Flyte Datacatalog Configuration

Section: application

grpcPort (int)

On which grpc port to serve Catalog

Default Value:


grpcServerReflection (bool)

Enable GRPC Server Reflection

Default Value:


httpPort (int)

On which http port to serve Catalog

Default Value:


secure (bool)

Whether to run Catalog in secure mode or not

Default Value:


readHeaderTimeoutSeconds (int)

The amount of time allowed to read request headers.

Default Value:


Section: database

host (string)

Default Value:


port (int)

Default Value:


dbname (string)

Default Value:


username (string)

Default Value:


password (string)

Default Value:


passwordPath (string)

Default Value:


options (string)

Default Value:


debug (bool)

Default Value:


enableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating (bool)

Whether to enable gorm foreign keys when migrating the db

Default Value:


maxIdleConnections (int)

maxIdleConnections sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.

Default Value:


maxOpenConnections (int)

maxOpenConnections sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.

Default Value:


connMaxLifeTime (config.Duration)

sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused

Default Value:


postgres (database.PostgresConfig)

Default Value:

dbname: postgres
debug: false
host: localhost
options: sslmode=disable
password: postgres
passwordPath: ""
port: 30001
username: postgres

sqlite (database.SQLiteConfig)

Default Value:

file: ""


Duration (int64)

Default Value:



host (string)

The host name of the database server

Default Value:

port (int)

The port name of the database server

Default Value:

dbname (string)

The database name

Default Value:

username (string)

The database user who is connecting to the server.

Default Value:

password (string)

The database password.

Default Value:

passwordPath (string)

Points to the file containing the database password.

Default Value:

options (string)

See for available options passed, in addition to the above.

Default Value:

debug (bool)

Whether or not to start the database connection with debug mode enabled.

Default Value:



file (string)

The path to the file (existing or new) where the DB should be created / stored. If existing, then this will be re-used, else a new will be created

Default Value:


Section: datacatalog

storage-prefix (string)

StoragePrefix specifies the prefix where DataCatalog stores offloaded ArtifactData in CloudStorage. If not specified, the data will be stored in the base container directly.

Default Value:


metrics-scope (string)

Scope that the metrics will record under.

Default Value:


profiler-port (int)

Port that the profiling service is listening on.

Default Value:


heartbeat-grace-period-multiplier (int)

Number of heartbeats before a reservation expires without an extension.

Default Value:


max-reservation-heartbeat (config.Duration)

The maximum available reservation extension heartbeat interval.

Default Value:


Section: logger

show-source (bool)

Includes source code location in logs.

Default Value:


mute (bool)

Mutes all logs regardless of severity. Intended for benchmarks/tests only.

Default Value:


level (int)

Sets the minimum logging level.

Default Value:


formatter (logger.FormatterConfig)

Sets logging format.

Default Value:

type: json


type (string)

Sets logging format type.

Default Value:


Section: otel

type (string)

Sets the type of exporter to configure [noop/file/jaeger].

Default Value:


file (otelutils.FileConfig)

Configuration for exporting telemetry traces to a file

Default Value:

filename: /tmp/trace.txt

jaeger (otelutils.JaegerConfig)

Configuration for exporting telemetry traces to a jaeger

Default Value:

endpoint: http://localhost:14268/api/traces


filename (string)

Filename to store exported telemetry traces

Default Value:



endpoint (string)

Endpoint for the jaeger telemtry trace ingestor

Default Value:


Section: storage

type (string)

Sets the type of storage to configure [s3/minio/local/mem/stow].

Default Value:


connection (storage.ConnectionConfig)

Default Value:

access-key: ""
auth-type: iam
disable-ssl: false
endpoint: ""
region: us-east-1
secret-key: ""

stow (storage.StowConfig)

Storage config for stow backend.

Default Value:


container (string)

Initial container (in s3 a bucket) to create -if it doesn’t exist-.’

Default Value:


enable-multicontainer (bool)

If this is true, then the container argument is overlooked and redundant. This config will automatically open new connections to new containers/buckets as they are encountered

Default Value:


cache (storage.CachingConfig)

Default Value:

max_size_mbs: 0
target_gc_percent: 0

limits (storage.LimitsConfig)

Sets limits for stores.

Default Value:

maxDownloadMBs: 2

defaultHttpClient (storage.HTTPClientConfig)

Sets the default http client config.

Default Value:

headers: null
timeout: 0s

signedUrl (storage.SignedURLConfig)

Sets config for SignedURL.

Default Value:



max_size_mbs (int)

Maximum size of the cache where the Blob store data is cached in-memory. If not specified or set to 0, cache is not used

Default Value:

target_gc_percent (int)

Sets the garbage collection target percentage.

Default Value:



endpoint (config.URL)

URL for storage client to connect to.

Default Value:

auth-type (string)

Auth Type to use [iam,accesskey].

Default Value:

access-key (string)

Access key to use. Only required when authtype is set to accesskey.

Default Value:

secret-key (string)

Secret to use when accesskey is set.

Default Value:

region (string)

Region to connect to.

Default Value:

disable-ssl (bool)

Disables SSL connection. Should only be used for development.

Default Value:



URL (url.URL)

Default Value:

ForceQuery: false
Fragment: ""
Host: ""
OmitHost: false
Opaque: ""
Path: ""
RawFragment: ""
RawPath: ""
RawQuery: ""
Scheme: ""
User: null


Scheme (string)

Default Value:

Opaque (string)

Default Value:

User (url.Userinfo)

Default Value:

Host (string)

Default Value:

Path (string)

Default Value:

RawPath (string)

Default Value:

OmitHost (bool)

Default Value:

ForceQuery (bool)

Default Value:

RawQuery (string)

Default Value:

Fragment (string)

Default Value:

RawFragment (string)

Default Value:



headers (map[string][]string)

Default Value:

timeout (config.Duration)

Sets time out on the http client.

Default Value:



maxDownloadMBs (int64)

Maximum allowed download size (in MBs) per call.

Default Value:



stowConfigOverride (map[string]string)

Default Value:



kind (string)

Kind of Stow backend to use. Refer to github/flyteorg/stow

Default Value:

config (map[string]string)

Configuration for stow backend. Refer to github/flyteorg/stow

Default Value:
