
This section will cover how to configure your Flyte cluster for features like authentication, monitoring, and notifications.


The configuration instructions in this section are for the flyte and flyte-core Helm charts, which is for the multi-cluster setup.

If you’re using the flyte-binary chart for the single cluster setup, instead of specifying configuration under a yaml file like cloud_events.yaml in Cloud Events, you’ll need to add the configuration settings under the inline section in the eks-production.yaml file:

      clientId: <IDP_CLIENT_ID>
      clientSecret: <IDP_CLIENT_SECRET>
      clientSecret: <CC_PASSWD>
      clientSecretHash: <HASHED_CC_PASSWD>
    - #change to your authorized URI
    #This section automates the IAM Role annotation for the default KSA on each project namespace to enable IRSA
    #Learn more:

Authenticating in Flyte

Basic OIDC and Authentication Setup

Migrating Your Authentication Config

Migration guide to move to Admin’s own authorization server.

Understanding Authentication

Migration guide to move to Admin’s own authorization server.

Configuring task pods with K8s PodTemplates

Use Flyte’s cluster-resource-controller to control specific Kubernetes resources and administer project/domain-specific CPU/GPU/memory resource quotas.

Customizing project, domain, and workflow resources with flytectl

Use the Flyte APIs to create new default configurations to override certain values for specific combinations of user projects, domains and workflows.


Guide to setting up and configuring notifications.

External Events

How to set up Flyte to emit events to third-parties.


Guide to setting up and configuring observability.

Optimizing Performance

Improve the performance of the core Flyte engine.

Platform Events

Configure Flyte to to send events to external pub/sub systems.

Resource Manager

Manage external resource pooling