Source code for flytekit.core.context_manager


.. autoclass:: flytekit.core.context_manager::ExecutionState.Mode
.. autoclass:: flytekit.core.context_manager::ExecutionState.Mode.TASK_EXECUTION
.. autoclass:: flytekit.core.context_manager::ExecutionState.Mode.LOCAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION
.. autoclass:: flytekit.core.context_manager::ExecutionState.Mode.LOCAL_TASK_EXECUTION


from __future__ import annotations

import datetime as _datetime
import logging as _logging
import os
import pathlib
import tempfile
import traceback
import typing
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextvars import ContextVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Generator, List, Optional, Union

from flytekit.configuration import Config, SecretsConfig, SerializationSettings
from flytekit.core import mock_stats, utils
from flytekit.core.checkpointer import Checkpoint, SyncCheckpoint
from flytekit.core.data_persistence import FileAccessProvider, default_local_file_access_provider
from flytekit.core.node import Node
from flytekit.interfaces.cli_identifiers import WorkflowExecutionIdentifier
from flytekit.interfaces.stats import taggable
from flytekit.loggers import logger, user_space_logger
from flytekit.models.core import identifier as _identifier

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from flytekit import Deck
    from flytekit.clients import friendly as friendly_client  # noqa

# TODO: resolve circular import from flytekit.core.python_auto_container import TaskResolverMixin

# Enables static type checking

flyte_context_Var: ContextVar[typing.List[FlyteContext]] = ContextVar("", default=[])

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from flytekit.core.base_task import Task, TaskResolverMixin

# Identifier fields use placeholders for registration-time substitution.
# Additional fields, such as auth and the raw output data prefix have more complex structures
# and can be optional so they are not serialized with placeholders.

# During out of container serialize the absolute path of the flytekit virtualenv at serialization time won't match the
# in-container value at execution time. The following default value is used to provide the in-container virtualenv path
# but can be optionally overridden at serialization time based on the installation of your flytekit virtualenv.

[docs]class ExecutionParameters(object): """ This is a run-time user-centric context object that is accessible to every @task method. It can be accessed using .. code-block:: python flytekit.current_context() This object provides the following * a statsd handler * a logging handler * the execution ID as an :py:class:`flytekit.models.core.identifier.WorkflowExecutionIdentifier` object * a working directory for the user to write arbitrary files to Please do not confuse this object with the :py:class:`flytekit.FlyteContext` object. """ @dataclass(init=False) class Builder(object): stats: taggable.TaggableStats attrs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] decks: List[Deck] raw_output_prefix: Optional[str] = None execution_id: typing.Optional[_identifier.WorkflowExecutionIdentifier] = None working_dir: typing.Optional[str] = None checkpoint: typing.Optional[Checkpoint] = None execution_date: typing.Optional[datetime] = None logging: Optional[_logging.Logger] = None task_id: typing.Optional[_identifier.Identifier] = None def __init__(self, current: typing.Optional[ExecutionParameters] = None): self.stats = current.stats if current else None self.execution_date = current.execution_date if current else None self.working_dir = current.working_directory if current else None self.execution_id = current.execution_id if current else None self.logging = current.logging if current else None self.checkpoint = current._checkpoint if current else None self.decks = current._decks if current else [] self.attrs = current._attrs if current else {} self.raw_output_prefix = current.raw_output_prefix if current else None self.task_id = current.task_id if current else None def add_attr(self, key: str, v: typing.Any) -> ExecutionParameters.Builder: self.attrs[key] = v return self def build(self) -> ExecutionParameters: if self.working_dir and not isinstance(self.working_dir, utils.AutoDeletingTempDir): pathlib.Path(typing.cast(str, self.working_dir)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return ExecutionParameters( execution_date=self.execution_date, stats=self.stats, tmp_dir=self.working_dir, execution_id=self.execution_id, logging=self.logging, checkpoint=self.checkpoint, decks=self.decks, raw_output_prefix=self.raw_output_prefix, task_id=self.task_id, **self.attrs, )
