.. _flytectl_register_examples: flytectl register examples -------------------------- Registers flytesnack example Synopsis ~~~~~~~~ Registers all latest flytesnacks example :: bin/flytectl register examples -d development -p flytesnacks Usage :: flytectl register examples [flags] Options ~~~~~~~ :: -a, --archive pass in archive file either an http link or local path. -i, --assumableIamRole string Custom assumable iam auth role to register launch plans with. --continueOnError continue on error when registering files. -h, --help help for examples -k, --k8ServiceAccount string custom kubernetes service account auth role to register launch plans with. -l, --outputLocationPrefix string custom output location prefix for offloaded types (files/schemas). --sourceUploadPath string Location for source code in storage. -v, --version string version of the entity to be registered with flyte. (default "v1") Options inherited from parent commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: -c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml) -d, --domain string Specifies the Flyte project's domain. -o, --output string Specifies the output type - supported formats [TABLE JSON YAML DOT DOTURL]. NOTE: dot, doturl are only supported for Workflow (default "TABLE") -p, --project string Specifies the Flyte project. SEE ALSO ~~~~~~~~ * :doc:`flytectl_register` - Registers tasks/workflows/launchplans from list of generated serialized files.