Source code for flytekit.deck.renderer

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime_checkable

from flytekit import lazy_module

    # Always import these modules in type-checking mode or when running pytest
    import pandas
    import pyarrow
    pandas = lazy_module("pandas")
    pyarrow = lazy_module("pyarrow")

class Renderable(Protocol):
    def to_html(self, python_value: Any) -> str:
        """Convert an object(markdown, pandas.dataframe) to HTML and return HTML as a unicode string.
        Returns: An HTML document as a string.
        raise NotImplementedError


[docs]class TopFrameRenderer: """ Render a DataFrame as an HTML table. """
[docs] def __init__(self, max_rows: int = DEFAULT_MAX_ROWS, max_cols: int = DEFAULT_MAX_COLS): self._max_rows = max_rows self._max_cols = max_cols
def to_html(self, df: "pandas.DataFrame") -> str: assert isinstance(df, pandas.DataFrame) return df.to_html(max_rows=self._max_rows, max_cols=self._max_cols)
class ArrowRenderer: """ Render an Arrow dataframe as an HTML table. """ def to_html(self, df: "pyarrow.Table") -> str: assert isinstance(df, pyarrow.Table) return df.to_string()
[docs]class MarkdownRenderer: """Convert a markdown string to HTML and return HTML as a unicode string.""" def to_html(self, text: str) -> str: return MarkdownIt().render(text)
[docs]class SourceCodeRenderer: """ Convert Python source code to HTML, and return HTML as a unicode string. """
[docs] def __init__(self, title: str = "Source Code"): self._title = title
def to_html(self, source_code: str) -> str: """ Convert the provided Python source code into HTML format using Pygments library. This method applies a colorful style and replaces the color "#fff0f0" with "#ffffff" in CSS. Args: source_code (str): The Python source code to be converted. Returns: str: The resulting HTML as a string, including CSS and highlighted source code. """ from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter from pygments.lexers.python import PythonLexer formatter = HtmlFormatter(style="colorful") css = formatter.get_style_defs(".highlight").replace("#fff0f0", "#ffffff") html = highlight(source_code, PythonLexer(), formatter) return f"<style>{css}</style>{html}"