[docs] @staticmethod def new_builder(current: Optional[ExecutionParameters] = None) -> Builder: return ExecutionParameters.Builder(current=current)
[docs] def with_task_sandbox(self) -> Builder: prefix = self.working_directory if isinstance(self.working_directory, utils.AutoDeletingTempDir): prefix = task_sandbox_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix) # type: ignore p = pathlib.Path(task_sandbox_dir) cp_dir = p.joinpath("__cp") cp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) cp = SyncCheckpoint(checkpoint_dest=str(cp_dir)) b = self.new_builder(self) b.checkpoint = cp b.working_dir = task_sandbox_dir return b
[docs] def builder(self) -> Builder: return ExecutionParameters.Builder(current=self)
def __init__( self, execution_date, tmp_dir, stats, execution_id: typing.Optional[_identifier.WorkflowExecutionIdentifier], logging, raw_output_prefix, output_metadata_prefix=None, checkpoint=None, decks=None, task_id: typing.Optional[_identifier.Identifier] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Args: execution_date: Date when the execution is running tmp_dir: temporary directory for the execution stats: handle to emit stats execution_id: Identifier for the execution logging: handle to logging checkpoint: Checkpoint Handle to the configured checkpoint system """ if decks is None: decks = [] self._stats = stats self._execution_date = execution_date self._working_directory = tmp_dir self._execution_id = execution_id self._logging = logging self._raw_output_prefix = raw_output_prefix self._output_metadata_prefix = output_metadata_prefix # AutoDeletingTempDir's should be used with a with block, which creates upon entry self._attrs = kwargs # It is safe to recreate the Secrets Manager self._secrets_manager = SecretsManager() self._checkpoint = checkpoint self._decks = decks self._task_id = task_id @property def stats(self) -> taggable.TaggableStats: """ A handle to a special statsd object that provides usefully tagged stats. TODO: Usage examples and better comments """ return self._stats @property def logging(self) -> _logging.Logger: """ A handle to a useful logging object. TODO: Usage examples """ return self._logging @property def raw_output_prefix(self) -> str: return self._raw_output_prefix @property def output_metadata_prefix(self) -> str: return self._output_metadata_prefix @property def working_directory(self) -> str: """ A handle to a special working directory for easily producing temporary files. TODO: Usage examples """ return self._working_directory @property def execution_date(self) -> datetime: """ This is a datetime representing the time at which a workflow was started. This is consistent across all tasks executed in a workflow or sub-workflow. .. note:: Do NOT use this execution_date to drive any production logic. It might be useful as a tag for data to help in debugging. """ return self._execution_date @property def execution_id(self) -> _identifier.WorkflowExecutionIdentifier: """ This is the identifier of the workflow execution within the underlying engine. It will be consistent across all task executions in a workflow or sub-workflow execution. .. note:: Do NOT use this execution_id to drive any production logic. This execution ID should only be used as a tag on output data to link back to the workflow run that created it. """ return self._execution_id @property def task_id(self) -> typing.Optional[_identifier.Identifier]: """ At production run-time, this will be generated by reading environment variables that are set by the backend. """ return self._task_id @property def secrets(self) -> SecretsManager: return self._secrets_manager @property def checkpoint(self) -> Checkpoint: if self._checkpoint is None: raise NotImplementedError("Checkpointing is not available, please check the version of the platform.") return self._checkpoint @property def decks(self) -> typing.List: """ A list of decks of the tasks, and it will be rendered to a html at the end of the task execution. """ return self._decks @property def default_deck(self) -> Deck: from flytekit import Deck return Deck("default") @property def timeline_deck(self) -> "TimeLineDeck": # type: ignore from flytekit.deck.deck import TimeLineDeck time_line_deck = None for deck in self.decks: if isinstance(deck, TimeLineDeck): time_line_deck = deck break if time_line_deck is None: time_line_deck = TimeLineDeck("timeline") return time_line_deck def __getattr__(self, attr_name: str) -> typing.Any: """ This houses certain task specific context. For example in Spark, it houses the SparkSession, etc """ attr_name = attr_name.upper() if self._attrs and attr_name in self._attrs: return self._attrs[attr_name] raise AssertionError(f"{attr_name} not available as a parameter in Flyte context - are you in right task-type?")
