(bigquery_agent)= # BigQuery agent ## Installation To install the BigQuery agent, run the following command: ```{eval-rst} .. prompt:: bash pip install flytekitplugins-bigquery ``` This agent is purely a spec. Since SQL is completely portable, there is no need to build a Docker container. ## Example usage For an example query, see {doc}`BigQuery agent example usage`. ## Local testing To test the BigQuery agent locally, create a class for the agent task that inherits from [AsyncAgentExecutorMixin](https://github.com/flyteorg/flytekit/blob/master/flytekit/extend/backend/base_agent.py#L262). This mixin can handle asynchronous tasks and allows flytekit to mimic FlytePropeller's behavior in calling the agent. For more information, see "[Testing agents locally](https://docs.flyte.org/en/latest/flyte_agents/testing_agents_in_a_local_python_environment.html)". ```{note} In some cases, you will need to store credentials in your local environment when testing locally. ``` ## Flyte deployment configuration ```{note} If you are using a managed deployment of Flyte, you will need to contact your deployment administrator to configure agents in your deployment. ``` To enable the BigQuery agent in your Flyte deployment, see the {ref}`BigQuery agent deployment guide`. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: -1 :hidden: bigquery_agent_example_usage ```