
Tags: Integration, DistributedComputing, KubernetesOperator, Advanced

KubeRay is an open-source toolkit designed to facilitate the execution of Ray applications on Kubernetes. It offers a range of tools that enhance the operational aspects of running and overseeing Ray on Kubernetes.

Key components include:

  • Ray Operator

  • Backend services for cluster resource creation and deletion

  • Kubectl plugin/CLI for CRD object management

  • Seamless integration of Jobs and Serving functionality with Clusters

Install the plugin#

To install the Ray plugin, run the following command:

pip install flytekitplugins-ray

To enable the plugin in the backend, refer to the instructions provided in the Configure Kubernetes Plugins guide.

Implementation details#

Submit a Ray job to existing cluster#

def f(x):
    return x * x

        runtime_env={"pip": ["numpy", "pandas"]}
def ray_task() -> typing.List[int]:
    futures = [f.remote(i) for i in range(5)]
    return ray.get(futures)

Create a Ray cluster managed by Flyte and run a Ray Job on the cluster#

@task(task_config=RayJobConfig(worker_node_config=[WorkerNodeConfig(group_name="test-group", replicas=10)]))
def ray_task() -> typing.List[int]:
    futures = [f.remote(i) for i in range(5)]
    return ray.get(futures)

Run the example on the Flyte cluster#

To run the provided example on the Flyte cluster, use the following command:

pyflyte run --remote ray_example.py \
    ray_workflow --n 10