[docs] def has_attr(self, attr_name: str) -> bool: attr_name = attr_name.upper() if self._attrs and attr_name in self._attrs: return True return False
[docs] def get(self, key: str) -> typing.Any: """ Returns task specific context if present else raise an error. The returned context will match the key """ return self.__getattr__(attr_name=key) # type: ignore
class SecretsManager(object): """ This provides a secrets resolution logic at runtime. The resolution order is - Try env var first. The env var should have the configuration.SECRETS_ENV_PREFIX. The env var will be all upper cased - If not then try the file where the name matches lower case ``configuration.SECRETS_DEFAULT_DIR/<group>/configuration.SECRETS_FILE_PREFIX<key>`` All configuration values can always be overridden by injecting an environment variable """ class _GroupSecrets(object): """ This is a dummy class whose sole purpose is to support "attribute" style lookup for secrets """ def __init__(self, group: str, sm: typing.Any): self._group = group self._sm = sm def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> str: """ Returns the secret that matches "group"."key" the key, here is the item """ return self._sm.get(self._group, item) def __init__(self, secrets_cfg: typing.Optional[SecretsConfig] = None): if secrets_cfg is None: secrets_cfg = self._base_dir = secrets_cfg.default_dir.strip() self._file_prefix = secrets_cfg.file_prefix.strip() self._env_prefix = secrets_cfg.env_prefix.strip() def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> _GroupSecrets: """ returns a new _GroupSecrets objects, that allows all keys within this group to be looked up like attributes """ return self._GroupSecrets(item, self) def get( self, group: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, group_version: Optional[str] = None, encode_mode: str = "r", ) -> str: """ Retrieves a secret using the resolution order -> Env followed by file. If not found raises a ValueError param encode_mode, defines the mode to open files, it can either be "r" to read file, or "rb" to read binary file """ self.check_group_key(group) env_var = self.get_secrets_env_var(group, key, group_version) fpath = self.get_secrets_file(group, key, group_version) v = os.environ.get(env_var) if v is not None: return v.strip() if os.path.exists(fpath): with open(fpath, encode_mode) as f: return raise ValueError( f"Please make sure to add secret_requests=[Secret(group={group}, key={key})] in @task. Unable to find secret for key {key} in group {group} " f"in Env Var:{env_var} and FilePath: {fpath}" ) def get_secrets_env_var( self, group: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, group_version: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Returns a string that matches the ENV Variable to look for the secrets """ self.check_group_key(group) l = [k.upper() for k in filter(None, (group, group_version, key))] return f"{self._env_prefix}{'_'.join(l)}" def get_secrets_file( self, group: Optional[str] = None, key: Optional[str] = None, group_version: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: """ Returns a path that matches the file to look for the secrets """ self.check_group_key(group) l = [k.lower() for k in filter(None, (group, group_version, key))] l[-1] = f"{self._file_prefix}{l[-1]}" return os.path.join(self._base_dir, *l) @staticmethod def check_group_key(group: Optional[str]): from flytekit.configuration.plugin import get_plugin if get_plugin().secret_requires_group() and (group is None or group == ""): raise ValueError("secrets group is a mandatory field.") @dataclass(frozen=True) class CompilationState(object): """ Compilation state is used during the compilation of a workflow or task. It stores the nodes that were created when walking through the workflow graph. Attributes: prefix (str): This is because we may one day want to be able to have subworkflows inside other workflows. If users choose to not specify their node names, then we can end up with multiple "n0"s. This prefix allows us to give those nested nodes a distinct name, as well as properly identify them in the workflow. mode (int): refer to :py:class:`flytekit.extend.ExecutionState.Mode` task_resolver (Optional[TaskResolverMixin]): Please see :py:class:`flytekit.extend.TaskResolverMixin` nodes (Optional[List]): Stores currently compiled nodes so far. """ prefix: str mode: int = 1 task_resolver: Optional[TaskResolverMixin] = None nodes: List = field(default_factory=list) def add_node(self, n: Node): self.nodes.append(n) def with_params( self, prefix: str, mode: Optional[int] = None, resolver: Optional[TaskResolverMixin] = None, nodes: Optional[List] = None, ) -> CompilationState: """ Create a new CompilationState where the mode and task resolver are defaulted to the current object, but they and all other args are taken if explicitly provided as an argument. Usage: s.with_params("p", nodes=[]) """ return CompilationState( prefix=prefix if prefix else "", mode=mode if mode else self.mode, task_resolver=resolver if resolver else self.task_resolver, nodes=nodes if nodes else [], ) class BranchEvalMode(Enum): """ This is a 3-way class, with the None value meaning that we are not within a conditional context. The other two values are * Active - This means that the next ``then`` should run * Skipped - The next ``then`` should not run """ BRANCH_ACTIVE = "branch active" BRANCH_SKIPPED = "branch skipped"
