Understand the Lifecycle of a Flyte Workflow#

Tags: Basic, Design

Let’s understand how Flyte’s plugin machinery works and how information flows from one component to another in Flyte.

Under the hood, Flyte relies on a primitive called “Plugins”. Every task that you run on Flyte is powered by a plugin. Some of these plugins are native and guaranteed by Flyte system. These native plugins, for example, run your Flyte tasks inside a k8s pod. There are three native plugins, namely, Container, K8sPod, and Sql.

Moreover, there are plugins that are actual extensions; they create additional infrastructure and communicate with SaaS on your behalf. Examples include Spark, AWS Athena, etc.

A plugin requires code to live in multiple locations.

  1. Some parts of plugins logic resides in Flytekit’s SDK. This let users define tasks. You can find this logic in Flytekit’s Python (flyteorg/flytekit). Think of this as a client for an RPC service or a web service

  2. Another big chunk of plugins logic lives in Flyteplugins. This is a library that gets loaded into FlytePropeller. FlytePropeller (a Kubernetes operator) loads Flyteplugins upon starting. FlytePropeller is aware of the plugins and their dependency on task execution. However, FlytePropeller is unaware of how these plugins are executed.

To better Illustrate how things work, lets take for example the “Spark” plugin and understand what is the sequence of steps that take place for it to work.

The Spark plugin lets a user define a task that has access to a Spark Session. In the background Flyte will provide all the needed infrastructure such that by the time the declared task needs to run, all needed Spark infrastructure is ready and running.

  1. User codes in python a task that uses Spark (See code below)

            "spark.driver.memory": "1000M",
            "spark.executor.instances": "2",
            "spark.driver.cores": "1",
def hello_spark(i: int) -> float:

As mentioned earlier some part of plugin logic lives on the SDK. In this case think of Spark data class here as a placeholder for all the Spark settings that we need our plugin to know. We need to pass this data across multiple places. This is the config that Flyte operator (Flytepropeller) will need in order to build the needed spark cluster. Spark class also tells Flytekit’s SDK that this task will run as a PysparkFunctionTask because task_config points to a Spark object instance, this is clearly illustrated in spark plugin registration step run in the background

  1. Once the user has finished writing needed Workflows. A packaging step is needed before user can run the workflows. This packaging step transforms workflows and tasks we described in python into a Protobuf representation. This protobuf representation is used by Flyte across its multiple codebases. For further details on the protobuf representation check FlyteIdl repository . Package step is carried out by the sdk tooling you are using.

This serialization step will transform our hello_spark task into a protobuf representation. It will also transform other tasks, workflows and launch plans to a protobuf representation.

Our hello_spark protobuf representation will look as below. A Task is serialized as a TaskTemplate as defined in FlyteIDL.

Id:  Task, "example.example.hello_spark"
Type: "Spark"
        type: FLYTE_SDK
        version: 1.0.3
        flavor: python

        i :
          type : simple:Integer
          description: "i"
          type: FLOAT
          description: o0
    executorpath: "/opt/venv/bin/python3"
    mainApplicationFile: /opt/venv/bin/entrypoint.py
       spark.driver.cores: 1
       spark.executor.instances: 2
       spark.driver.memory: 1000M

    image: "hello_world:1"

This representation is generated within Flytekit. Essentially the SDK is generating the instructions that Flyte’s kubernetes operator needs to know in order to run this task at a later stage.

The Type field is really important as we will see later this will be used by Flytepropeller (Kubernetes Operator) to know “how” to execute this task.

Interface contains information about what are the inputs and outputs of our task. Flyte uses this interface to check if tasks are composable.

Custom is a collection of arbitrary Key/Values, think of it as a Json dict that any plugin can define as it wishes. In this case the Spark plugin expects all its particular settings in this field i.e: Spark workers, driver memory etc.

Container is part of Flyte’s IDL primitives. Essentially any Flyte task is ran as either three primitives a Container a K8sPod or Sql. Every task contains a Target which has to be either of these. In this particular case, our Spark cluster is a Container target. A Container specifies all the needed parameters you would in a K8s ContainerSpec i.e: What docker image to run, what is the command that will be ran, args etc.

