flytectl update project#
Update the characteristics of a project
Allows you to update the characteristics of a project, including its name, labels and description. Also allows you to archive or activate (unarchive) a project.
To archive a project, specify its ID with the p flag and add the archive flag:
flytectl update project -p my-project-id --archive
To activate (unarchive) an archived project, specify its ID with the p flag and add the activate flag:
flytectl update project -p my-project-id --activate
To update the characteristics of a project using flags, specify the project ID with the p flag and the flags corresponding to the characteristics you want to update:
flytectl update project -p my-project-id --description "A wonderful project" --labels app=my-app
To update the characteristics of a project using a yaml file, define the file with the project ID desired updates:
id: "my-project-id"
name: "my-project-name"
app: my-app
description: "A wonderful project"
(Note: The name parameter must not contain whitespace)
Then, pass it in using the file flag:
flytectl update project --file project.yaml
To archive or activate (unarchive) a project using a yaml file:
Add a state field, with a value of 0 for activated (unarchived) or 1 for archived, at the top level of the the yaml file.
Add the archive flag to the command.
For example, to archive a project:
# update.yaml
id: "my-project-id"
state: 1
$ flytectl update project --file update.yaml --archive
And to activate (unarchive) the same project:
# update.yaml
id: "my-project-id"
state: 0
$ flytectl update project --file update.yaml --archive
Note that when using a yaml file, the activate flag is not used. Instead, the archive flag is used for both archiving and activating (unarchiving) with the difference being in the state field of the yaml file. Furthermore, the state field only takes effect if the archive flag is present in the command.
flytectl update project [flags]
--activate Activates the project specified as argument. Only used in update
--activateProject (Deprecated) Activates the project specified as argument. Only used in update
--archive Archives the project specified as argument. Only used in update
--archiveProject (Deprecated) Archives the project specified as argument. Only used in update
--description string description for the project specified as argument.
--dryRun execute command without making any modifications.
--file string file for the project definition.
--force Skips asking for an acknowledgement during an update operation. Only used in update
-h, --help help for project
--id string id for the project specified as argument.
--labels stringToString labels for the project specified as argument. (default [])
--name string name for the project specified as argument.
Options inherited from parent commands#
--admin.audience string Audience to use when initiating OAuth2 authorization requests.
--admin.authType string Type of OAuth2 flow used for communicating with admin.ClientSecret, Pkce, ExternalCommand are valid values (default "ClientSecret")
--admin.authorizationHeader string Custom metadata header to pass JWT
--admin.authorizationServerUrl string This is the URL to your IdP's authorization server. It'll default to Endpoint
--admin.caCertFilePath string Use specified certificate file to verify the admin server peer.
--admin.clientId string Client ID (default "flytepropeller")
--admin.clientSecretEnvVar string Environment variable containing the client secret
--admin.clientSecretLocation string File containing the client secret (default "/etc/secrets/client_secret")
--admin.command strings Command for external authentication token generation
--admin.defaultServiceConfig string
--admin.deviceFlowConfig.pollInterval string amount of time the device flow would poll the token endpoint if auth server doesn't return a polling interval. Okta and google IDP do return an interval' (default "5s")
--admin.deviceFlowConfig.refreshTime string grace period from the token expiry after which it would refresh the token. (default "5m0s")
--admin.deviceFlowConfig.timeout string amount of time the device flow should complete or else it will be cancelled. (default "10m0s")
--admin.endpoint string For admin types, specify where the uri of the service is located.
--admin.httpProxyURL string OPTIONAL: HTTP Proxy to be used for OAuth requests.
--admin.insecure Use insecure connection.
--admin.insecureSkipVerify InsecureSkipVerify controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. Caution : shouldn't be use for production usecases'
--admin.maxBackoffDelay string Max delay for grpc backoff (default "8s")
--admin.maxMessageSizeBytes int The max size in bytes for incoming gRPC messages
--admin.maxRetries int Max number of gRPC retries (default 4)
--admin.perRetryTimeout string gRPC per retry timeout (default "15s")
--admin.pkceConfig.refreshTime string grace period from the token expiry after which it would refresh the token. (default "5m0s")
--admin.pkceConfig.timeout string Amount of time the browser session would be active for authentication from client app. (default "2m0s")
--admin.proxyCommand strings Command for external proxy-authorization token generation
--admin.scopes strings List of scopes to request
--admin.tokenRefreshWindow string Max duration between token refresh attempt and token expiry. (default "0s")
--admin.tokenUrl string OPTIONAL: Your IdP's token endpoint. It'll be discovered from flyte admin's OAuth Metadata endpoint if not provided.