[docs]@dataclass(init=False) class ExecutionState(object): """ This is the context that is active when executing a task or a local workflow. This carries the necessary state to execute. Some required things during execution deal with temporary directories, ExecutionParameters that are passed to the user etc. Attributes: mode (ExecutionState.Mode): Defines the context in which the task is executed (local, hosted, etc). working_dir (os.PathLike): Specifies the remote, external directory where inputs, outputs and other protobufs are uploaded engine_dir (os.PathLike): branch_eval_mode Optional[BranchEvalMode]: Used to determine whether a branch node should execute. user_space_params Optional[ExecutionParameters]: Provides run-time, user-centric context such as a statsd handler, a logging handler, the current execution id and a working directory. """
[docs] class Mode(Enum): """ Defines the possible execution modes, which in turn affects execution behavior. """ # This is the mode that is used when a task execution mimics the actual runtime environment. # NOTE: This is important to understand the difference between TASK_EXECUTION and LOCAL_TASK_EXECUTION # LOCAL_TASK_EXECUTION, is the mode that is run purely locally and in some cases the difference between local # and runtime environment may be different. For example for Dynamic tasks local_task_execution will just run it # as a regular function, while task_execution will extract a runtime spec TASK_EXECUTION = 1 # This represents when flytekit is locally running a workflow. The behavior of tasks differs in this case # because instead of running a task's user defined function directly, it'll need to wrap the return values in # NodeOutput LOCAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION = 2 # This is the mode that is used to indicate a purely local task execution - i.e. running without a container # or propeller. LOCAL_TASK_EXECUTION = 3 # This is the mode that is used to indicate a dynamic task DYNAMIC_TASK_EXECUTION = 4
mode: Optional[ExecutionState.Mode] working_dir: Union[os.PathLike, str] engine_dir: Optional[Union[os.PathLike, str]] branch_eval_mode: Optional[BranchEvalMode] user_space_params: Optional[ExecutionParameters]
[docs] def __init__( self, working_dir: Union[os.PathLike, str], mode: Optional[ExecutionState.Mode] = None, engine_dir: Optional[Union[os.PathLike, str]] = None, branch_eval_mode: Optional[BranchEvalMode] = None, user_space_params: Optional[ExecutionParameters] = None, ): if not working_dir: raise ValueError("Working directory is needed") self.working_dir = working_dir self.mode = mode self.engine_dir = engine_dir if engine_dir else os.path.join(self.working_dir, "engine_dir") pathlib.Path(self.engine_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.branch_eval_mode = branch_eval_mode self.user_space_params = user_space_params
def take_branch(self): """ Indicates that we are within an if-else block and the current branch has evaluated to true. Useful only in local execution mode """ object.__setattr__(self, "branch_eval_mode", BranchEvalMode.BRANCH_ACTIVE) def branch_complete(self): """ Indicates that we are within a conditional / ifelse block and the active branch is not done. Default to SKIPPED """ object.__setattr__(self, "branch_eval_mode", BranchEvalMode.BRANCH_SKIPPED) def with_params( self, working_dir: Optional[os.PathLike] = None, mode: Optional[Mode] = None, engine_dir: Optional[os.PathLike] = None, branch_eval_mode: Optional[BranchEvalMode] = None, user_space_params: Optional[ExecutionParameters] = None, ) -> ExecutionState: """ Produces a copy of the current execution state and overrides the copy's parameters with passed parameter values. """ return ExecutionState( working_dir=working_dir if working_dir else self.working_dir, mode=mode if mode else self.mode, engine_dir=engine_dir if engine_dir else self.engine_dir, branch_eval_mode=branch_eval_mode if branch_eval_mode else self.branch_eval_mode, user_space_params=user_space_params if user_space_params else self.user_space_params, ) def is_local_execution(self): return ( self.mode == ExecutionState.Mode.LOCAL_TASK_EXECUTION or self.mode == ExecutionState.Mode.LOCAL_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION )
