Neptune plugin#

Tags: Integration, Data, Metrics, Intermediate

Neptune is an experiment tracker for large-scale model training. It allows AI researchers to monitor their model training in real time, visualize and compare experiments, and collaborate on them with a team. This plugin enables seamless use of Neptune within Flyte by configuring links between the two platforms. You can find more information about how to use Neptune in their documentation.


To install the Flyte Neptune plugin, run the following command:

pip install flytekitplugins-neptune

Example usage#

For a usage example, see the Neptune example.

Local testing#

To run Neptune example locally:

  1. Create an account on Neptune.

  2. Create a project on Neptune.

  3. In the example, set NEPTUNE_PROJECT to your project name.

  4. Add a secret using Flyte’s Secrets manager with key="neptune-api-token" and group="neptune-api-group"

  5. If you want to see the dynamic log links in the UI, then add the configuration in the next section.

Flyte deployment configuration#

To enable dynamic log links, add the plugin to Flyte’s configuration file:

      - neptune-run-id:
          displayName: Neptune
          templateUris: "{{ }}/{{ .taskConfig.project }}?query=(%60flyte%2Fexecution_id%60%3Astring%20%3D%20%22{{ .executionName }}-{{ .nodeId }}-{{ .taskRetryAttempt }}%22)&lbViewUnpacked=true"