",
    "time" : "2018-04-05T17:31:00Z",
    "jsonschemaurl": "",
    "data" : "workflow execution event"


The message format may eventually change to an enriched and distinct message type in future releases.