class SerializableToString(typing.Protocol): """ This protocol is used by the Artifact create_from function. Basically these objects are serialized when running, and then added to a literal's metadata. """ def serialize_to_string(self, ctx: FlyteContext, variable_name: str) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]: ... @dataclass class OutputMetadata(object): artifact: "Artifact" # type: ignore[name-defined] # I would simplify this to be called partitions # and add a separate field called time_partition dynamic_partitions: Optional[typing.Dict[str, str]] time_partition: Optional[datetime] = None additional_items: Optional[typing.List[SerializableToString]] = None TaskOutputMetadata = typing.Dict[typing.Any, OutputMetadata] @dataclass class OutputMetadataTracker(object): """ This class is for the users to set arbitrary metadata on output literals. Attributes: output_metadata Optional[TaskOutputMetadata]: is a sparse dictionary of metadata that the user wants to attach to each output of a task. The key is the output value (object) and the value is an OutputMetadata object. """ output_metadata: typing.Dict[typing.Any, OutputMetadata] = field(default_factory=dict) def add(self, obj: typing.Any, metadata: OutputMetadata): self.output_metadata[id(obj)] = metadata def get(self, obj: typing.Any) -> Optional[OutputMetadata]: return self.output_metadata.get(id(obj)) def with_params( self, output_metadata: Optional[TaskOutputMetadata] = None, ) -> OutputMetadataTracker: """ Produces a copy of the current object and set new things """ return OutputMetadataTracker( output_metadata=output_metadata if output_metadata else self.output_metadata, )
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class FlyteContext(object): """ This is an internal-facing context object, that most users will not have to deal with. It's essentially a globally available grab bag of settings and objects that allows flytekit to do things like convert complex types, run and compile workflows, serialize Flyte entities, etc. Even though this object as a ``current_context`` function on it, it should not be called directly. Please use the :py:class:`flytekit.FlyteContextManager` object instead. Please do not confuse this object with the :py:class:`flytekit.ExecutionParameters` object. """ file_access: FileAccessProvider level: int = 0 flyte_client: Optional["friendly_client.SynchronousFlyteClient"] = None compilation_state: Optional[CompilationState] = None execution_state: Optional[ExecutionState] = None serialization_settings: Optional[SerializationSettings] = None in_a_condition: bool = False origin_stackframe: Optional[traceback.FrameSummary] = None output_metadata_tracker: Optional[OutputMetadataTracker] = None @property def user_space_params(self) -> Optional[ExecutionParameters]: if self.execution_state: return self.execution_state.user_space_params return None
[docs] def set_stackframe(self, s: traceback.FrameSummary): object.__setattr__(self, "origin_stackframe", s)
[docs] def get_origin_stackframe_repr(self) -> str: if self.origin_stackframe: f = self.origin_stackframe return f"StackOrigin({}, {f.lineno}, {f.filename})" return ""
[docs] def new_builder(self) -> Builder: return FlyteContext.Builder( level=self.level, file_access=self.file_access, flyte_client=self.flyte_client, serialization_settings=self.serialization_settings, compilation_state=self.compilation_state, execution_state=self.execution_state, in_a_condition=self.in_a_condition, output_metadata_tracker=self.output_metadata_tracker, )
[docs] def enter_conditional_section(self) -> Builder: # logging.debug("Creating a nested condition") return self.new_builder().enter_conditional_section()
[docs] def with_execution_state(self, es: ExecutionState) -> Builder: return self.new_builder().with_execution_state(es)
[docs] def with_compilation_state(self, c: CompilationState) -> Builder: return self.new_builder().with_compilation_state(c)
[docs] def with_new_compilation_state(self) -> Builder: return self.with_compilation_state(self.new_compilation_state())
[docs] def with_file_access(self, fa: FileAccessProvider) -> Builder: return self.new_builder().with_file_access(fa)
[docs] def with_serialization_settings(self, ss: SerializationSettings) -> Builder: return self.new_builder().with_serialization_settings(ss)
[docs] def with_output_metadata_tracker(self, t: OutputMetadataTracker) -> Builder: return self.new_builder().with_output_metadata_tracker(t)
[docs] def new_compilation_state(self, prefix: str = "") -> CompilationState: """ Creates and returns a default compilation state. For most of the code this should be the entrypoint of compilation, otherwise the code should always uses - with_compilation_state """ return CompilationState(prefix=prefix)
