.. _flytectl_get_project: flytectl get project -------------------- Gets project resources Synopsis ~~~~~~~~ Retrieves all the projects.(project,projects can be used interchangeably in these commands) :: bin/flytectl get project Retrieves project by name :: bin/flytectl get project flytesnacks Retrieves all the projects with filters. :: bin/flytectl get project --filter.field-selector="project.name=flytesnacks" Retrieves all the projects with limit and sorting. :: bin/flytectl get project --filter.sort-by=created_at --filter.limit=1 --filter.asc Retrieves all the projects in yaml format :: bin/flytectl get project -o yaml Retrieves all the projects in json format :: bin/flytectl get project -o json Usage :: flytectl get project [flags] Options ~~~~~~~ :: --filter.asc Specifies the sorting order. By default flytectl sort result in descending order --filter.field-selector string Specifies the Field selector --filter.limit int32 Specifies the limit (default 100) --filter.sort-by string Specifies which field to sort result by -h, --help help for project Options inherited from parent commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: -c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml) -d, --domain string Specifies the Flyte project's domain. -o, --output string Specifies the output type - supported formats [TABLE JSON YAML DOT DOTURL]. NOTE: dot, doturl are only supported for Workflow (default "TABLE") -p, --project string Specifies the Flyte project. SEE ALSO ~~~~~~~~ * :doc:`flytectl_get` - Used for fetching various flyte resources including tasks/workflows/launchplans/executions/project.