.. _flytectl_get_launchplan: flytectl get launchplan ----------------------- Gets launch plan resources Synopsis ~~~~~~~~ Retrieves all the launch plans within project and domain.(launchplan,launchplans can be used interchangeably in these commands) :: flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development Retrieves launch plan by name within project and domain. :: flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development core.basic.lp.go_greet Retrieves latest version of task by name within project and domain. :: flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development core.basic.lp.go_greet --latest Retrieves particular version of launchplan by name within project and domain. :: flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development core.basic.lp.go_greet --version v2 Retrieves all the launch plans with filters. :: bin/flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development --filter.field-selector="name=core.basic.lp.go_greet" Retrieves launch plans entity search across all versions with filters. :: bin/flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development k8s_spark.dataframe_passing.my_smart_schema --filter.field-selector="version=v1" Retrieves all the launch plans with limit and sorting. :: bin/flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development --filter.sort-by=created_at --filter.limit=1 --filter.asc Retrieves all the launchplan within project and domain in yaml format. :: flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development -o yaml Retrieves all the launchplan within project and domain in json format :: flytectl get launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development -o json Retrieves a launch plans within project and domain for a version and generate the execution spec file for it to be used for launching the execution using create execution. :: flytectl get launchplan -d development -p flytectldemo core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort --execFile execution_spec.yaml The generated file would look similar to this .. code-block:: yaml iamRoleARN: "" inputs: numbers: - 0 numbers_count: 0 run_local_at_count: 10 kubeServiceAcct: "" targetDomain: "" targetProject: "" version: v3 workflow: core.advanced.run_merge_sort.merge_sort Check the create execution section on how to launch one using the generated file. Usage :: flytectl get launchplan [flags] Options ~~~~~~~ :: --execFile string execution file name to be used for generating execution spec of a single launchplan. --filter.asc Specifies the sorting order. By default flytectl sort result in descending order --filter.field-selector string Specifies the Field selector --filter.limit int32 Specifies the limit (default 100) --filter.sort-by string Specifies which field to sort result by -h, --help help for launchplan --latest flag to indicate to fetch the latest version, version flag will be ignored in this case --version string version of the launchplan to be fetched. Options inherited from parent commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: -c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml) -d, --domain string Specifies the Flyte project's domain. -o, --output string Specifies the output type - supported formats [TABLE JSON YAML DOT DOTURL]. NOTE: dot, doturl are only supported for Workflow (default "TABLE") -p, --project string Specifies the Flyte project. SEE ALSO ~~~~~~~~ * :doc:`flytectl_get` - Used for fetching various flyte resources including tasks/workflows/launchplans/executions/project.