[docs] def new_execution_state(self, working_dir: Optional[os.PathLike] = None) -> ExecutionState: """ Creates and returns a new default execution state. This should be used at the entrypoint of execution, in all other cases it is preferable to use with_execution_state """ if not working_dir: working_dir = self.file_access.local_sandbox_dir return ExecutionState(working_dir=working_dir, user_space_params=self.user_space_params)
[docs] @staticmethod def current_context() -> FlyteContext: """ This method exists only to maintain backwards compatibility. Please use ``FlyteContextManager.current_context()`` instead. Users of flytekit should be wary not to confuse the object returned from this function with :py:func:`flytekit.current_context` """ return FlyteContextManager.current_context()
[docs] def get_deck(self) -> typing.Union[str, "IPython.core.display.HTML"]: # type:ignore """ Returns the deck that was created as part of the last execution. The return value depends on the execution environment. In a notebook, the return value is compatible with IPython.display and should be rendered in the notebook. .. code-block:: python with flytekit.new_context() as ctx: my_task(...) ctx.get_deck() OR if you wish to explicitly display .. code-block:: python from IPython import display display(ctx.get_deck()) """ from flytekit.deck.deck import _get_deck return _get_deck(typing.cast(ExecutionState, self.execution_state).user_space_params)
@dataclass class Builder(object): file_access: FileAccessProvider level: int = 0 compilation_state: Optional[CompilationState] = None execution_state: Optional[ExecutionState] = None flyte_client: Optional["friendly_client.SynchronousFlyteClient"] = None serialization_settings: Optional[SerializationSettings] = None in_a_condition: bool = False output_metadata_tracker: Optional[OutputMetadataTracker] = None def build(self) -> FlyteContext: return FlyteContext( level=self.level + 1, file_access=self.file_access, compilation_state=self.compilation_state, execution_state=self.execution_state, flyte_client=self.flyte_client, serialization_settings=self.serialization_settings, in_a_condition=self.in_a_condition, output_metadata_tracker=self.output_metadata_tracker, ) def enter_conditional_section(self) -> FlyteContext.Builder: """ Used by the condition block to indicate that a new conditional section has been started. """ if self.compilation_state: self.compilation_state = self.compilation_state.with_params(prefix=self.compilation_state.prefix) if self.execution_state: if self.execution_state.is_local_execution(): if self.in_a_condition: if self.execution_state.branch_eval_mode == BranchEvalMode.BRANCH_SKIPPED: self.execution_state = self.execution_state.with_params() else: # In case of local workflow execution we should ensure a conditional section # is created so that skipped branches result in tasks not being executed self.execution_state = self.execution_state.with_params( branch_eval_mode=BranchEvalMode.BRANCH_SKIPPED ) self.in_a_condition = True return self def with_execution_state(self, es: ExecutionState) -> FlyteContext.Builder: self.execution_state = es return self def with_compilation_state(self, c: CompilationState) -> FlyteContext.Builder: self.compilation_state = c return self def with_new_compilation_state(self) -> FlyteContext.Builder: return self.with_compilation_state(self.new_compilation_state()) def with_file_access(self, fa: FileAccessProvider) -> FlyteContext.Builder: self.file_access = fa return self def with_serialization_settings(self, ss: SerializationSettings) -> FlyteContext.Builder: self.serialization_settings = ss return self def with_output_metadata_tracker(self, t: OutputMetadataTracker) -> FlyteContext.Builder: self.output_metadata_tracker = t return self def new_compilation_state(self, prefix: str = "") -> CompilationState: """ Creates and returns a default compilation state. For most of the code this should be the entrypoint of compilation, otherwise the code should always uses - with_compilation_state """ return CompilationState(prefix=prefix) def new_execution_state(self, working_dir: Optional[Union[os.PathLike, str]] = None) -> ExecutionState: """ Creates and returns a new default execution state. This should be used at the entrypoint of execution, in all other cases it is preferable to use with_execution_state """ if not working_dir: working_dir = self.file_access.get_random_local_directory() return ExecutionState(working_dir=working_dir)
[docs]class FlyteContextManager(object): """ FlyteContextManager manages the execution context within Flytekit. It holds global state of either compilation or Execution. It is not thread-safe and can only be run as a single threaded application currently. Context's within Flytekit is useful to manage compilation state and execution state. Refer to ``CompilationState`` and ``ExecutionState`` for more information. FlyteContextManager provides a singleton stack to manage these contexts. Typical usage is .. code-block:: python FlyteContextManager.initialize() with FlyteContextManager.with_context(o) as ctx: pass # If required - not recommended you can use FlyteContextManager.push_context() # but correspondingly a pop_context should be called FlyteContextManager.pop_context() """
