User Guide#

If this is your first time using Flyte, check out the Getting Started guide.

This User Guide, the Tutorials and the Integrations examples cover all of the key features of Flyte for data analytics, data science and machine learning practitioners, organized by topic. Each section below introduces a core feature of Flyte and how you can use it to address specific use cases. Code for all of the examples can be found in the flytesnacks repo.

It comes with a specific environment to make running, documenting and contributing samples easy. If this is your first time running these examples, follow the environment setup guide to get started.


To learn about how to spin up and manage a Flyte cluster in the cloud, see the Deployment Guides.


Want to contribute or update an example? Check out the Contribution Guide.

Table of Contents#

🌳 Environment Setup

Set up a development environment to run the examples in the user guide.

🔤 Basics

Learn about tasks, workflows, launch plans, caching and managing files and directories.

⌨️ Data Types and IO

Improve pipeline robustness with Flyte’s portable and extensible type system.

🔮 Advanced Composition

Implement conditionals, nested and dynamic workflows, map tasks and even recursion!

🧩 Customizing Dependencies

Provide custom dependencies to run your Flyte entities.

🏡 Development Lifecycle

Develop and test locally on the demo cluster.

⚗️ Testing

Test tasks and workflows with Flyte’s testing utilities.

🚢 Productionizing

Ship and configure your machine learning pipelines on a production Flyte installation.

🏗 Extending

Define custom plugins that aren’t currently supported in the Flyte ecosystem.