flytectl update launchplan#

Updates launch plan status


Activates a launch plan which activates the scheduled job associated with it:

flytectl update launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development core.control_flow.merge_sort.merge_sort --version v1 --activate

Deactivates a launch plan which deschedules any scheduled job associated with it:

flytectl update launchplan -p flytesnacks -d development core.control_flow.merge_sort.merge_sort --version v1 --deactivate


flytectl update launchplan [flags]


    --activate         activate launchplan.
    --archive          (Deprecated) disable the launch plan schedule (if it has an active schedule associated with it).
    --deactivate       disable the launch plan schedule (if it has an active schedule associated with it).
    --dryRun           execute command without making any modifications.
    --force            do not ask for an acknowledgement during updates.
-h, --help             help for launchplan
    --version string   version of the launchplan to be fetched.

Options inherited from parent commands#

    --admin.audience string                        Audience to use when initiating OAuth2 authorization requests.
    --admin.authType string                        Type of OAuth2 flow used for communicating with admin.ClientSecret, Pkce, ExternalCommand are valid values (default "ClientSecret")
    --admin.authorizationHeader string             Custom metadata header to pass JWT
    --admin.authorizationServerUrl string          This is the URL to your IdP's authorization server. It'll default to Endpoint
    --admin.caCertFilePath string                  Use specified certificate file to verify the admin server peer.
    --admin.clientId string                        Client ID (default "flytepropeller")
    --admin.clientSecretEnvVar string              Environment variable containing the client secret
    --admin.clientSecretLocation string            File containing the client secret (default "/etc/secrets/client_secret")
    --admin.command strings                        Command for external authentication token generation
    --admin.defaultServiceConfig string
    --admin.deviceFlowConfig.pollInterval string   amount of time the device flow would poll the token endpoint if auth server doesn't return a polling interval. Okta and google IDP do return an interval' (default "5s")
    --admin.deviceFlowConfig.refreshTime string    grace period from the token expiry after which it would refresh the token. (default "5m0s")
    --admin.deviceFlowConfig.timeout string        amount of time the device flow should complete or else it will be cancelled. (default "10m0s")
    --admin.endpoint string                        For admin types,  specify where the uri of the service is located.
    --admin.httpProxyURL string                    OPTIONAL: HTTP Proxy to be used for OAuth requests.
    --admin.insecure                               Use insecure connection.
    --admin.insecureSkipVerify                     InsecureSkipVerify controls whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. Caution : shouldn't be use for production usecases'
    --admin.maxBackoffDelay string                 Max delay for grpc backoff (default "8s")
    --admin.maxMessageSizeBytes int                The max size in bytes for incoming gRPC messages
    --admin.maxRetries int                         Max number of gRPC retries (default 4)
    --admin.perRetryTimeout string                 gRPC per retry timeout (default "15s")
    --admin.pkceConfig.refreshTime string          grace period from the token expiry after which it would refresh the token. (default "5m0s")
    --admin.pkceConfig.timeout string              Amount of time the browser session would be active for authentication from client app. (default "2m0s")
    --admin.proxyCommand strings                   Command for external proxy-authorization token generation
    --admin.scopes strings                         List of scopes to request
    --admin.tokenRefreshWindow string              Max duration between token refresh attempt and token expiry. (default "0s")
    --admin.tokenUrl string                        OPTIONAL: Your IdP's token endpoint. It'll be discovered from flyte admin's OAuth Metadata endpoint if not provided.
    --admin.useAudienceFromAdmin                   Use Audience configured from admins public endpoint config.
    --admin.useAuth                                Deprecated: Auth will be enabled/disabled based on admin's dynamically discovered information.
-c, --config string                                config file (default is $HOME/.flyte/config.yaml)
    --console.endpoint string                      Endpoint of console,  if different than flyte admin
-d, --domain string                                Specifies the Flyte project's domain.
    --files.archive                                Pass in archive file either an http link or local path.
    --files.assumableIamRole string                Custom assumable iam auth role to register launch plans with.
    --files.continueOnError                        Continue on error when registering files.
    --files.destinationDirectory string            Location of source code in container.
    --files.dryRun                                 Execute command without making any modifications.
    --files.enableSchedule                         Enable the schedule if the files contain schedulable launchplan.
    --files.force                                  Force use of version number on entities registered with flyte.
    --files.k8ServiceAccount string                Deprecated. Please use --K8sServiceAccount
    --files.k8sServiceAccount string               Custom kubernetes service account auth role to register launch plans with.
    --files.outputLocationPrefix string            Custom output location prefix for offloaded types (files/schemas).
    --files.sourceUploadPath string                Deprecated: Update flyte admin to avoid having to configure storage access from flytectl.
    --files.version string                         Version of the entity to be registered with flyte which are un-versioned after serialization.
-i, --interactive                                  Set this flag to use an interactive CLI
    --logger.formatter.type string                 Sets logging format type. (default "json")
    --logger.level int                             Sets the minimum logging level. (default 3)
    --logger.mute                                  Mutes all logs regardless of severity. Intended for benchmarks/tests only.                           Includes source code location in logs.
    --otel.file.filename string                    Filename to store exported telemetry traces (default "/tmp/trace.txt")
    --otel.jaeger.endpoint string                  Endpoint for the jaeger telemetry trace ingestor (default "http://localhost:14268/api/traces")
    --otel.otlpgrpc.endpoint string                Endpoint for the OTLP telemetry trace collector (default "http://localhost:4317")
    --otel.otlphttp.endpoint string                Endpoint for the OTLP telemetry trace collector (default "http://localhost:4318/v1/traces")
    --otel.sampler.parentSampler string            Sets the parent sampler to use for the tracer (default "always")
    --otel.type string                             Sets the type of exporter to configure [noop/file/jaeger/otlpgrpc/otlphttp]. (default "noop")
-o, --output string                                Specifies the output type - supported formats [TABLE JSON YAML DOT DOTURL]. NOTE: dot, doturl are only supported for Workflow (default "TABLE")
-p, --project string                               Specifies the Flyte project.
    --storage.cache.max_size_mbs int               Maximum size of the cache where the Blob store data is cached in-memory. If not specified or set to 0,  cache is not used
    --storage.cache.target_gc_percent int          Sets the garbage collection target percentage.
    --storage.connection.access-key string         Access key to use. Only required when authtype is set to accesskey.
    --storage.connection.auth-type string          Auth Type to use [iam, accesskey]. (default "iam")
    --storage.connection.disable-ssl               Disables SSL connection. Should only be used for development.
    --storage.connection.endpoint string           URL for storage client to connect to.
    --storage.connection.region string             Region to connect to. (default "us-east-1")
    --storage.connection.secret-key string         Secret to use when accesskey is set.
    --storage.container string                     Initial container (in s3 a bucket) to create -if it doesn't exist-.'
    --storage.defaultHttpClient.timeout string     Sets time out on the http client. (default "0s")
    --storage.enable-multicontainer                If this is true,  then the container argument is overlooked and redundant. This config will automatically open new connections to new containers/buckets as they are encountered
    --storage.limits.maxDownloadMBs int            Maximum allowed download size (in MBs) per call. (default 2)
    --storage.stow.config stringToString           Configuration for stow backend. Refer to github/flyteorg/stow (default [])
    --storage.stow.kind string                     Kind of Stow backend to use. Refer to github/flyteorg/stow
    --storage.type string                          Sets the type of storage to configure [s3/minio/local/mem/stow]. (default "s3")