[docs] @staticmethod def get_origin_stackframe(limit=2) -> traceback.FrameSummary: ss = traceback.extract_stack(limit=limit + 1) if len(ss) > limit + 1: return ss[limit] return ss[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def current_context() -> FlyteContext: if not flyte_context_Var.get(): # we will lost the default flyte context in the new thread. Therefore, reinitialize the context when running in the new thread. FlyteContextManager.initialize() return flyte_context_Var.get()[-1]
[docs] @staticmethod def push_context(ctx: FlyteContext, f: Optional[traceback.FrameSummary] = None) -> FlyteContext: if not f: f = FlyteContextManager.get_origin_stackframe(limit=2) ctx.set_stackframe(f) context_list = flyte_context_Var.get() context_list.append(ctx) flyte_context_Var.set(context_list) t = "\t" logger.debug( f"{t * ctx.level}[{len(flyte_context_Var.get())}] Pushing context - {'compile' if ctx.compilation_state else 'execute'}, branch[{ctx.in_a_condition}], {ctx.get_origin_stackframe_repr()}" ) return ctx
[docs] @staticmethod def pop_context() -> FlyteContext: context_list = flyte_context_Var.get() ctx = context_list.pop() flyte_context_Var.set(context_list) t = "\t" logger.debug( f"{t * ctx.level}[{len(flyte_context_Var.get()) + 1}] Popping context - {'compile' if ctx.compilation_state else 'execute'}, branch[{ctx.in_a_condition}], {ctx.get_origin_stackframe_repr()}" ) if len(flyte_context_Var.get()) == 0: raise AssertionError(f"Illegal Context state! Popped, {ctx}") return ctx
[docs] @staticmethod @contextmanager def with_context(b: FlyteContext.Builder) -> Generator[FlyteContext, None, None]: ctx = FlyteContextManager.push_context(, FlyteContextManager.get_origin_stackframe(limit=3)) l = FlyteContextManager.size() try: yield ctx finally: # NOTE: Why? Do we have a loop here to ensure that we are popping all context up to the previously recorded # length? This is because it is possible that a conditional context may have leaked. Because of the syntax # of conditionals, if a conditional section fails to evaluate / compile, the context is not removed from the # stack. This is because context managers cannot be used in the conditional section. # conditional().if_(...)...... # Ideally we should have made conditional like so # with conditional() as c # c.if_()..... # the reason why we did not do that, was because, of the brevity and the assignment of outputs. Also, nested # conditionals using the context manager syntax is not easy to follow. So we wanted to optimize for the user # ergonomics # Also we know that top level construct like workflow and tasks always use context managers and that # context manager mutations are single threaded, hence we can safely cleanup leaks in this section # Also this is only in the error cases! while FlyteContextManager.size() >= l: FlyteContextManager.pop_context()
[docs] @staticmethod def size() -> int: return len(flyte_context_Var.get())
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize(): """ Re-initializes the context and erases the entire context """ # This is supplied so that tasks that rely on Flyte provided param functionality do not fail when run locally default_execution_id = _identifier.WorkflowExecutionIdentifier(project="local", domain="local", name="local") cfg = # Ensure a local directory is available for users to work with. user_space_path = os.path.join(cfg.local_sandbox_path, "user_space") pathlib.Path(user_space_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Note we use the SdkWorkflowExecution object purely for formatting into the ex:project:domain:name format users # are already acquainted with default_context = FlyteContext(file_access=default_local_file_access_provider) default_user_space_params = ExecutionParameters( execution_id=WorkflowExecutionIdentifier.promote_from_model(default_execution_id), task_id=_identifier.Identifier(_identifier.ResourceType.TASK, "local", "local", "local", "local"), execution_date=_datetime.datetime.utcnow(), stats=mock_stats.MockStats(), logging=user_space_logger, tmp_dir=user_space_path, raw_output_prefix=default_context.file_access._raw_output_prefix, decks=[], ) default_context = default_context.with_execution_state( default_context.new_execution_state().with_params(user_space_params=default_user_space_params) ).build() default_context.set_stackframe(s=FlyteContextManager.get_origin_stackframe()) flyte_context_Var.set([default_context])
class FlyteEntities(object): """ This is a global Object that tracks various tasks and workflows that are declared within a VM during the registration process """ entities: List[Union["LaunchPlan", Task, "WorkflowBase"]] = [] # type: ignore FlyteContextManager.initialize()