--admin.useAudienceFromAdmin Use Audience configured from admins public endpoint config.
--admin.useAuth Deprecated: Auth will be enabled/disabled based on admin's dynamically discovered information.
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml)
--console.endpoint string Endpoint of console, if different than flyte admin
-d, --domain string Specifies the Flyte project's domain.
--files.archive Pass in archive file either an http link or local path.
--files.assumableIamRole string Custom assumable iam auth role to register launch plans with.
--files.continueOnError Continue on error when registering files.
--files.destinationDirectory string Location of source code in container.
--files.dryRun Execute command without making any modifications.
--files.enableSchedule Enable the schedule if the files contain schedulable launchplan.
--files.force Force use of version number on entities registered with flyte.
--files.k8ServiceAccount string Deprecated. Please use --K8sServiceAccount
--files.k8sServiceAccount string Custom kubernetes service account auth role to register launch plans with.
--files.outputLocationPrefix string Custom output location prefix for offloaded types (files/schemas).
--files.sourceUploadPath string Deprecated: Update flyte admin to avoid having to configure storage access from flytectl.
--files.version string Version of the entity to be registered with flyte which are un-versioned after serialization.
-i, --interactive Set this flag to use an interactive CLI
--logger.formatter.type string Sets logging format type. (default "json")
--logger.level int Sets the minimum logging level. (default 3)
--logger.mute Mutes all logs regardless of severity. Intended for benchmarks/tests only. Includes source code location in logs.
--otel.file.filename string Filename to store exported telemetry traces (default "/tmp/trace.txt")
--otel.jaeger.endpoint string Endpoint for the jaeger telemetry trace ingestor (default "http://localhost:14268/api/traces")
--otel.otlpgrpc.endpoint string Endpoint for the OTLP telemetry trace collector (default "http://localhost:4317")
--otel.otlphttp.endpoint string Endpoint for the OTLP telemetry trace collector (default "http://localhost:4318/v1/traces")
--otel.sampler.parentSampler string Sets the parent sampler to use for the tracer (default "always")
--otel.type string Sets the type of exporter to configure [noop/file/jaeger/otlpgrpc/otlphttp]. (default "noop")
-o, --output string Specifies the output type - supported formats [TABLE JSON YAML DOT DOTURL]. NOTE: dot, doturl are only supported for Workflow (default "TABLE")
-p, --project string Specifies the Flyte project.
--storage.cache.max_size_mbs int Maximum size of the cache where the Blob store data is cached in-memory. If not specified or set to 0, cache is not used
--storage.cache.target_gc_percent int Sets the garbage collection target percentage.
--storage.connection.access-key string Access key to use. Only required when authtype is set to accesskey.
--storage.connection.auth-type string Auth Type to use [iam, accesskey]. (default "iam")
--storage.connection.disable-ssl Disables SSL connection. Should only be used for development.
--storage.connection.endpoint string URL for storage client to connect to.
--storage.connection.region string Region to connect to. (default "us-east-1")
--storage.connection.secret-key string Secret to use when accesskey is set.
--storage.container string Initial container (in s3 a bucket) to create -if it doesn't exist-.'
--storage.defaultHttpClient.timeout string Sets time out on the http client. (default "0s")
--storage.enable-multicontainer If this is true, then the container argument is overlooked and redundant. This config will automatically open new connections to new containers/buckets as they are encountered
--storage.limits.maxDownloadMBs int Maximum allowed download size (in MBs) per call. (default 2)
--storage.stow.config stringToString Configuration for stow backend. Refer to github/flyteorg/stow (default [])
--storage.stow.kind string Kind of Stow backend to use. Refer to github/flyteorg/stow
--storage.type string Sets the type of storage to configure [s3/minio/local/mem/stow]. (default "s3")
flytectl update - Update Flyte resources e.g., project.