Source code for flytekit.extras.accelerators

Specifying Accelerators

.. tags:: MachineLearning, Advanced, Hardware

Flyte allows you to specify `gpu` resources for a given task. However, in some cases, you may want to use a different
accelerator type, such as TPU, specific variations of GPUs, or fractional GPUs. You can configure the Flyte backend to
use your preferred accelerators, and those who write workflow code can import the `flytekit.extras.accelerators` module
to specify an accelerator in the task decorator.

If you want to use a specific GPU device, you can pass the device name directly to the task decorator, e.g.:

.. code-block::

    def my_task() -> None:

Base Classes
These classes can be used to create custom accelerator type constants. For example, you can create a TPU accelerator.

.. currentmodule:: flytekit.extras.accelerators

.. autosummary::


But, often, you may want to use a well known accelerator type, and to simplify this, flytekit provides a set of
predefined accelerator constants, as described in the next section.

Predefined Accelerator Constants

The `flytekit.extras.accelerators` module provides some constants for known accelerators, listed below, but this is not
a complete list. If you know the name of the accelerator, you can pass the string name to the task decorator directly.

If using the constants, you can import them directly from the module, e.g.:

.. code-block::

    from flytekit.extras.accelerators import T4

    def my_task() -> None:

if you want to use a fractional GPU, you can use the ``partitioned`` method on the accelerator constant, e.g.:

.. code-block::

    from flytekit.extras.accelerators import A100

    def my_task() -> None:

.. currentmodule:: flytekit.extras.accelerators

.. autosummary::


import abc
import copy
from typing import ClassVar, Generic, Optional, Type, TypeVar

from flyteidl.core import tasks_pb2

T = TypeVar("T")
MIG = TypeVar("MIG", bound="MultiInstanceGPUAccelerator")

[docs]class BaseAccelerator(abc.ABC, Generic[T]): """ Base class for all accelerator types. This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_flyte_idl(self) -> T: ...
[docs]class GPUAccelerator(BaseAccelerator): """ Class that represents a GPU accelerator. The class can be instantiated with any valid GPU device name, but it is recommended to use one of the pre-defined constants below, as name has to match the name of the device configured on the cluster. """ def __init__(self, device: str) -> None: self._device = device
[docs] def to_flyte_idl(self) -> tasks_pb2.GPUAccelerator: return tasks_pb2.GPUAccelerator(device=self._device)
#: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an #: `NVIDIA A10 Tensor Core GPU <>`_ A10G = GPUAccelerator("nvidia-a10g") #: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an #: `NVIDIA L4 Tensor Core GPU <>`_ L4 = GPUAccelerator("nvidia-l4-vws") #: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an #: `NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU <>`_ K80 = GPUAccelerator("nvidia-tesla-k80") #: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an #: `NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPU <>`_ M60 = GPUAccelerator("nvidia-tesla-m60") #: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an #: `NVIDIA Tesla P4 GPU <>`_ P4 = GPUAccelerator("nvidia-tesla-p4") #: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an #: `NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU <>`_ P100 = GPUAccelerator("nvidia-tesla-p100") #: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an #: `NVIDIA T4 Tensor Core GPU <>`_ T4 = GPUAccelerator("nvidia-tesla-t4") #: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an #: `NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU <>`_ V100 = GPUAccelerator("nvidia-tesla-v100")
[docs]class MultiInstanceGPUAccelerator(BaseAccelerator): """ Base class for all multi-instance GPU accelerator types. It is recommended to use one of the pre-defined constants below, as name has to match the name of the device configured on the cluster. For example, to specify a 10GB partition of an A100 GPU, use ``A100.partition_2g_10gb``. """ device: ClassVar[str] _partition_size: Optional[str] @property def unpartitioned(self: MIG) -> MIG: instance = copy.deepcopy(self) instance._partition_size = None return instance
[docs] @classmethod def partitioned(cls: Type[MIG], partition_size: str) -> MIG: instance = cls() instance._partition_size = partition_size return instance
[docs] def to_flyte_idl(self) -> tasks_pb2.GPUAccelerator: msg = tasks_pb2.GPUAccelerator(device=self.device) if not hasattr(self, "_partition_size"): return msg if self._partition_size is None: msg.unpartitioned = True else: msg.partition_size = self._partition_size return msg
class _A100_Base(MultiInstanceGPUAccelerator): device = "nvidia-tesla-a100"
[docs]class _A100(_A100_Base): """ Class that represents an `NVIDIA A100 GPU <>`_. It is possible to specify a partition of an A100 GPU by using the provided partitions on the class. For example, to specify a 10GB partition, use ``A100.partition_2g_10gb``. Refer to `Partitioned GPUs <>`_ """ partition_1g_5gb = _A100_Base.partitioned("1g.5gb") """ 5GB partition of an A100 GPU. """ partition_2g_10gb = _A100_Base.partitioned("2g.10gb") """ 10GB partition of an A100 GPU - 2x5GB slices with 2/7th of the SM. """ partition_3g_20gb = _A100_Base.partitioned("3g.20gb") """ 20GB partition of an A100 GPU - 4x5GB slices, with 3/7th fraction of SM (Streaming multiprocessor). """ partition_4g_20gb = _A100_Base.partitioned("4g.20gb") """ 20GB partition of an A100 GPU - 4x5GB slices, with 4/7th fraction of SM. """ partition_7g_40gb = _A100_Base.partitioned("7g.40gb") """ 40GB partition of an A100 GPU - 8x5GB slices, with 7/7th fraction of SM. """
#: Use this constant to specify that the task should run on an entire #: `NVIDIA A100 GPU <>`_. Fractional partitions are also available. #: #: Use pre-defined partitions (as instance attributes). For example, to specify a 10GB partition, use #: ``A100.partition_2g_10gb``. #: All partitions are nested in the class as follows: #: #: .. autoclass:: _A100 #: :members: A100 = _A100() class _A100_80GB_Base(MultiInstanceGPUAccelerator): device = "nvidia-a100-80gb"
[docs]class _A100_80GB(_A100_80GB_Base): """ Partitions of an `NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU <>`_. """ partition_1g_10gb = _A100_80GB_Base.partitioned("1g.10gb") """ 10GB partition of an A100 80GB GPU - 2x5GB slices with 1/7th of the SM. """ partition_2g_20gb = _A100_80GB_Base.partitioned("2g.20gb") """ 2GB partition of an A100 80GB GPU - 4x5GB slices with 2/7th of the SM. """ partition_3g_40gb = _A100_80GB_Base.partitioned("3g.40gb") """ 3GB partition of an A100 80GB GPU - 8x5GB slices with 3/7th of the SM. """ partition_4g_40gb = _A100_80GB_Base.partitioned("4g.40gb") """ 4GB partition of an A100 80GB GPU - 8x5GB slices with 4/7th of the SM. """ partition_7g_80gb = _A100_80GB_Base.partitioned("7g.80gb") """ 7GB partition of an A100 80GB GPU - 16x5GB slices with 7/7th of the SM. """
#: use this constant to specify that the task should run on an entire #: `NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU <>`_. Fractional partitions are also available. #: #: Use pre-defined partitions (as instance attributes). For example, to specify a 10GB partition, use #: ``A100.partition_2g_10gb``. #: All available partitions are listed below: #: #: .. autoclass:: _A100_80GB #: :members: A100_80GB = _A100_80GB()