It is important for the reader to note that Flyte expects to run in a container that has an entrypoint called pyflyte-execute. This entrypoint is provided when you pip install flytekit. This entrypoint and flytekit is what provides a lot of the plumbing logic inside Flyte. For example It is this entrypoint what automagically deserializes parquet dataframes an injects them to our task’s functions if need be.

It should be clear to the reader that a lot of parameters are surrounded by {} these are template variables that are to be rendered at execution time.

What is important from this representation is that it contains all the information that Flyte’s operator needs to know to execute this task: It is a "Spark" task, it has a function signature (inputs and outputs), it tells what docker image to run, and finally, it tells what spark settings are needed for the cluster.

For more information on why this task contains these fields check TaskTemplate in FlyteIDL repository. I strongly advise you to take a look at the data structures in this file as they provide good insight in the interfaces used all across Flyte’s codebases.

  1. Once user has packaged workflows and tasks then a registration step is needed. During registration Flyte adds these protocolbuffer files to its database, essentially making these tasks and workflows runnable for the user. Registration is done via Flytectl.

  2. At some point a Flyte user will trigger a Workflow run. The workflow run will start running the defined DAG. Eventually our Spark task will need to run. This is where the second step of a plugin kicks in. Flytepropeller (Kubernetes Operator) will realize that this is a Task of type Spark and it will handle it differently.

    • FlytePropeller knows a task is of type Spark, because our TaskTemplate defined it so Type: Spark.

    • Flyte has a PluginRegistry which has a dictionary from Task Type to Plugin Handlers.

    • At run time Flytepropeller will run our task, Flytepropeller will figure out it is a Spark task, and then call the method BuildResource in Spark’s plugin implementation. BuildResource is a method that each plugin has to implement.

    • Plugin is a Golang interface providing an important method BuildResource.

    • Spark has its own Plugin defined here in the Flyteplugins repo.

Inside Spark’s BuildResource method is where magic happens. At task runtime:

  • Flytepropeller will call BuildResource method. This method will ask for the Custom field, tasks flagged as type=Spark will have a dictionary containing all sort of Spark settings.

  • Using these settings Flytepropeller will use Spark’s K8s Operator to spawn a spark cluster on the go and run a Spark app (Our python task).

  • The spark app will run a pod with pyflyte-execute as entrypoint. All the inputs and outputs rendered to what they need to be i.e: paths to the actual data inputs instead of {{input}}

  • For more information on Spark’s K8s operator see : SparkApplicationSpec

  1. A pod with entrypoint to pyflyte-execute execute starts running (Spark App).

    • pyflyte-execute provides all the plumbing magic that is needed. In this particular case, it will create a SparkSession and injects it somewhere so that it is ready for when the user defined python’s code starts running. Be aware that this is part of the SDK code (Flytekit).

    • pyflyte-execute points to execute_task_cmd.

    This entrypoint does a lot of things:

    • Resolves the function that the user wants to run. i.e: where is the needed package where this function lives? This is what "flytekit.core.python_auto_container.default_task_resolver" does.

    • Downloads needed inputs and does a transformation if need be. i.e: is this a Dataframe? If so, we need to transform it into a Pandas DF from parquet.

    • Calls dispatch_execute. This triggers the execution of our spark task.

    • PysparkFunctionTask defines what gets run just before the user’s task code gets executed. It essentially creates a spark session and then runs the user function (The actual code we want to run!).


  • Flyte requires coordination between multiple pieces of code. In this case the SDK and FlytePropeller (K8s operator).

  • Flyte IDL (Interface Language Definition) provides some primitives for services to talk with each other. Flyte uses Procolbuffer representations of these primitives.

  • Three important primitives are : Container, K8sPod, Sql. At the end of the day all tasks boil down to one of those three.

  • github.com/flyteorg/FlytePlugins repository contains all code for plugins: Spark, AWS Athena, BigQuery, etc.

  • Flyte entrypoints are the ones carrying out the heavy lifting: making sure that inputs are downloaded and/or transformed as needed.

  • When running workflows on Flyte, if we want to use Flyte underlying plumbing then we should include Flyte entrypoints: either Jflyte or Flytekit.